Attorney Paul Winfield's victory in the Democratic primary placed him in a one-on-one matchup in the race for mayor against incumbent Mayor Laurence Leyens. The general election is slated for June 2.
Why anyone would want to go back to the days of Vicksburg before Leyens? Decaying downtown and crumbling ratty buildings. Look at us now.
Winfield wants to get rid of Moffett, that is a big mistake too. The last thing we need is for the VPD to turn back into that corrupt ineffective mess it was before Moffett.
You haven't been looking. Moffett is seen when there is a problem or complaint. He lets his officers get their names and faces put on every capture or positive bit of news. He puts himself out front when there is a problem. Not smart politically, and probably why a lot of people don't like him. It is a great leadership trait.
Look at todays paper, there he is knee deep in the muck at the VHA. That is Tommy Moffett, doing what is right despite the political damage, despite public perception. Can you say Leadership?
It's a shame there is such a large uniformed and easily swayed part of Vicksburg that aligns with those who want to return to the 'good ole boys' way of doing things. The VPD is finally cleaned up, polished and professional. Why in the hell would any reasonable honest person want to go back to that corrupt, politically led piece of junk we had before?
We all know why dishonest/corrupt people would want to go back to the 'good ole boys' way of doing things. Honestly Vicksburg, we have finally cleaned the VPD up, why undo that?
Once that massive corruption at the VHA gets straightened out we might actually come together as a community.
When I clicked the link to Paul's website I noticed Mr. Stirgus was listed there as an endorser of Paul's. Doesn't the Hatch Act prevent Mr. Stirgus (as Executive Director of the Vicksburg Housing Authority, a Federally regulated body) from having a public view of political issues?
Not that I am surprised to see Mr. Stirgus there, he and Paul have been in bed together a long time. Travis Vance is also a big supporter of Paul's as is that guy who keeps passing bad checks and is married to a local Judge.
Yes I read the crime section. How exactly would you propose this Chief or any other prevent the petty thefts and bad checks they report every day?
If you really want to address crime start by reporting drug activity in your area. That is the real issue isn't it? I heard Martin Pace say on the radio that 90% or more of all crimes he deals with are drug related.
By the way, you want to get rid of Martin too? Per capita crime is higher in the county than in the city.
Interesting. I read the comments on this blog and I am about to defend the Chief and VPD, then I look out my office window and the first sight is of a VPD squad car driving past. What more can be said? They are there. Ready. Available. Willing. Doing. Serving. Protecting. Proactive. Reactive. Professional. Well Trained. Looking past all the negative comments and doing what's best for Vicksburg. Be thankful.
We can not go back to the good old boy days. I think if Winfield was elected we would regress 20 years or more. I am home grown and I remember what Vicksburg use to look like and how bad the crime was in my area. Worse than it is now that is certain. patrol has certianly be up in my area in the troubled spots so I know the police are aware and on it.. Leyens has done so much for Vicksburg and even if some people do not like him. you can not dispute the fact he has achieved a great deal in 8 years. Why would we want a change, that would probably be for the worst. Voting for Leyens I do not even have to give that much thought.. To me there is something shady abaout Winfield. just my opinion...
GY, your comment reflects your intellect. You must be from the "Delta." You were taught that the "white" man's ice was colder than the "black's" ice and both came from the same ice house. You are so in the past. This is an election, and you should be trying to weigh both candidates, not like them. Are you saying that you like one fish fry better than the other?
Mr. home grown, it is obvious that you are sitting on one of those city jobs. You do not know Vicksburg. Vicksburgers have always lived harmoniously together. They have been law abiding citizens. What are you talking about? Don't let people tell you to write non-sense. Get out of the mayor's pocket.
The only "clean up" VPD did was to move local hard working Black cops out. Surely with their little influence they can not be the 'good ole boys' that are being referenced.
What we have in Vicksburg is dictatorship. Vicksburg has never being the 'ole south'town. Vicksburg is a college town. We should be ashame.
Where else in Mississippi will the mayor feel so relaxed that he can stand on live TV and talk down to an outstanding black young lady and the black brothers do not take issue. We need a gentlemen in this position.
I wish my Chief would spend time tracking down the unsolved crimes instead of being invasive and combating at the VHA meetings
Why isn't anyone talking about the "Boy's & Girl's Club"? Who was last over it? Who is over it now? What is happening with it? Where is the money? What is happening with the money? Was there really $600K raised? If so, where is it? Why isn't it being used? Was it used? If so, for what? Does anyone know details?
how many times has leyens and his black supporter malcom carson been in drug rehab? and how many murders have occured at leyens' friend "fast jimmy's" gas stations?
the only place you see a leyens sign or poster is at a property owned by leyens, malcom carson or fast jimmy....or in front of the residence of a republican...don't be fooled vicksburg..leyens is a republican running as independant because this is a democrat town..the blacks who support him are uncle toms...leyens is from vicksburg yet he is an outsider only concerned with the wills and wishes of the upper class...make a vote with your conscience and common sense..we don't need rehab we need reform..WINFIELD FOR MAYOR!!!
Though Leyen's is an ass, he has been an effective ass - for himself as well as the city. When push comes to shove, Leyens will probably be better for the city's future than Winfield.
Let me see if I understand the last 7 comments in this thread. If I am black and think Leyens has done a good job then I'm an Uncle Tom. If I'm white and think Leyens has done a good job then I'm a racist.
This is strong evidence of how the Winfield/corrupt Vicksburg thinks. Don't be intimidated by the Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton mentality the reverse racist are trying to use. Shame on you Paul, shame on the Left side of the aisle for playing the race card before the hand is even dealt.
I see that Mr. Stirgus' title has been changed on the Winfield website.
Mr. Winfield's comments in the paper yesterday have turned me off to him. Rather than saying it was wrong to have Mr. Stirgus and his title on the website he said it was political and typical Leyens. Goodness Mr. Winfield, is this what we can expect from you as Mayor? You'll do something wrong and blame others for pointing it out? Grow up, take responsibility.
Jackson/Sharpton mentality does not spell racism, it is equality. The words "race card" is used when you can not deal with reasonable issues. Africans and Jews can not afford to be racists, get your history straight. It is not about race, it is about what is best for Vicksburg. It is not Lyens.
Vicksburg debate the issues, you are diverting attention from the fact that Leyens has failed as mayor. The Honorable Mayor Walker should have left him where he was.
The only thing the mayor has done was to win Tom Rawlings on his side by placing him on a board. Rawling traded his cap for a decent shirt.
When did Jews become a race? Check your facts. Good start since so many facts in this blog are bogus anyway. The killings at the convenience store is not one owned by 'fast Jimmy.' If Mr Carson and/or Mayor Leyens were repeadedly in rehab, where is the proof? This too is bogus.
I am not familiar with 'fast Jimmy' how does he play in this American equation? What does he stand to gain? Why are you still repeating the same rehab info. As far as 'racist' goes, evidently you skipped out on history class..jews and african americans have fought the struggle for equality together...if you had some book sense you'd know that a true die hard racist will not vote for leyens anyway...and you must not live in vicksburg, read the paper or watch the the last 8 years there have been numerous murders at both the 'smoke break' on the corner of clay and cherry street (which jimmy will only allow leyens signs to stand)and at the gas station on clay and mission...
if 'fast jimmy' was not in bed with leyens then he would have been shut down a long time ago...mighty funny that our mayor has imposed a curfew on beer sales yet jimmy's stores do not abide by them...these are facts not politics....anyone who wants a beer after 12am on sundays just go by one of fast jimmy's gas stations...he has the mayor's approval..they share lines together
walter cole...a long standing public servant for both vicksburg police department and a county deputy..his case is still unsolved...and leyens would not even allow for his funeral to take place at the auditorium...shame on you leyens....our chief should be worried about solving murder cases and unsolved bank robberies instead of arguing at a housing meeting...moffet's job is safe as long as he keeps crime off of drummond street and downtown, while the rest of vicksburg is 'vice city'
Who are the majority of the customers at these locations? As far as 'lines' were you there as a witness? As far as 'in bed' Jimmy has a beautiful wife and children as does the mayor. I can't imagine they would be in bed together. Is this Robert Ware making these accusations?
the majority of the customers are black people...of whom jimmy has gotten rich off of for too long...and who is robert ware? must be someone else that leyens has pissed off with his napoleon syndrome
are leyens' staff members on the clock writing all of this? i dont like the idea of paying taxes for his campaign because i cant see anyone outside of leyens' camp supporting him...
leyens had no problems with stirgus when he supported his last two know leyens reminds me of the little rich kid who could not get picked to play in the basketball game so he goes home with the ball
Come clean mayor, why is Jimmy above the law. The killings were three doors from the jail. At one time you were in hot pursuit of Jimmy, what happen? Foreign money????
NAACP founded by some good meaning Jews and others to fight for equal rights for "people of color" now you and your co-horts are trying to take it away. Shame, Shame, Shame. Play fair.
Leyens Results for Vicksburg women: -Insulting the librarians -Insulting Ms Morrow on Channel 23 -Insulting and laughing at Ms Doss as she pleads to save her property (Gertrude laughing with him caused her re-election. -Letting the police department sit on the rapes of old ladies around Water Ways-(now 'cold cases')
-Standing up for two sorry officers who ongoingly raped a high school girl,who they were paid to protect. -His police/judge set bond at 450,000 for the basketball player, where would she run to? Warren Central ran her down and different educate her, ACT makes you go to Jr. Colleges. -Closing Ms Cash little business
One test of the economy of a city is the education level. Our schools' enrollment are declining because of crime. Where there is crime there is a need for a good education system. Vicksburg has the largest Alternative School in the state of Mississippi. What this is saying is Vicksburg is warehousing students, not educating them. These same students are victims of a failed school system. They are on street during the day and night dealing with depression issues. The mayor should be more in touch with his school system and know that there is a need for leadership. When was the last time you attended School Board Meeting?
We had a better town when the students were kept in school and educated, not kicked out. No one wants to bring businesses to a town when they can see all the boys standing on each corner.
But,hanging out with nothing on their minds, bring big business for 'fast jimmy' that is how he fits in the picture.
Now,how can Carson with a sixth grade education own so many big buildings? Everything is put in place to benefit someone's pocket.
Open your eyes Vicksburg and reclaim this city now.
I am new to this site and frankly appalled that we have a public business in our city whose main customers are "black" and the owner refuses to permit a black candidate's sign to be placed on the property and yet allows the "white" candidate's sign to be there. Something should be done about this. I am "white" and really thought Vicksburg was better than this...I also thought our present mayor was better than this...
It is time to stand up and see just how fast 'fast jimmy' can run. This is America, boycott his businesses. We have enough of our own bad elements, we don't need bad foreign element laundering money an corrupting our youth.
The same one hanging at his businesses will crawl through our windows at night to get more money to buy what 'fast jimmy' is selling. He is hurting our youths, and if you and your supporters can not see this, we need you gone,too. Tell the police to put a sting on his businesses. Also, he carrys young girls to the back of his businesses, I don't think it is to help them with their homework.
Deal with the under age girls going in the back of his businesses. These throw-away kids are our tomorrow.
Realo's Clubs were ran out of business because of killings, why not 'fast jimmy'?
Being Black and growing up in Vicksburg in integrated neighborhoods around town, we lived together. note: Before the mayor took most of the property and eraded the houses, black/whites houses were behind, beside, and in front of each other.
Now, the foreigner and his two buddies are trying to polarize a city that has always maintained racial harmony.
I don't think so. Let stand for justice for all. Let's rid Vicksburg of the crimes right at the jails doors.
I do not know "fast Jimmy" but if all this is true about he and the mayor, this is above being corrupt. If chief moffett is aware and not doing anything about it, then, he must be a part of it too.
A vote for Winfield is the way to go. Leyens has too much baggage. Yes, he has landscaped the parts of the city he wants visitors to see and I admit it does look nice, except for the trees in the street(south Washington). It took eight years to landscape? Oh yeah! he did buy, fix up, and sell properties for his own profit. And, he did let his friends know of the good deals so they could line their pockets too. Earlier, I read where someone stated he should be allowed to finish what he has started. If anything is in the making for the good of the city, Winfield can finish it. I was always taught that "if there is smoke, there was fire before" so if there is a lot of talk about drugs, rehab, and having to put a towel over his (mayor) face to keep from being recognized...something is wrong..may not all be true, but there is some truth somewhere in the stories. Personally, I do not want a mayor with a drug problem.
So, the majority of the citizens of Vicksburg are not pleased with "Moffett." Well, he has not solved the numerous murders, he has not caught the bank robbers, but he did catch the kids who were robbing people on the street. Hey that is commendable and hats off to the officers who did so. How does he fit in with the VHA? is he on the board? or is he there to continue feud with Stirgus? Now, the mayor has joined in this feud too... who did you say is in bed with whom? Someone please tell me who is "Carson.?" By the way, if all the talk about "fast Jimmie" is true, why is he still in business? why can he sell beer after hours and no one else can? Why Mr. Leyens? Why? If you are so "not racist" then why would you want to have your signs in a public place and not want the other "black" candidate's sign there too. Why? Why are your signs on city property...where we all pay taxes,including Mr. Winfield and you have a problem with his signs being there too. Why Mr. Leyens? Why? I voted for Gertrude in the Primary but now my family, friends and I will definitely campaign for and vote for Winfield.
Downtown Vicksburg is artistically beautiful,but Vicksburg has always been an attractive town. Try going down one street or up one block and you will be in for a big surprise.
It is difficult to appreciate the landscape when you are unemployed. Plus, destroying your tires on those flower beds.
We are dressing up for tourism. But, the tourist have to go through 'blight' areas to get to the tour sites.
Yes, Vicksburg we can do better than what Leyens and "the boys" are doing. He is too busy counting his money. He does not have time to see that his constituents are hurting.
To the new "blogger" who is appalled at the racist attitudes in the city, where have you been on another planet? maybe you did not attend the meetings or know about the way things are around here, there is a in their faces, take their money, and treat them like dirt. That is why I shop in Jackson & Monroe.
All of the "whites" in the city are not racist..give credit where it is due. This mayor has contributed tremendously to the racist attitudes in the city. Give notice to the neighborhoods where he has made improvements and to the ones he has not. Who has been left out? OK..the Oak Street Project..where you know who is trying to buy lots of property for resale..because of the view of the river..increases property value so who stands to gain the most. The poor people in the area cannot afford the necessary repairs to bring the property values up..who takes advantage of them? You do the Math!
Mr. Winfield I am voting for you because you are the better candidate. Or should I say the best, because you are running against three candidates: Mr. Leyens, Mr. Carson, and Mr. Jimmy. However, you prevailed over the last three and you will with these three,too.
Some of you are desparately grasping at straws!! Leyens is a business man, he has the right to buy property anywhere he so chooses to do so. He was not elected to be a friend but to run this city and he has done a good job. His personality is what it is, everyone knows it and I seriously doubt that he had to be in bed with anyone to advance his future goals. Most of the crime is black on black and this is not a racist statement but fact.I do not think any police chief can stop crime from happening,if people want to commit a crime they are going do it. Vicksburgers some of you are a huge dissappointment.. Very hateful and racist. Shame on you..
Mis-education, under education, and un-employment are all the work of a racist society. The cast system is strongly in place. It is easier to victimize the people close to you, especially when you are boxed in a project/slum. Case-in-point, you would be a disappointment, too; if faith had dropped you for a minute in that cesspool on Klein and Speed. By the way the city left these people in that apartment/old school (septic tank) for years, while the absentee landlord in Jackson collected from the government. The children could only look their broken windows at the mansion across the street and dream.
Meanwhile, the mayor made the poor people in the areas where he wanted the land to tear down their dwellings. Sure, you would be mad. Are you in the mayor's pocket, too? Your put down answer is a copout. The people in power can control the quote, 'Black on Black' crimes. One more point, these crimes are always reported and prosecuted. Racist views are rooted in ignorance. Vicksburg is not an ignorant town. Are you from here?
Vicksburgers need to bring their religion outside the churches.
Nobody is asking the chief to stop crimes from happening, we are asking that he SOLVE the crimes that have already happened. Maybe if we get a mayor who will provide recreational facilities for our "black youth" some of the crimes will be prevented. The facility on Walnut Street is not open to anyone under 18 after 6 p.m. this is what I was told in January.
Sounds to me from reading this writing that the African Americans believe the majority of the problems of crime and such is from their kids. Have they met to discuss it and what are they doing about it? Nomatter who the mayor is you can't blame the position. You all know that.
only an ignorant person would blame the chief and/or mayor for anyone committing crimes. The fact is "The chief is not SOLVING the crimes." Teens of all colors, red, yellow, white & black would commit less crime if they had someplace to socialize especially on weekends. They are no longer permitted in the mall and they cannot gather on parking lots.
Apparently for the two terms Leyens has served, the Hatch Act was not in effect because according to the Vicksburg Post, Stirgus supported & campaigned for Leyens. Now that he is not supporting him, Leyens has filed a complaint stating that Stirgus has violated the Hatch Act of 1939. Leyens is as short on memory as he is in height. SHAME! Shame on you MAYOR.
Do I understand that parents want their kids to congregate in parking lots and in the mall? Why not just leave them at a 24 hour day car facility if you need a place to dump them. What are they going to learn gathered at a mall or a parking lot? If you are looking for a place to dump them off, dump them off at the library.
As of a few weeks CBL Associates has layed the rules down on teenagers at the old mall. From what I read in Saturday's article the new rules of teen having a parent with them will be enforced in a few weeks.
I am dumbfounded after reading the blatantly racist posts in this blog. Anyone who was here during the Walker administration will remember how bad the police department was. Not only did crimes go unsolved but the police department was bloated, top heavy and ineffective - not to mention corrupt. Now we have a polished and professional police department. The only reason anyone would want to replace Moffett is so the corrupt minded ones can once again take over the streets along with the Mayors office. . Look at those who want to replace Moffett and ask yourself: . 1.) How will they personally benefit? 2.) How will the citizens benefit? 3.) Who will replace Moffett? . One has to look no further than Winfields financial supporters to see why Winfield wants to replace Moffett. Winfield has the lawyer that used to represent the corrupt police force for free (he didn’t charge the officers anything but we paid for it with a corrupt police force). Mr. Stirgus is supporting someone caught red handed by the MNB (Mississippi Narcotic Bureau) with 2.2 pounds of cocaine, the same individual who had thousands of dollars of VHA property at one of his homes (5 homes, 6 luxury vehicles on a $45,000 salary). Mr. Stirgus also supports Mr. Winfield because Winfield will get rid of Moffett. . Please tell me Vicksburg isn't stupid enough to align with people who want to go back to a corrupt and easily manipulated police chief. The reason Stirgus, Winfield and that lawyer want to get rid of Moffett is because Moffett is honest and getting in the way of their ability to make money off of a corrupt chief. . How much more clear could it be Vicksburg? A vote for Winfield is a vote for returning our city to corruption.
All these comments about 'fast jimmy' are just sad. The man worked himself up from abject poverty to become a business success. He took on locations in tough areas and found a way to make them successful. Is it his success that is making everyone uncomfortable? All the allegations of drug use, violating little girls and such are just horrible if true. If you have evidence those things have happened you should report them to Moffett or Pace or Hood or the FBI or whomever you trust to do something. If you don't have evidence you are spreading hateful, hurtful gossip for a political gain.
Shame on you if that is the case. Shame on you if you have evidence and you haven't reported it. Either way the greater problem now is you.
Obviously the Winfield union workers from the coast have found this site and flooded it with the Winfield misinformation. Paul, come clean on why those union workers from the coast are all over town doing your dirty work.
Paul Winfield is going to sell our city to the unions, the dirty lawyers and the corruption of days gone by. Paul, why is most of your financial support coming from trial lawyers? Setting your gang up for a huge payday at taxpayer expense Paul?
I remember Vicksburg before Mayor Leyens. Corruption on the Police Force, crumbling infrastructure and the city was dying. Now we have an effective police force. Our infrastructure has been modernized and if maintained will last through our childrens life. The city is vibrant once again and it has been beautified. He cleaned up Marcus Bottom, he brought us NRoute and has made every city department efficient and accountable.
On these points alone he is worthy of my vote. I do not know a lot about Mr. Winfield but it doesn't matter. Whomever was running against Leyens would not get my vote. I will vote for Leyens because of his ability to get things done. Finally Vicksburg has a Mayor who isn't afraid to fix the long standing problems.
We have statewide recognition and prominence once again. The majority opinion is that Leyens is the best Mayor in Mississippi. What that really means is businesses will come here and our community will continue to thrive.
U agree with the last 4 comments. We can not look back or go back to the way it used to be. I am voting for Leyens, he is the best man and you are albsolutely right about he corruption and the reasons for getting rid of Moffett. We can not let this happen. If leyens loses Moffett is gone. Then what. I live in a crime area and I am not moving. I can tell you it use to look like a war zone down here, I do not want that again. People need to wake up and look at Leyens record and results. he is goal oriented and gets results. 4 more years...!!!!
I see a couple of comments about Moffett being at the VHA meetings. He is there because Mr. Stirgus is not cooperating with law enforcement. Moffett did the same thing with the old DA prior to him being voted out of office. Now that the DA's office is putting people behind bars Moffett can move on to cleaning up the VHA.
Mr. Stirgus is siding with caught red handed criminals over law enforcement. If I were Winfield I would pull Stirgus off my website and tell him to keep a low profile.
On the other hand having Stirgus so openly supporting Winfield is a great boost for Leyens campaign. Hopefully that new guy on the board at VHA will finally get the VHA cleaned up.
Those comments about Malcolm, Fast Jimmy and Leyens all being in rehab. So what. If they had a problem they did the right thing by getting cleaned up. Is this just another one of those rumors that pop up every election?
Rumors are easy to start and spread, how about we stick with what we know for sure.
What we know for sure is Vicksburg has excelled the last eight years and the police department is now efficient.
What we know for sure is the police department won't solve every crime, no police department on the planet has ever done that.
What we know for sure is that guy at the VHA was caught red handed and Jim Stirgus is protecting that guy. What we don't know for sure is why. It has to be one of two things, either Jim Stirgus has lost it or he is involved. Neither one is good.
Who is "Fast-Jimmy", and why is leyens and his coharts frequenting the local rehabilitation clinics. For the previous commenter you are right it is good that leyens, "Fast-Jimmmy"(whoever he is), and Malcom Carson have sought reform from their drug addict ways, however I would prefer my city be ran by someone who's judgement is not being influenced by mind altering drugs.
My understanding is Malcolm Carson is a city employee,he is not running for office. Rumors are what they are. rumors. Leyens is the man. Look at his record..
Yes it is!!. Proven. Why on earth would anyone in the city want the unknown. Exactly what does Winfield slogan mean. Vicksburg is not for Sale?? can some one explain ??
A) Malcolm is an employee on our payroll and he is trying to reform himself, he has not shot up a trailer houses, lately; or try to fight the South Street grocer like he did on TV for the mayor. I grew up with him.
B)The big question is: Who stands to gain something if Moffett is left in place?:
-the slim, professional, corrupt, city slick traffic solving cops,
-cops dipping their hands in drugs, one is serving time in federal prison.
-all the persons who commited the 'cold cases'
-'fast jimmy' and his 'little mafia'
-the mayor with his heavy handed approach with his constituents, he acts as if he is the slave master
-the big drug dealers, who do not want competition
C) The Mayor did not see that Mrs. Cash, and all the others who tried to open and keep open businesses, they were abject poverty status people, too.
"Kudos" to the previous comment. You would have to be deaf and blind not to understand the reality of the past eight years. For a city so small, we have too many unsolved murders. The now retired officers had snitchers who would talk and the majority of crimes in this city were solved. The officers on the force now are not known by the public. I am sure they are doing the best they can; however, that is not enough. It is scary when you have a murderer or murderers in a city so small and no one talks. Strange!
i'm neither hot nor cold for either campaign...yet i am wondering why the leyens people on here find it important to defend mr. carson and this 'fast' jimmy character. it makes one wonder whether there is any truth to some of these allegations.
hey moffet caught the kids who were doing petty burglaries...lets you know if you are a teenager you better not act up in vicksburg! and why is the young highschool athlete on a $450,000 bail when the guy that killed a man in open day light two weeks ago free on bond (substantially less than her bond)is it because the guy on bond for murder will forever be a loser and the young female might have a chance to reform?
I voted for Gaming, but I had my doubts, but now I am glad that I did. Gaming and Walmart are the only jobs sustaining Vicksburg. Talk about tourism, it is the gaming that is drawing the tourist.
Speak up Vicksburg. When the economy gets better the conditions for all will be better, not just the fat rats.
Good economy will provide for better education, and recreation. Without jobs Vicksburg will just become another town like Port Gibson or Rodney.
Where are the jobs? I am not just talking about the current condition, prior to the current condition. A little town like Canton can become a boom town.
Vicksburg on the river was a moving town for years until this administration.
Vote and put Vicksburg back on track and send the fat rats running to California, Texas or Florida.
People let's be real, local government are tied together. When a person is booked, statement to the judge will indicate that the arresting officer feels the person is a risk.
We see this on TV. Better trained officers would have recommended to the judge that this misled young lady was not a flight risk. At the rate that she was playing basketball, she could not have been so involved.
When the boys on my drive knocked down all the mail boxes, the former sheriff told the parents to go and repair them, this was called pranks.
This was bad, but the basketball player and others were just doing pranks, too.
PRANKS!! Are you kidding. They robbed people. If this is your idea of a prank you're out of your mind. Next time you're walking down the street I'll come up and beat you then take your money. We'll see if you want me in jail or maybe I should just get some community service hours.
Robbery is a felony but not as serious as murder. It is obvious that the professional law enforcement we are now supposed to have did not think a murderer would be a danger to the citizens of this town and did not deem it necessary to request the judge set a higher bond. I believe the "robbers" got what they deserved and I do not undersand the mentality behind a murderer getting off with much! much !less.
Let's call it what it is, Leyens improved the downtown area and the scenic areas for tourist who come on buses, cars and the Delta Queen. That is good for the businesses in the area. What about the run down neighborhoods? We pay taxes too. We want our streets fixed and our sidewalks landscaped. He treats us like our tax dollars don't count and when asked about it, he flies all off the handle. He is paid with our tax dollars and we have a right to an answer. His napolenic attitude has got to go..we need someone who will listen to all of the taxpayers.
The A.) B.) C.) D.) comment, far above is ludicrous.
A.) Malcolm is not running for office. B.) On Moffett staying in place:
- we now have enough officers to enforce traffic laws. Click it or ticket. - the officer in Federal prison was from the old days. Moffett is the one who cleaned it up and set the trap to catch him. Give credit where it is due. - the cold cases are just that. No police force has ever solved every crime in their area, including Vicksburg in the time before Moffett. - the rumors about 'Fast Jimmy' are racist and shame on you, poster for putting them on here. It says a lot about you. - the mayor is someone who get results. He has made a lot of people angry because he enforces code and the law. He also holds his employees accountable. The slackers and corrupt people want him out of the way so they can go back to the 'good ole boy' network that has held our community back for so long. Using the term 'slave master' is another racist comment by that poster. Again, it says a lot about the poster. - the big drug dealers have been taken down one by one. The VHA is next. They have all been convicted and imprisoned because of the excellent work by Moffett and his team. If you want to go back to letting those drug dealers not only prosper but control our government then get rid of Moffett.
C.) Abject poverty can be overcome with effort. A lot of people in America were born into abject poverty and rose above it based upon taking responsibility for their lives. Your comments blaming the Mayor are just silly and again say a lot about you.
D.) Vicksburg has the best police protection it has had in my lifetime. If it's inadequate you may want to step up to the plate and do something other than try to influence negativity and keep us down.
You are one of a few who wants to keep Leyens and the chief. The majority of us wants them gone. If anybody is racist, it is fast jimmy. If he were not racist, he would have signs for both candidates on his property because re runs a public business supported mainly be "Blacks." His businesses should be boycotted because of this and if I am hearing it right, they will be in the near future. So who did you say was "racist"?
So anyone with a leyens sign in their yard is racist....that's retarded. He can support who ever he wants and not be racist. I didn't vote for obama, am I racist?
Yes. It's a public business stupid! He has businesses which he expects the public to support, last time I checked all of the citizens of this town were a part of the "public." So, if he wants support from all , he should show no bias at his place of business. Seems to me that you must be the retard since you selected dumb rather than smart.
Personally, I don't give a hoot who wins. I just want the murders solved. Moffett has had more than enough time to do so and yes, leyens is to blame because he is the one who chooses the chief. If the old force was so corrupt, why weren't there any arrests? I think Leyens chose Moffett to cover his back and moffett chose officers to cover his. There is no way all of the officers on the force was corrupt. There is only "one" remaining and you say the other 101 was corrupt. You gotta be out of your mind.
we made change at the top on a national lets get change on a local level and state level by getting rid of leyens in vicksburg...and barbour out of the capital
You know, it was carson and a policeman who took leyens to marion hill. you remember the time not so long ago when they placed a towel over his head to keep him from being recognized. You can do dirt in the dark but it will definitely come to light. I don't understand why anyone would want an addict to run this city.
To the poster who says we now have enough officers to enforce traffic laws. Is that the only thing they can do? I remember when we had 102 officers who enforced traffic laws along with other laws. We need more than click it or ticket and I believe the officers can do more if they had better leadership.
the 'business' community from which leyens claims to have support from sees no threat from allowing uneducated people of color (carson and khouri) making strides in vicksburg seeing that they can talk over their heads without consequence...but when a young black man with too many credentials pursues a career in the public arena...some people feel a threat to their way of life, and they will do everything possible to keep that from happening...
You hardly see the mayor or carson apart. What is carson's job anyway? is he the mayor's bodyguard? or flunkie? well, seems to me that he runs errands, takes the kid and picks the kid up from school (in a city owned vehicle). Our tax dollars are used for leyens personal business too you know.
so the vpd is concerned with seatbelt enforcement (thats commendable)...but let me think here...the Anderson man was murdered and there still is no suspect...john bowie was murdered and there still is no cole was murdered and still no suspect...a 91 year old lady was raped and still no suspect...there is a young man hanging by a thread of his life over in jackson at the university hospital with a gunshot wound to the head and there still is no suspect...there are 2 or 3 bank robberies that are unsolved...horizon casino was robbed of $80,000 a couple years ago and there still is no it seems that if you commit capital crimes then you are ok in vicksburg but you better not ride without a seatbelt, you better not have an expired tag or old traffic fines...i bet the city jail is full of petty crooks
I own several businesses in this city and I do not support leyens. I am a white republican who voted for McCain. Leyens strategy for this town has mainly been for anything that helps him and his so called supporters. He will stab you in the back quicker than a rattler can strike if you take a stand or disagree with him about anything. No, I have had no code problems. If you don't kiss his _______you are on his_______list.
yeah, capital crimes go unsolved because the vpd is so busy checking for seatbelts. This is the kind of thing that Leyens supporters are so proud of. I know all crimes don't get solved; however, in a town this size, we have an overwhelming number of unsolved crimes that have taken place over the past 8 years that leyens has been in office w/ moffett as chief.
Let's see, the crime rate is up in the county but down in Vicksburg. Statewide crime is up, but down in Vicksburg. The National crime rate is up, but crime is down in Vicksburg.
Corruption is gone from the VPD.
The people who are posting here about unsolved crimes are ignoring facts and obviously all working on the same agenda. As has been stated numerous times already in this thread no police department is going to solve every crime. How about you compare Vicksburgs' solved crimes rate to the State and National solved crimes rate?
How about you look at facts and not keep throwing out all this unsubstantiated gossip trying to create problems?
How about you question yourself on why you need to create drama? Is it because we have a Mayor who is actually getting things done? Is it because you can no longer buy out the police chief? Is it because you know a vote for Winfield will undue our effective and professional police force?
You want rumors, go ahead. I'll stick with the facts and make an informed vote based upon reality, not all the childish rumors coming from the Winfield camp.
LOL. It would seem the Dems know they don't have a prayer against Leyens so they have to create all these stories.
The blog owner should make a place just for the rumors.
I would love a place to post those rumors about Winfields philandering(for you liberals that means having sex with women who are not his wife), paternity suits(for you liberals that means he's the baby daddy with women who are not his wife), foreclosures on his properties (for you liberals that means he wasn't able to pay rent to the man) and all those lawsuits against his lawfirm for poor performance(for you liberals that means some people think he sucks as a lawyer). I also hear his wife's lawfirm is supporting Leyens. LOL, that should tell you all you need to know.
I guess he's running for Mayor because he needs the money and can't make it as a Lawyer. Looks more like he is going to be run out of town on a rail.
Rumors. It works on both sides of the aisle.
I have more credible rumors and could probably make some up too. So you all keep them coming, this game can be fun!
To the poster above who said they owned several businesses etc.
I too own businesses in the city. I am a white republican who voted for Obama
Leyens strategy for this town has mainly been to get Vicksburg cleaned up. That means he won't make deals with you or anyone else. What's the problem? You said you had no code problems so why are you so angry? It seems you are used to the old way of doing things where you kiss the Mayors behind and get special favors. This Mayor doesn't play that game. That game is what is keeping the county down and kept Vicksburg down for years. You finally have an honest hardworking Mayor who get results. Count your blessings pal.
You said he will stab you in the back if you disagree with him. Maybe the issue is the way you disagreed with him, or more correctly he disagreed with you? I have disagreed with him many times and my back appears fine. He is still polite to me.
His administration enforced code on me and we have had a licensing issue. I corrected my issues and got my licensing corrected because that is what you have to do now in Vicksburg. The old ways are gone, thank goodness. Now we have a level playing field for everyone. Is that what is making you mad? You no longer get special favors?
I am the republican who did not vote for obama and I will not support leyens. I am not angry, leyens has a quick temper, bad attitude and a napolenic character. I have absolutely no respect for him. There is a way to get things done without being disrespectful.
Well, if vicksburg has been cleaned up, why are we having so much crime? If the vpd is so professional, why did officers who are to serve and protect sexually molest a teenage girl? on whose watch did all this take place?
Why do you think anyone who does not support leyens, supports winfield? I do not support either and still contend that leyens is not the best man for the job. I am entitled to my opinion and will still convince people not to vote for him.
Code enforcement sent us a letter about our house telling us we needed to do a bunch of stuff to get the place to code. We weren't happy about it at first. We did what they asked us to do though. We had to ask the judge for an extension and he gladly worked with us. Our house is painted and our yard is so nice now. We decided to clean out the trash inside too since the yard and all looked so good. We are so much happier. We have even noticed our neighbors have been working around their houses to get them looking good and they said they didn't get letters they just liked what we did. My dad's even enjoying our porch again and my mom's planted a garden this year. We don't hold anything against the mayor. He's welcome at our house whenever he wants and we're voting for him again for sure.
When will the kingpin who was sponsoring Michael Tyler be captured. Surely the crime did not stop at Michael's door. Michael never had enough money to make such a "big buy"
Codes should be enforced, that is the law. I don't think anyone has ever objected to that everyone wants and likes improvements. Who's complaing about codes being enforced? and what does that have to do with the election of a mayor?
The police department was real kind to the teenage basketball player, they subpressed earlier charges while she was playing. Then, they bring her in with the last charges. This is professional policing.
To breaking news: the talk is that the drug lord/kingpin lives and owns businesses right here in the city. Why do you think Michael kept quiet about who it is? and, he ain't michael's color either.
WOW! ouch! I always wondered why he was above the law. Now, it's beginning to make sense, that's why he is so adamant about having only leyens signs on his business properties where he receives business from John Q Public. No wonder so many undesirables hang out there.
Someone should inquire because this is big news for the post. Was she, the basketball player, involved in other crimes that went unreported? The VPD is totally professional, they would dare not hide a crime. Must be malicious gossip like some of the other stuff on this blog. Whew!
People who live in VHA housing cannot afford cocaine, their housing is subsidized and they receive food cards and welfare averaging $90 per month. People, and you know who you are, there aren't many who can afford the stuff. Do the math! Don't put the cart before the horse, someone in power, (not the mayor) knows where the stuff came from and I know for a fact, it is not Stirgus.
Crime has been on the decrease in Vicksburg since Ricky Smith has been put in the DA's office. He and his team are putting away those who are the repeat offenders and responsible for 50% of the violent crimes in the city. Now that those are being put away the focus has shifted to getting the drug dealers, repeat DUI, repeat forgers and repeat small criminals put away.
The problem with crime in Vicksburg for years was the ineffective DA's office. The worst thing we could do to reduce crime is get rid of the Police Chief. Everyone talks about crime but when it comes down to solving them the real issue is people take sides on who they like - so they don't talk.
The VHA will keep the DA's office busy for a while, a lot of people are going down in that mess. A LOT of powerful people who have been taking advantage of the most vulnerable in Vicksburg for years. I hope they burn in Hell for their crimes.
Those criminals at the VHA are going down. That narcissistic egoist won't go down by himself, he will take the whole ship, including Paul Winfield. I hear the Wednesday girlfriend in Clinton is the one talking.
Does Cialis make your blood pressure go up? I know it makes you mean.
People who live in VHA that deal drugs should be moved out and prosecuted. Turns out they are being protected and moved into other VHA property instead. Why?
Charles Jones was caught red handed by the MNB with 2.2 pounds of cocaine and he is being protected. Why?
Charles Jones had thousands of dollars of VHA property in his personal possession. He is being protected by the VHA. Why?
Most of the VHA residents want the problem solved. Looks like it might actually happen now.
Thank God for Tommy Moffett. He has the guts to take on the VHA machine and solve the problem.
Getting rid of Moffett will ensure the drug problem at the VHA remains.
Why does Paul Winfield want to get rid of Moffett?
Don't want his rights, just remove him from doing business in this city, that will be good enough. By the way, when you clean up the drug problem, don't leave him out this time. Talk about clean up the city, how can you when there's a bunch of undesirables hanging out on the corner of clay and cherry at the gas station. They are not there to buy gas and that's for sure.
If you want to get rid of Jimmy buy his business and clean it up yourself. You talk as though you are the king of commerce so it should be no problem for you.
If not then, really, why are you posting? Paul pay you too?
Leyens is not going to win this one. The people will speak loud and clear and there won't be a problem trying to find a new chief. One that will be intent on solving crime in this city.
The majority of the citizens want Moffett to stay because they are not in bed with drug dealers, Travis Vance and Jim Stirgus. Winfield will lose this election on the Moffett thing alone. He really needs to rethink that one.
When he announced a couple of weeks ago he changed him mind and wanted to keep Moffett the heart of every Republican in Vicksburg stopped. They thought he had a real chance. Now that Winfield has changed his mind again and wants to get rid of Moffet there is no real concern.
It is fun to see how many imbeciles would actually want to vote for Winfield and get rid of Moffett. No wonder Selmon keeps getting reelected.
The Vicksburg Police force was a joke until Moffett came along.
Winfield is an idiot for saying he wants to get rid of him. Good point on saying if Winfield changed his mind on Moffett that he might have a chance. I remember that weekend and everyone thought Winfield had a shot. Not any more.
If Winfield is elected watch the 'For Sale' signs go up all around town.
By the way, Paul Winfield and Fast Jimmy are fast friends too. They hang out in all the bars together and pick up women together. What else do they do together?
Vote him out. First time he needed more time to put his programs in place. Now, what is the problem?
People do not sell your votes for a few dollars, fish fry or bar-b-que. The economy is too important. A vote for Leyens, are votes for Malcolm and'fast jimmy' (now that's a name, wonder who has he been running from?.
Just stop the insults and vote. Vicksburg is not new to this type of politics. The person is office knows that he is going to be scruitzed, so why is he living so crazy? When there is poor mental health, you can not rationalize. He should know to call off his dogs.
Vicksburg has made a ton of progress in the last eight years.
Remember how downtown used to look?
Remember how corrupt and ineffective the police department was?
Remember how our fire department was understaffed and the equipment didn't work half the time?
Remember how run down our neighborhoods looked?
Remember anything?
Fast Jimmy is a friend of Winfields too (see above post)so why do you keep bringing that up? Fast Jimmy is a successful business man (see above post) why wouldn't you want success near the Mayor's office?
Every human has faults, even your boy Paul. Problem is Paul can't get anything done because he spends all his time in bars womanizing. If our choice is between a womanizing drunk or a coke head I'll take the coke head. They keep real busy and tend not to pass out.
I'm glad to see light being shined on the VHA. I sure hope they get it fixed. I have to agree that getting rid of Moffet would kill any chance of cleaning up the VHA.
Someone said the people living in VHA can't afford cocaine. Yeah, right. You were joking weren't you.
you must be a coke head yourself...has mr. winfield been escorted to rehab or leyen's..i think it was leyens..and you say you want a coke head in must be that lady that stays in jackson that endorsed leyens...laurence, it must be a sad day for your campaign when you have to find someone staying in JACKSON to endorse you for the mayor here....
These rumors about the Mayor are from years ago. These days he spends his days working and his nights taking care of the kids and cleaning the house. The boy needs to send his young wife away for a couple of weeks so he can get some sleep.
You know we could help Paul with his drinking problem by electing him to office. That way he will have to go to rehab. If they can get coke there maybe they can sneak a couple of whores in there for Paul too.
everyone keeps talking about how nice downtown looks. It took eight years to plant flowers and trees and install new lanterns. Now tell me about all the other neighborhoods that leyens has improved.
When I was a child, I was taught that when salty words were used, one had a limited vocabulary.
Now, when attacks are made on a person not involved in the situation, the targeted person is ahead of the person making the attacks.
Now, why would you use the 'ole south' approach and say that Mr. Winfield wife's boss is supporting you Mr. Leyens? Is your new wife educated? Who is her boss? Oh, you could not deal with the educated first wife.
Come clean and throw in the towel. It is over.
I am voting for a better day for Vicksburg, Mr. Winfield.
You came short of saying you were going to take Mr. Winfield to the lake and let your hit man whip him. You had no business calling his wife into this. You went out of your way to solicit her boss. Didn't you, Laurence? Your are sorry, sorry, sorry.
It is a fact that the mayor has a drug problem, he goes to rehab just as often as he goes to the bathroom. You know, he OD'd a few times, and had to stay in is no secret, ask anybody. It is all of this town, jackson, greenville, monroe. Everyone knows we have a drug addict for mayor.
Downtown hasn't changed in 5 years. It only took the Mayor part of his first term to get downtown in shape.
it is more than trees and plants, it is the roads, the lighting, catfish park, city front, the murals, the valley, the warehouse, the new restaurants, the new night life, the cleaned up buildings the atmosphere but most importantly it is changed for the better
have you forgotten marcus bottom too
or nroute
or oak street
or the recreational facilities
or our improved bond rating
or the police force
or the water treatment plant
or the millions spent on gas and water lines
or city front park
or the new casinos
or the senior center
or the massive investment
or how many other things
seems like all you care about is getting us back to the days of corruption and nothing getting done
Malcolm Carson, your time riding around in the city truck under the air condition is coming to a end! Fast Jimmy, you gonna have to find another small town to boom dope out of! It's time for a change!
Folks, some of your comments no doubt have become offensive to the candidates and their associates. Please stick to the facts and avoid unfounded allegations of improprieties or insulting remarks. The site is set up so you may say what you want, but if in the future the comments aren't made in a civil manner, I will have to begin moderating them. Thanks
Thanks Mr Allred, as old people would say, they have "ran out." All I needed to know is how could the candidate make Vicksburg better? How would he bring industry to town?
If a little dump town like Canton could revitalize and become the town it is today. Why not Vicksburg? We need vision not insults.
Mayor Leyens has done more to restore Vicksburg than any other Mayor in recent history.
Leyens will get my vote based on him being able to get results.
Someone mentioned Mayor Walker. That administration was a joke, we could of had a major college settle here but he didn't want it. How idiotic it that? Under Walker we had a horrible police force that was top heavy, corrupt and ineffective. Now we have taken back the streets and have a strong and professional police force. All thanks to Mayor Leyens and Chief Moffet.
Vicksburg don't return us to the days of corruption and ineffective leadership.
Reality is Vicksburg will never thrive until we get rid of the self serving gang of three on the Board of Supervisors.
There was an attempt by a group to place a large water park here in Warren County. It would mean over 500 jobs. They also wanted to put in a 10,000 seat amphitheater with top shelf, nationally known performers on a regular basis. The county and the Port Commission said no.
With that kind of idiocy in the County and the Port Commission Vicksburg doesn't have a prayer until those (insert unpleasant adjective here) are removed.
Mr. Winfield's close association with the County Board scares me. Does he think like they do? Does he think like Mayor Walker did?
I would like to thank you too Mr. Alred. This site has become filled with hatred and inuendo's that we do not need. This election is about who is best to run this town for all of its citizens. It's time for a change to someone with dignity and character that is so meaningful to a public figure. Mr. Winfield should be our next mayor.
Yes reading about Jimmy and his Leyens signs is getting old and about the clients that frequent his establishment. now lets talk about MAC'S GAS STATION at the corner of Drummond and Belmont and the people that congregate there and that that location has a Paul Winfield sign in front of it. Makes ya wanna say humm?
Man I must have left Pauls party too early tonight. I seem to miss out wit you on getting drunk and taking turns playing on the computer. Are you still over there.
Good Sir or Madam, if you want someone with dignity and character read a book, or put Mr. Loviza back in. If you want results in the real world you will stick with Leyens.
Mr. Winfield and his real world results are less than exemplary. He carries himself well and stikes a nice pose. The results of his time at the county were numerous lawsuits over his poor legal ability and his resignation prior to being removed. The only reason the county has not told the whole story is they want to get rid of Leyens more than they want to hold Mr. Winfield accountable. Politics as usual at the county.
Shady characters frequent both locations. At least he lets both candidates put signs on his property and I have heard no negative remarks about his place. So, hmmmmm?
I know now that I am communicating with stupidy. No one in his/her right mind would vote for laurence leyens. I am taking my campaign to the people, they will decide. And no, I am not working for Paul; I don't think he even knows me. I heard him speak and I believe what he he has my vote and everyone I know and don't really know too. Mr. leyens has never asked for my vote or visited my neighborhood or church. Mr. Winfield shook my hand and asked for my vote and he can have it.
How about the issue of the police force and crime? On that issue Vicksburg is performing well above the curve.
How about the issue of financial responsibility and job performance? Vicksburg hasn't raised taxes in 15? 17 years? The county, which Paul advised, just raised their taxes.
How about the issue of personal responsibility? Mr. Winfield is lacking by a long mark in that category.
How about job performance? You don't even want to think about comparing the soaring success of Vicksburg the past eight year to Mr. Winfield's professional failures and personal financial failures.
If you're informed on the issues you may want to check if you are looking at Vicksburg, you can't call the last eight years anything but a success story for Vicksburg.
If you're serious about voting for Winfield you may want really look at the issues in the county, his personal life and his professional life. He has failed in all three areas so far, why give him our tax dollars so he can fail with them too.
i would not call being a county judge...partner in the longest standing black operated law office...married to a sucessful personality...presidential delegate, and secretary of the mississippi democratic party a person who is a failure...what does winfield have to do for you people? walk on water and heal the blind? i'd say winfield has far better credentials now than leyens had when he all of a sudden moved back to town simply to run for mayor...paul delved off into the private sector and invested in business to help flourish vicksburg and not simply fatten his pockets....winfield is the only choice here
Thanks to the poster who reminded us of Mr. Winfield's qualifications. I am so proud of him and his accomplishments. We have a very large family who all live in the city limits and our votes will be for Mr. Winfield. He will be the next mayor of this city. My entire family will be taking neighbors, church members and friends to the polls. We are in the process of organizing and making a list for pick-up now. Thanks again Poster.
Leyens does not stand a chance this time. You do know he is using scare tactics to keep people from going to the polls. "No one is afraid of you" majority of the people in this town want you "OUT"
is leyens afraid of losing this time around? I don't remember him campaigning so hard before, he was in my neighborhood a few days ago. Maybe the competition is too tight and makes him uncomfortable. Keep up the good work Mr. Winfield.
the rule of political science states that when there is a unpopular incumbent who's been there for 2 terms..then the challenger will win..(look what happened nationally)'ve had your run mr. leyens, this is a democracy not the kingdom of france and you are not napolean
to the guy that says 'remember this post' where will leyens get 60% from? vicksburg is not majority upper class (and all of them do not support leyens) how can he pull 60 in a democratic town against a strong know little about political science evidently...or maybe you are a palm reader or fortune teller...dont tell me leyens has resorted to sooth sayers and mediums for support and advice...."remember this post" lol get out of here..maybe we ship you out on the same stagecoach with leyens
What have you done laterly for the blight community? Do they count?
I am a senior citizen and I stopped at the Clay/Cherry Shell for gas, not knowing about the notoriety. I put $25 on my card and the ticket that came out was $58, I went inside and the little man was somewhat miffed with me and told me that was the person before me. He made a ticket inside. At the time I thought it was strange, now I know why.
I see Paul has his folks blasting this site. Good luck with that. It is obvious and biased. Is this how you will run the city too? Just overwhelm others with a plethora of repeated idiocies?
For shame.
Those who know Paul Winfield and his actual performance will not vote for him. They may vote against Leyens, but Paul has failed at everything he has tried. If you want the county running the city too vote for Winfield.
If you want to return to a corrupt police force and urban blight, vote for Winfield.
If you want our city employees sold out to the unions, vote for Winfield.
It's a shame Vicksburg is so ignorant. They will take promises from corrupt people just to have their boy in place.
I guess those voting for Winfield think it's best to have someone they can influence over someone that actually gets things done for Vicksburg.
Anyone looking at facts would keep the current Mayor in place.
Alright, now I'll sit back and watch the Winfield union team post the same old lies repeatedly on this blog.
"the rule of political science states that when there is a unpopular incumbent who's been there for 2 terms..then the challenger will win..(look what happened nationally)..."
Glad you told me that. Had I known before, I wouldn't have voted for Bush Jr. for a 3rd term as president.
why do you people keep posting about the corrupt police...paul never had anything to do with any administrations so how can you tie him to anything with the police department...only the uneducated will listen to your stupidity..this is a fact that we have murderers and rapists walking the streets of vicksburg free because our chief is worried about susbsidised housing units (should be a civil matter after the drug distributor was caught...what else business should moffet have in it)...and you better watch out by slandering stirgus (he educated almost every professional person in vicksburg "hint" professional people are informed voters) keep saying leyens is giving results but where are they? i dont see them...he planted a few trees around town (some in the middle of the road hoping that someone would leave the casino and hit it so moffett can charge him with d.u.i. and make the city some money) ..put a mural up on the river...and thats about it...other than sit on his high chair on channel 23 and talk down to people
1 – 200 of 839 Newer› Newest»Why anyone would want to go back to the days of Vicksburg before Leyens? Decaying downtown and crumbling ratty buildings. Look at us now.
Winfield wants to get rid of Moffett, that is a big mistake too. The last thing we need is for the VPD to turn back into that corrupt ineffective mess it was before Moffett.
I agree completely with the first comment.
Moffett needs to go back to Biloxi. He would not be missed here in Vicksburg, because no one has ever seen him!
You haven't been looking. Moffett is seen when there is a problem or complaint. He lets his officers get their names and faces put on every capture or positive bit of news. He puts himself out front when there is a problem. Not smart politically, and probably why a lot of people don't like him. It is a great leadership trait.
Look at todays paper, there he is knee deep in the muck at the VHA. That is Tommy Moffett, doing what is right despite the political damage, despite public perception. Can you say Leadership?
It's a shame there is such a large uniformed and easily swayed part of Vicksburg that aligns with those who want to return to the 'good ole boys' way of doing things. The VPD is finally cleaned up, polished and professional. Why in the hell would any reasonable honest person want to go back to that corrupt, politically led piece of junk we had before?
We all know why dishonest/corrupt people would want to go back to the 'good ole boys' way of doing things. Honestly Vicksburg, we have finally cleaned the VPD up, why undo that?
Once that massive corruption at the VHA gets straightened out we might actually come together as a community.
When I clicked the link to Paul's website I noticed Mr. Stirgus was listed there as an endorser of Paul's. Doesn't the Hatch Act prevent Mr. Stirgus (as Executive Director of the Vicksburg Housing Authority, a Federally regulated body) from having a public view of political issues?
Not that I am surprised to see Mr. Stirgus there, he and Paul have been in bed together a long time. Travis Vance is also a big supporter of Paul's as is that guy who keeps passing bad checks and is married to a local Judge.
You do the math.
JS, do you read the crime section of the Post? Enough said.
Yes I read the crime section. How exactly would you propose this Chief or any other prevent the petty thefts and bad checks they report every day?
If you really want to address crime start by reporting drug activity in your area. That is the real issue isn't it? I heard Martin Pace say on the radio that 90% or more of all crimes he deals with are drug related.
By the way, you want to get rid of Martin too? Per capita crime is higher in the county than in the city.
don't replace the police cheif. what we used to have was real bad. now they come when you call and are nice to.
Interesting. I read the comments on this blog and I am about to defend the Chief and VPD, then I look out my office window and the first sight is of a VPD squad car driving past. What more can be said? They are there. Ready. Available. Willing. Doing. Serving. Protecting. Proactive. Reactive. Professional. Well Trained. Looking past all the negative comments and doing what's best for Vicksburg. Be thankful.
We can not go back to the good old boy days. I think if Winfield was elected we would regress 20 years or more. I am home grown and I remember what Vicksburg use to look like and how bad the crime was in my area. Worse than it is now that is certain. patrol has certianly be up in my area in the troubled spots so I know the police are aware and on it..
Leyens has done so much for Vicksburg and even if some people do not like him. you can not dispute the fact he has achieved a great deal in 8 years. Why would we want a change, that would probably be for the worst. Voting for Leyens I do not even have to give that much thought..
To me there is something shady abaout Winfield. just my opinion...
I know Paul Winfield, I like Paul Winfield. I don't think he is the better of the two candidates for Vicksburg so I am voting for Leyens.
GY, your comment reflects your intellect. You must be from the "Delta." You were taught that the "white" man's ice was colder than the "black's" ice and both came from the same ice house. You are so in the past. This is an election, and you should be trying to weigh both candidates, not like them. Are you saying that you like one fish fry better than the other?
Mr. home grown, it is obvious that you are sitting on one of those city jobs. You do not know Vicksburg. Vicksburgers have always lived harmoniously together. They have been law abiding citizens. What are you talking about? Don't let people tell you to write non-sense. Get out of the mayor's pocket.
The only "clean up" VPD did was to move local hard working Black cops out. Surely with their little influence they can not be the 'good ole boys' that are being referenced.
What we have in Vicksburg is dictatorship. Vicksburg has never being the 'ole south'town. Vicksburg is a college town. We should be ashame.
Where else in Mississippi will the mayor feel so relaxed that he can stand on live TV and talk down to an outstanding black young lady and the black brothers do not take issue. We need a gentlemen in this position.
I wish my Chief would spend time tracking down the unsolved crimes instead of being invasive and combating at the VHA meetings
Why isn't anyone talking about the "Boy's & Girl's Club"? Who was last over it? Who is over it now? What is happening with it? Where is the money? What is happening with the money? Was there really $600K raised? If so, where is it? Why isn't it being used? Was it used? If so, for what? Does anyone know details?
Boys and Girls club???? Details???
how many times has leyens and his black supporter malcom carson been in drug rehab? and how many murders have occured at leyens' friend "fast jimmy's" gas stations?
the only place you see a leyens sign or poster is at a property owned by leyens, malcom carson or fast jimmy....or in front of the residence of a republican...don't be fooled vicksburg..leyens is a republican running as independant because this is a democrat town..the blacks who support him are uncle toms...leyens is from vicksburg yet he is an outsider only concerned with the wills and wishes of the upper class...make a vote with your conscience and common sense..we don't need rehab we need reform..WINFIELD FOR MAYOR!!!
Though Leyen's is an ass, he has been an effective ass - for himself as well as the city. When push comes to shove, Leyens will probably be better for the city's future than Winfield.
Let me see if I understand the last 7 comments in this thread. If I am black and think Leyens has done a good job then I'm an Uncle Tom. If I'm white and think Leyens has done a good job then I'm a racist.
This is strong evidence of how the Winfield/corrupt Vicksburg thinks. Don't be intimidated by the Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton mentality the reverse racist are trying to use. Shame on you Paul, shame on the Left side of the aisle for playing the race card before the hand is even dealt.
Good job of dodging the questions about the Boy's & Girl's Club too. So where are the answers to those questions?
This is the first I have heard of the Boys and Girls club issue, why is it in the thread about the election?
Is it a slam on Leyens or Winfield?
enough said
I see that Mr. Stirgus' title has been changed on the Winfield website.
Mr. Winfield's comments in the paper yesterday have turned me off to him. Rather than saying it was wrong to have Mr. Stirgus and his title on the website he said it was political and typical Leyens. Goodness Mr. Winfield, is this what we can expect from you as Mayor? You'll do something wrong and blame others for pointing it out? Grow up, take responsibility.
Jackson/Sharpton mentality does not spell racism, it is equality. The words "race card" is used when you can not deal with reasonable issues. Africans and Jews can not afford to be racists, get your history straight. It is not about race, it is about what is best for Vicksburg. It is not Lyens.
Vicksburg debate the issues, you are diverting attention from the fact that Leyens has failed as mayor. The Honorable Mayor Walker should have left him where he was.
The only thing the mayor has done was to win Tom Rawlings on his side by placing him on a board.
Rawling traded his cap for a decent shirt.
When did Jews become a race? Check your facts. Good start since so many facts in this blog are bogus anyway. The killings at the convenience store is not one owned by 'fast Jimmy.' If Mr Carson and/or Mayor Leyens were repeadedly in rehab, where is the proof? This too is bogus.
I am not familiar with 'fast Jimmy' how does he play in this American equation? What does he stand to gain? Why are you still repeating the same rehab info. As far as 'racist' goes, evidently you skipped out on history class..jews and african americans have fought the struggle for equality together...if you had some book sense you'd know that a true die hard racist will not vote for leyens anyway...and you must not live in vicksburg, read the paper or watch the the last 8 years there have been numerous murders at both the 'smoke break' on the corner of clay and cherry street (which jimmy will only allow leyens signs to stand)and at the gas station on clay and mission...
if 'fast jimmy' was not in bed with leyens then he would have been shut down a long time ago...mighty funny that our mayor has imposed a curfew on beer sales yet jimmy's stores do not abide by them...these are facts not politics....anyone who wants a beer after 12am on sundays just go by one of fast jimmy's gas stations...he has the mayor's approval..they share lines together
walter cole...a long standing public servant for both vicksburg police department and a county deputy..his case is still unsolved...and leyens would not even allow for his funeral to take place at the auditorium...shame on you leyens....our chief should be worried about solving murder cases and unsolved bank robberies instead of arguing at a housing meeting...moffet's job is safe as long as he keeps crime off of drummond street and downtown, while the rest of vicksburg is 'vice city'
Who are the majority of the customers at these locations? As far as 'lines' were you there as a witness? As far as 'in bed' Jimmy has a beautiful wife and children as does the mayor. I can't imagine they would be in bed together. Is this Robert Ware making these accusations?
the rhetoric i am reading coming from leyens' staff on here is one of someone urinating down my back then turn around to tell me it is raining...
the majority of the customers are black people...of whom jimmy has gotten rich off of for too long...and who is robert ware? must be someone else that leyens has pissed off with his napoleon syndrome
are leyens' staff members on the clock writing all of this? i dont like the idea of paying taxes for his campaign because i cant see anyone outside of leyens' camp supporting him...
leyens had no problems with stirgus when he supported his last two know leyens reminds me of the little rich kid who could not get picked to play in the basketball game so he goes home with the ball
Come clean mayor, why is Jimmy above the law. The killings were three doors from the jail. At one time you were in hot pursuit of Jimmy, what happen? Foreign money????
Mr. Alred isn't it past your bedtime?
NAACP founded by some good meaning Jews and others to fight for equal rights for "people of color" now you and your co-horts are trying to take it away. Shame, Shame, Shame. Play fair.
Leyens Results for Vicksburg women:
-Insulting the librarians
-Insulting Ms Morrow on Channel 23
-Insulting and laughing at Ms Doss as she pleads to save her property (Gertrude laughing with him caused her re-election.
-Letting the police department sit on the rapes of old ladies around Water Ways-(now 'cold cases')
-Standing up for two sorry officers who ongoingly raped a high school girl,who they were paid to protect.
-His police/judge set bond at 450,000 for the basketball player, where would she run to? Warren Central ran her down and different educate her, ACT makes you go to Jr. Colleges.
-Closing Ms Cash little business
Ladies use your vote wisely.....
I agree. I would like to see Chief 'Lamb Chops' Moffett pop his lips on TV and tell us he has solved the cold case rapes.
One test of the economy of a city is the education level. Our schools' enrollment are declining because of crime. Where there is crime there is a need for a good education system. Vicksburg has the largest Alternative School in the state of Mississippi. What this is saying is Vicksburg is warehousing students, not educating them. These same students are victims of a failed school system. They are on street during the day and night dealing with depression issues. The mayor should be more in touch with his school system and know that there is a need for leadership. When was the last time you attended School Board Meeting?
We had a better town when the students were kept in school and educated, not kicked out. No one wants to bring businesses to a town when they can see all the boys standing on each corner.
But,hanging out with nothing on their minds, bring big business for 'fast jimmy' that is how he fits in the picture.
Now,how can Carson with a sixth grade education own so many big buildings? Everything is put in place to benefit someone's pocket.
Open your eyes Vicksburg and reclaim this city now.
I am new to this site and frankly appalled that we have a public business in our city whose main customers are "black" and the owner refuses to permit a black candidate's sign to be placed on the property and yet allows the "white" candidate's sign to be there. Something should be done about this. I am "white" and really thought Vicksburg was better than this...I also thought our present mayor was better than this...
It is time to stand up and see just how fast 'fast jimmy' can run. This is America, boycott his businesses. We have enough of our own bad elements, we don't need bad foreign element laundering money an corrupting our youth.
The same one hanging at his businesses will crawl through our windows at night to get more money to buy what 'fast jimmy' is selling. He is hurting our youths, and if you and your supporters can not see this, we need you gone,too. Tell the police to put a sting on his businesses. Also, he carrys young girls to the back of his businesses, I don't think it is to help them with their homework.
Deal with the under age girls going in the back of his businesses. These throw-away kids are our tomorrow.
Realo's Clubs were ran out of business because of killings, why not 'fast jimmy'?
Being Black and growing up in Vicksburg in integrated neighborhoods around town, we lived together. note: Before the mayor took most of the property and eraded the houses, black/whites houses were behind, beside, and in front of each other.
Now, the foreigner and his two buddies are trying to polarize a city that has always maintained racial harmony.
I don't think so. Let stand for justice for all. Let's rid Vicksburg of the crimes right at the jails doors.
I do not know "fast Jimmy" but if all this is true about he and the mayor, this is above being corrupt. If chief moffett is aware and not doing anything about it, then, he must be a part of it too.
A vote for Winfield is the way to go. Leyens has too much baggage. Yes, he has landscaped the parts of the city he wants visitors to see and I admit it does look nice, except for the trees in the street(south Washington). It took eight years to landscape? Oh yeah! he did buy, fix up, and sell properties for his own profit. And, he did let his friends know of the good deals so they could line their pockets too. Earlier, I read where someone stated he should be allowed to finish what he has started. If anything is in the making for the good of the city, Winfield can finish it. I was always taught that "if there is smoke, there was fire before" so if there is a lot of talk about drugs, rehab, and having to put a towel over his (mayor) face to keep from being recognized...something is wrong..may not all be true, but there is some truth somewhere in the stories. Personally, I do not want a mayor with a drug problem.
So, the majority of the citizens of Vicksburg are not pleased with "Moffett." Well, he has not solved the numerous murders, he has not caught the bank robbers, but he did catch the kids who were robbing people on the street. Hey that is commendable and hats off to the officers who did so. How does he fit in with the VHA? is he on the board? or is he there to continue feud with Stirgus? Now, the mayor has joined in this feud too... who did you say is in bed with whom? Someone please tell me who is "Carson.?" By the way, if all the talk about "fast Jimmie" is true, why is he still in business? why can he sell beer after hours and no one else can? Why Mr. Leyens? Why? If you are so "not racist" then why would you want to have your signs in a public place and not want the other "black" candidate's sign there too. Why? Why are your signs on city property...where we all pay taxes,including Mr. Winfield and you have a problem with his signs being there too. Why Mr. Leyens? Why?
I voted for Gertrude in the Primary but now my family, friends and I will definitely campaign for and vote for Winfield.
Aesthetics! Aesthetics!
Downtown Vicksburg is artistically beautiful,but Vicksburg has always been an attractive town. Try going down one street or up one block and you will be in for a big surprise.
It is difficult to appreciate the landscape when you are unemployed. Plus, destroying your tires on those flower beds.
We are dressing up for tourism. But, the tourist have to go through 'blight' areas to get to the tour sites.
Yes, Vicksburg we can do better than what Leyens and "the boys" are doing. He is too busy counting his money. He does not have time to see that his constituents are hurting.
Let's get out of the comfort zone and move on.
To the new "blogger" who is appalled at the racist attitudes in the city, where have you been on another planet? maybe you did not attend the meetings or know about the way things are around here, there is a in their faces, take their money, and treat them like dirt. That is why I shop in Jackson & Monroe.
All of the "whites" in the city are not racist..give credit where it is due. This mayor has contributed tremendously to the racist attitudes in the city. Give notice to the neighborhoods where he has made improvements and to the ones he has not. Who has been left out? OK..the Oak Street Project..where you know who is trying to buy lots of property for resale..because of the view of the river..increases property value so who stands to gain the most. The poor people in the area cannot afford the necessary repairs to bring the property values up..who takes advantage of them? You do the Math!
Mr. Winfield I am voting for you because you are the better candidate. Or should I say the best, because you are running against three candidates: Mr. Leyens, Mr. Carson, and Mr. Jimmy. However, you prevailed over the last three and you will with these three,too.
Just for the record, "Mr. Alred' is not posting on this blog. If and when I do, I will use my real name.
Some of you are desparately grasping at straws!! Leyens is a business man, he has the right to buy property anywhere he so chooses to do so. He was not elected to be a friend but to run this city and he has done a good job. His personality is what it is, everyone knows it and I seriously doubt that he had to be in bed with anyone to advance his future goals.
Most of the crime is black on black and this is not a racist statement but fact.I do not think any police chief can stop crime from happening,if people want to commit a crime they are going do it.
Vicksburgers some of you are a huge dissappointment.. Very hateful and racist. Shame on you..
Mis-education, under education, and un-employment are all the work of a racist society. The cast system is strongly in place. It is easier to victimize the people close to you, especially when you are boxed in a project/slum. Case-in-point, you would be a disappointment, too; if faith had dropped you for a minute in that cesspool on Klein and Speed. By the way the city left these people in that apartment/old school (septic tank) for years, while the absentee landlord in Jackson collected from the government. The children could only look their broken windows at the mansion across the street and dream.
Meanwhile, the mayor made the poor people in the areas where he wanted the land to tear down their dwellings. Sure, you would be mad. Are you in the mayor's pocket, too? Your put down answer is a copout. The people in power can control the quote, 'Black on Black' crimes. One more point, these crimes are always reported and prosecuted. Racist views are rooted in ignorance. Vicksburg is not an ignorant town. Are you from here?
Vicksburgers need to bring their religion outside the churches.
We lost a good man when we lost Mr. Upchurch.
Nobody is asking the chief to stop crimes from happening, we are asking that he SOLVE the crimes that have already happened. Maybe if we get a mayor who will provide recreational facilities for our "black youth" some of the crimes will be prevented. The facility on Walnut Street is not open to anyone under 18 after 6 p.m. this is what I was told in January.
Let's not be disturbed about "signs" they do not vote. Let's be dilligent about getting people to the polls to vote for Winfield.
Sounds to me from reading this writing that the African Americans believe the majority of the problems of crime and such is from their kids. Have they met to discuss it and what are they doing about it? Nomatter who the mayor is you can't blame the position. You all know that.
How has Leyens failed as a mayor????Itemize your list with facts
Getting more youth in a center to play basketball isn't the answer. Why aren't more youth in the public library?
So it is the police chiefs fault that we have crime. The mayor is suppose to be a babysitter for teens who have nothing to do but get in trouble.
only an ignorant person would blame the chief and/or mayor for anyone committing crimes. The fact is "The chief is not SOLVING the crimes." Teens of all colors, red, yellow, white & black would commit less crime if they had someplace to socialize especially on weekends. They are no longer permitted in the mall and they cannot gather on parking lots.
Apparently for the two terms Leyens has served, the Hatch Act was not in effect because according to the Vicksburg Post, Stirgus supported & campaigned for Leyens. Now that he is not supporting him, Leyens has filed a complaint stating that Stirgus has violated the Hatch Act of 1939. Leyens is as short on memory as he is in height. SHAME! Shame on you MAYOR.
Do I understand that parents want their kids to congregate in parking lots and in the mall? Why not just leave them at a 24 hour day car facility if you need a place to dump them. What are they going to learn gathered at a mall or a parking lot? If you are looking for a place to dump them off, dump them off at the library.
Socialize? What happened to parents getting to know their kids friends? Start by inviting your kids friends to YOUR house. Go from there.
As of a few weeks CBL Associates has layed the rules down on teenagers at the old mall. From what I read in Saturday's article the new rules of teen having a parent with them will be enforced in a few weeks.
I am dumbfounded after reading the blatantly racist posts in this blog. Anyone who was here during the Walker administration will remember how bad the police department was. Not only did crimes go unsolved but the police department was bloated, top heavy and ineffective - not to mention corrupt. Now we have a polished and professional police department. The only reason anyone would want to replace Moffett is so the corrupt minded ones can once again take over the streets along with the Mayors office.
Look at those who want to replace Moffett and ask yourself:
1.) How will they personally benefit?
2.) How will the citizens benefit?
3.) Who will replace Moffett?
One has to look no further than Winfields financial supporters to see why Winfield wants to replace Moffett. Winfield has the lawyer that used to represent the corrupt police force for free (he didn’t charge the officers anything but we paid for it with a corrupt police force). Mr. Stirgus is supporting someone caught red handed by the MNB (Mississippi Narcotic Bureau) with 2.2 pounds of cocaine, the same individual who had thousands of dollars of VHA property at one of his homes (5 homes, 6 luxury vehicles on a $45,000 salary). Mr. Stirgus also supports Mr. Winfield because Winfield will get rid of Moffett.
Please tell me Vicksburg isn't stupid enough to align with people who want to go back to a corrupt and easily manipulated police chief. The reason Stirgus, Winfield and that lawyer want to get rid of Moffett is because Moffett is honest and getting in the way of their ability to make money off of a corrupt chief.
How much more clear could it be Vicksburg? A vote for Winfield is a vote for returning our city to corruption.
All these comments about 'fast jimmy' are just sad. The man worked himself up from abject poverty to become a business success. He took on locations in tough areas and found a way to make them successful. Is it his success that is making everyone uncomfortable? All the allegations of drug use, violating little girls and such are just horrible if true. If you have evidence those things have happened you should report them to Moffett or Pace or Hood or the FBI or whomever you trust to do something. If you don't have evidence you are spreading hateful, hurtful gossip for a political gain.
Shame on you if that is the case. Shame on you if you have evidence and you haven't reported it. Either way the greater problem now is you.
Obviously the Winfield union workers from the coast have found this site and flooded it with the Winfield misinformation. Paul, come clean on why those union workers from the coast are all over town doing your dirty work.
Paul Winfield is going to sell our city to the unions, the dirty lawyers and the corruption of days gone by. Paul, why is most of your financial support coming from trial lawyers? Setting your gang up for a huge payday at taxpayer expense Paul?
I remember Vicksburg before Mayor Leyens. Corruption on the Police Force, crumbling infrastructure and the city was dying. Now we have an effective police force. Our infrastructure has been modernized and if maintained will last through our childrens life. The city is vibrant once again and it has been beautified. He cleaned up Marcus Bottom, he brought us NRoute and has made every city department efficient and accountable.
On these points alone he is worthy of my vote. I do not know a lot about Mr. Winfield but it doesn't matter. Whomever was running against Leyens would not get my vote. I will vote for Leyens because of his ability to get things done. Finally Vicksburg has a Mayor who isn't afraid to fix the long standing problems.
We have statewide recognition and prominence once again. The majority opinion is that Leyens is the best Mayor in Mississippi. What that really means is businesses will come here and our community will continue to thrive.
U agree with the last 4 comments. We can not look back or go back to the way it used to be. I am voting for Leyens, he is the best man and you are albsolutely right about he corruption and the reasons for getting rid of Moffett. We can not let this happen. If leyens loses Moffett is gone. Then what. I live in a crime area and I am not moving. I can tell you it use to look like a war zone down here, I do not want that again. People need to wake up and look at Leyens record and results. he is goal oriented and gets results. 4 more years...!!!!
I see a couple of comments about Moffett being at the VHA meetings. He is there because Mr. Stirgus is not cooperating with law enforcement. Moffett did the same thing with the old DA prior to him being voted out of office. Now that the DA's office is putting people behind bars Moffett can move on to cleaning up the VHA.
Mr. Stirgus is siding with caught red handed criminals over law enforcement. If I were Winfield I would pull Stirgus off my website and tell him to keep a low profile.
On the other hand having Stirgus so openly supporting Winfield is a great boost for Leyens campaign. Hopefully that new guy on the board at VHA will finally get the VHA cleaned up.
oh, one more thing....
Those comments about Malcolm, Fast Jimmy and Leyens all being in rehab. So what. If they had a problem they did the right thing by getting cleaned up. Is this just another one of those rumors that pop up every election?
Rumors are easy to start and spread, how about we stick with what we know for sure.
What we know for sure is Vicksburg has excelled the last eight years and the police department is now efficient.
What we know for sure is the police department won't solve every crime, no police department on the planet has ever done that.
What we know for sure is that guy at the VHA was caught red handed and Jim Stirgus is protecting that guy. What we don't know for sure is why. It has to be one of two things, either Jim Stirgus has lost it or he is involved. Neither one is good.
Who is "Fast-Jimmy", and why is leyens and his coharts frequenting the local rehabilitation clinics. For the previous commenter you are right it is good that leyens, "Fast-Jimmmy"(whoever he is), and Malcom Carson have sought reform from their drug addict ways, however I would prefer my city be ran by someone who's judgement is not being influenced by mind altering drugs.
To the last person to comment, "them tell Winfield to stay out of the bars and go home to his wife."
My understanding is Malcolm Carson is a city employee,he is not running for office. Rumors are what they are. rumors. Leyens is the man. Look at his record..
Outstanding! Leyens record is outstanding! Provent results and that is a fact, not a rumor.
Yes it is!!. Proven. Why on earth would anyone in the city want the unknown. Exactly what does Winfield slogan mean. Vicksburg is not for Sale?? can some one explain ??
Maybe he (Winfield) wants to turn it (Vicksburg) into Pottersville?
A) Malcolm is an employee on our payroll and he is trying to reform himself, he has not shot up a trailer houses, lately; or try to fight the South Street grocer like he did on TV for the mayor. I grew up with him.
B)The big question is: Who stands to gain something if Moffett is left in place?:
-the slim, professional, corrupt, city slick traffic solving cops,
-cops dipping their hands in drugs, one is serving time in federal prison.
-all the persons who commited the 'cold cases'
-'fast jimmy' and his 'little mafia'
-the mayor with his heavy handed approach with his constituents, he acts as if he is the slave
-the big drug dealers, who do not want competition
C) The Mayor did not see that Mrs. Cash, and all the others who tried to open and keep open businesses, they were abject poverty status people, too.
D) Vicksburg is without adequate protection
"Kudos" to the previous comment. You would have to be deaf and blind not to understand the reality of the past eight years. For a city so small, we have too many unsolved murders. The now retired officers had snitchers who would talk and the majority of crimes in this city were solved. The officers on the force now are not known by the public. I am sure they are doing the best they can; however, that is not enough. It is scary when you have a murderer or murderers in a city so small and no one talks. Strange!
i'm neither hot nor cold for either campaign...yet i am wondering why the leyens people on here find it important to defend mr. carson and this 'fast' jimmy character. it makes one wonder whether there is any truth to some of these allegations.
hey moffet caught the kids who were doing petty burglaries...lets you know if you are a teenager you better not act up in vicksburg! and why is the young highschool athlete on a $450,000 bail when the guy that killed a man in open day light two weeks ago free on bond (substantially less than her bond)is it because the guy on bond for murder will forever be a loser and the young female might have a chance to reform?
That's a juestion for the judge that set the bond. Chief Moffet is not a judge. He does not set bonds. Hope that answers your question.
If you have a question about Mr Carson or Mr Khouri, call them and ask them your question. I know they will respectfully answer it for you.
In the meantime, this election is between Mayor Leyens and his challenger Paul Winfield.
Who are you to decide if that girl has a better chance of reforming over that guy? Are you the social worker that interviewed both of them?
If you trust this girl so much then scrape up the money for her bond and sponsor her in your home until her trial.
i'd rather a petty thief go out on bond than a must be a fool..and i never made a comment about mr. carson or mr. khouri (who are they)
sure give me khouri and carson's numbers..i have some money i need cleaned up
i wonder how much the city's paying the people to place trees in the middle of the road
I voted for Gaming, but I had my doubts, but now I am glad that I did. Gaming and Walmart are the only jobs sustaining Vicksburg. Talk about tourism, it is the gaming that is drawing the tourist.
Speak up Vicksburg. When the economy gets better the conditions for all will be better, not just the fat rats.
Good economy will provide for better education, and recreation. Without jobs Vicksburg will just become another town like Port Gibson or Rodney.
Where are the jobs? I am not just talking about the current condition, prior to the current condition. A little town like Canton can become a boom town.
Vicksburg on the river was a moving town for years until this administration.
Vote and put Vicksburg back on track and send the fat rats running to California, Texas or Florida.
People let's be real, local government are tied together. When a person is booked, statement to the judge will indicate that the arresting officer feels the person is a risk.
We see this on TV. Better trained officers would have recommended to the judge that this misled young lady was not a flight risk. At the rate that she was playing basketball, she could not have been so involved.
When the boys on my drive knocked down all the mail boxes, the former sheriff told the parents to go and repair them, this was called pranks.
This was bad, but the basketball player and others were just doing pranks, too.
PRANKS!! Are you kidding. They robbed people. If this is your idea of a prank you're out of your mind. Next time you're walking down the street I'll come up and beat you then take your money. We'll see if you want me in jail or maybe I should just get some community service hours.
Robbery is a felony but not as serious as murder. It is obvious that the professional law enforcement we are now supposed to have did not think a murderer would be a danger to the citizens of this town and did not deem it necessary to request the judge set a higher bond. I believe the "robbers" got what they deserved and I do not undersand the mentality behind a murderer getting off with much! much !less.
Let's call it what it is, Leyens improved the downtown area and the scenic areas for tourist who come on buses, cars and the Delta Queen. That is good for the businesses in the area. What about the run down neighborhoods? We pay taxes too. We want our streets fixed and our sidewalks landscaped. He treats us like our tax dollars don't count and when asked about it, he flies all off the handle. He is paid with our tax dollars and we have a right to an answer. His napolenic attitude has got to go..we need someone who will listen to all of the taxpayers.
The A.) B.) C.) D.) comment, far above is ludicrous.
A.) Malcolm is not running for office.
B.) On Moffett staying in place:
- we now have enough officers to enforce traffic laws. Click it or ticket.
- the officer in Federal prison was from the old days. Moffett is the one who cleaned it up and set the trap to catch him. Give credit where it is due.
- the cold cases are just that. No police force has ever solved every crime in their area, including Vicksburg in the time before Moffett.
- the rumors about 'Fast Jimmy' are racist and shame on you, poster for putting them on here. It says a lot about you.
- the mayor is someone who get results. He has made a lot of people angry because he enforces code and the law. He also holds his employees accountable. The slackers and corrupt people want him out of the way so they can go back to the 'good ole boy' network that has held our community back for so long. Using the term 'slave master' is another racist comment by that poster. Again, it says a lot about the poster.
- the big drug dealers have been taken down one by one. The VHA is next. They have all been convicted and imprisoned because of the excellent work by Moffett and his team. If you want to go back to letting those drug dealers not only prosper but control our government then get rid of Moffett.
C.) Abject poverty can be overcome with effort. A lot of people in America were born into abject poverty and rose above it based upon taking responsibility for their lives. Your comments blaming the Mayor are just silly and again say a lot about you.
D.) Vicksburg has the best police protection it has had in my lifetime. If it's inadequate you may want to step up to the plate and do something other than try to influence negativity and keep us down.
You are one of a few who wants to keep Leyens and the chief. The majority of us wants them gone. If anybody is racist, it is fast jimmy. If he were not racist, he would have signs for both candidates on his property because re runs a public business supported mainly be "Blacks." His businesses should be boycotted because of this and if I am hearing it right, they will be in the near future. So who did you say was "racist"?
So anyone with a leyens sign in their yard is racist....that's retarded. He can support who ever he wants and not be racist. I didn't vote for obama, am I racist?
Yes. It's a public business stupid! He has businesses which he expects the public to support, last time I checked all of the citizens of this town were a part of the "public." So, if he wants support from all , he should show no bias at his place of business. Seems to me that you must be the retard since you selected dumb rather than smart.
Personally, I don't give a hoot who wins. I just want the murders solved. Moffett has had more than enough time to do so and yes, leyens is to blame because he is the one who chooses the chief. If the old force was so corrupt, why weren't there any arrests? I think Leyens chose Moffett to cover his back and moffett chose officers to cover his. There is no way all of the officers on the force was corrupt. There is only "one" remaining and you say the other 101 was corrupt. You gotta be out of your mind.
we made change at the top on a national lets get change on a local level and state level by getting rid of leyens in vicksburg...and barbour out of the capital
You know, it was carson and a policeman who took leyens to marion hill. you remember the time not so long ago when they placed a towel over his head to keep him from being recognized. You can do dirt in the dark but it will definitely come to light. I don't understand why anyone would want an addict to run this city.
To the poster who says we now have enough officers to enforce traffic laws. Is that the only thing they can do? I remember when we had 102 officers who enforced traffic laws along with other laws. We need more than click it or ticket and I believe the officers can do more if they had better leadership.
the 'business' community from which leyens claims to have support from sees no threat from allowing uneducated people of color (carson and khouri) making strides in vicksburg seeing that they can talk over their heads without consequence...but when a young black man with too many credentials pursues a career in the public arena...some people feel a threat to their way of life, and they will do everything possible to keep that from happening...
You hardly see the mayor or carson apart. What is carson's job anyway? is he the mayor's bodyguard? or flunkie? well, seems to me that he runs errands, takes the kid and picks the kid up from school (in a city owned vehicle). Our tax dollars are used for leyens personal business too you know.
so the vpd is concerned with seatbelt enforcement (thats commendable)...but let me think here...the Anderson man was murdered and there still is no suspect...john bowie was murdered and there still is no cole was murdered and still no suspect...a 91 year old lady was raped and still no suspect...there is a young man hanging by a thread of his life over in jackson at the university hospital with a gunshot wound to the head and there still is no suspect...there are 2 or 3 bank robberies that are unsolved...horizon casino was robbed of $80,000 a couple years ago and there still is no it seems that if you commit capital crimes then you are ok in vicksburg but you better not ride without a seatbelt, you better not have an expired tag or old traffic fines...i bet the city jail is full of petty crooks
I own several businesses in this city and I do not support leyens. I am a white republican who voted for McCain. Leyens strategy for this town has mainly been for anything that helps him and his so called supporters. He will stab you in the back quicker than a rattler can strike if you take a stand or disagree with him about anything. No, I have had no code problems. If you don't kiss his _______you are on his_______list.
yeah, capital crimes go unsolved because the vpd is so busy checking for seatbelts. This is the kind of thing that Leyens supporters are so proud of. I know all crimes don't get solved; however, in a town this size, we have an overwhelming number of unsolved crimes that have taken place over the past 8 years that leyens has been in office w/ moffett as chief.
Maybe Winfield is a savior. I heard an atorney he's been seen with is one that died a few years ago, then strangely he came back alive.
Let's see, the crime rate is up in the county but down in Vicksburg. Statewide crime is up, but down in Vicksburg. The National crime rate is up, but crime is down in Vicksburg.
Corruption is gone from the VPD.
The people who are posting here about unsolved crimes are ignoring facts and obviously all working on the same agenda. As has been stated numerous times already in this thread no police department is going to solve every crime. How about you compare Vicksburgs' solved crimes rate to the State and National solved crimes rate?
How about you look at facts and not keep throwing out all this unsubstantiated gossip trying to create problems?
How about you question yourself on why you need to create drama? Is it because we have a Mayor who is actually getting things done? Is it because you can no longer buy out the police chief? Is it because you know a vote for Winfield will undue our effective and professional police force?
You want rumors, go ahead. I'll stick with the facts and make an informed vote based upon reality, not all the childish rumors coming from the Winfield camp.
Character assassination from local Dems?
LOL. It would seem the Dems know they don't have a prayer against Leyens so they have to create all these stories.
The blog owner should make a place just for the rumors.
I would love a place to post those rumors about Winfields philandering(for you liberals that means having sex with women who are not his wife), paternity suits(for you liberals that means he's the baby daddy with women who are not his wife), foreclosures on his properties (for you liberals that means he wasn't able to pay rent to the man) and all those lawsuits against his lawfirm for poor performance(for you liberals that means some people think he sucks as a lawyer). I also hear his wife's lawfirm is supporting Leyens. LOL, that should tell you all you need to know.
I guess he's running for Mayor because he needs the money and can't make it as a Lawyer. Looks more like he is going to be run out of town on a rail.
Rumors. It works on both sides of the aisle.
I have more credible rumors and could probably make some up too. So you all keep them coming, this game can be fun!
To the poster above who said they owned several businesses etc.
I too own businesses in the city. I am a white republican who voted for Obama
Leyens strategy for this town has mainly been to get Vicksburg cleaned up. That means he won't make deals with you or anyone else. What's the problem? You said you had no code problems so why are you so angry? It seems you are used to the old way of doing things where you kiss the Mayors behind and get special favors. This Mayor doesn't play that game. That game is what is keeping the county down and kept Vicksburg down for years. You finally have an honest hardworking Mayor who get results. Count your blessings pal.
You said he will stab you in the back if you disagree with him. Maybe the issue is the way you disagreed with him, or more correctly he disagreed with you? I have disagreed with him many times and my back appears fine. He is still polite to me.
His administration enforced code on me and we have had a licensing issue. I corrected my issues and got my licensing corrected because that is what you have to do now in Vicksburg. The old ways are gone, thank goodness. Now we have a level playing field for everyone. Is that what is making you mad? You no longer get special favors?
I am the republican who did not vote for obama and I will not support leyens. I am not angry, leyens has a quick temper, bad attitude and a napolenic character. I have absolutely no respect for him. There is a way to get things done without being disrespectful.
Well, if vicksburg has been cleaned up, why are we having so much crime? If the vpd is so professional, why did officers who are to serve and protect sexually molest a teenage girl? on whose watch did all this take place?
If you want to know what it means ask Winfield, I am sure he will explain it to you.
Why do you think anyone who does not support leyens, supports winfield? I do not support either and still contend that leyens is not the best man for the job. I am entitled to my opinion and will still convince people not to vote for him.
Did you say rumors? These are not rumors about leyens, facts! facts! facts! drugs! drugs! drugs!
Code enforcement sent us a letter about our house telling us we needed to do a bunch of stuff to get the place to code. We weren't happy about it at first. We did what they asked us to do though. We had to ask the judge for an extension and he gladly worked with us. Our house is painted and our yard is so nice now. We decided to clean out the trash inside too since the yard and all looked so good. We are so much happier. We have even noticed our neighbors have been working around their houses to get them looking good and they said they didn't get letters they just liked what we did. My dad's even enjoying our porch again and my mom's planted a garden this year. We don't hold anything against the mayor. He's welcome at our house whenever he wants and we're voting for him again for sure.
When will the kingpin who was sponsoring Michael Tyler be captured. Surely the crime did not stop at Michael's door. Michael never had enough money to make such a "big buy"
Codes should be enforced, that is the law. I don't think anyone has ever objected to that everyone wants and likes improvements. Who's complaing about codes being enforced? and what does that have to do with the election of a mayor?
The police department was real kind to the teenage basketball player, they subpressed earlier charges while she was playing. Then, they bring her in with the last charges. This is professional policing.
To breaking news: the talk is that the drug lord/kingpin lives and owns businesses right here in the city. Why do you think Michael kept quiet about who it is? and, he ain't michael's color either.
It is a fact that 'fast jimmy' brought drugs to town. He even threaten the mayor when the mayor first got on to him.
WOW! ouch! I always wondered why he was above the law. Now, it's beginning to make sense, that's why he is so adamant about having only leyens signs on his business properties where he receives business from John Q Public. No wonder so many undesirables hang out there.
Someone should inquire because this is big news for the post. Was she, the basketball player, involved in other crimes that went unreported? The VPD is totally professional, they would dare not hide a crime. Must be malicious gossip like some of the other stuff on this blog. Whew!
Clean up the VHA and you will solve 80% of the drug/crime problem in Vicksburg. Stirgus has got to go.
People who live in VHA housing cannot afford cocaine, their housing is subsidized and they receive food cards and welfare averaging $90 per month. People, and you know who you are, there aren't many who can afford the stuff. Do the math! Don't put the cart before the horse, someone in power, (not the mayor) knows where the stuff came from and I know for a fact, it is not Stirgus.
Leyens and Moffett has to go.
Crime has been on the decrease in Vicksburg since Ricky Smith has been put in the DA's office. He and his team are putting away those who are the repeat offenders and responsible for 50% of the violent crimes in the city. Now that those are being put away the focus has shifted to getting the drug dealers, repeat DUI, repeat forgers and repeat small criminals put away.
The problem with crime in Vicksburg for years was the ineffective DA's office. The worst thing we could do to reduce crime is get rid of the Police Chief. Everyone talks about crime but when it comes down to solving them the real issue is people take sides on who they like - so they don't talk.
The VHA will keep the DA's office busy for a while, a lot of people are going down in that mess. A LOT of powerful people who have been taking advantage of the most vulnerable in Vicksburg for years. I hope they burn in Hell for their crimes.
Those criminals at the VHA are going down. That narcissistic egoist won't go down by himself, he will take the whole ship, including Paul Winfield. I hear the Wednesday girlfriend in Clinton is the one talking.
Does Cialis make your blood pressure go up? I know it makes you mean.
People who live in VHA that deal drugs should be moved out and prosecuted. Turns out they are being protected and moved into other VHA property instead. Why?
Charles Jones was caught red handed by the MNB with 2.2 pounds of cocaine and he is being protected. Why?
Charles Jones had thousands of dollars of VHA property in his personal possession. He is being protected by the VHA. Why?
Most of the VHA residents want the problem solved. Looks like it might actually happen now.
Thank God for Tommy Moffett. He has the guts to take on the VHA machine and solve the problem.
Getting rid of Moffett will ensure the drug problem at the VHA remains.
Why does Paul Winfield want to get rid of Moffett?
...some more math for you.
Fast Jimmy owns those properties and businesses, he can place whichever sign he chooses. You disagree with him so you want to take away his rights?
All those rumors about him appear to be racially motivated. Typical Vicksburg bigotry.
Don't want his rights, just remove him from doing business in this city, that will be good enough. By the way, when you clean up the drug problem, don't leave him out this time. Talk about clean up the city, how can you when there's a bunch of undesirables hanging out on the corner of clay and cherry at the gas station. They are not there to buy gas and that's for sure.
The majority of the public, citizens of this city want to get rid of moffett. Winfield will follow the will of the people
If you want to get rid of Jimmy buy his business and clean it up yourself. You talk as though you are the king of commerce so it should be no problem for you.
If not then, really, why are you posting? Paul pay you too?
Leyens is not going to win this one. The people will speak loud and clear and there won't be a problem trying to find a new chief. One that will be intent on solving crime in this city.
The majority of the citizens want Moffett to stay because they are not in bed with drug dealers, Travis Vance and Jim Stirgus. Winfield will lose this election on the Moffett thing alone. He really needs to rethink that one.
When he announced a couple of weeks ago he changed him mind and wanted to keep Moffett the heart of every Republican in Vicksburg stopped. They thought he had a real chance. Now that Winfield has changed his mind again and wants to get rid of Moffet there is no real concern.
It is fun to see how many imbeciles would actually want to vote for Winfield and get rid of Moffett. No wonder Selmon keeps getting reelected.
Say it all you want. Vicksburg remembers how corrupt our police force was before Moffett.
The Vicksburg Police force was a joke until Moffett came along.
Winfield is an idiot for saying he wants to get rid of him. Good point on saying if Winfield changed his mind on Moffett that he might have a chance. I remember that weekend and everyone thought Winfield had a shot. Not any more.
If Winfield is elected watch the 'For Sale' signs go up all around town.
By the way, Paul Winfield and Fast Jimmy are fast friends too. They hang out in all the bars together and pick up women together. What else do they do together?
lol @selmon
Vote him out. First time he needed more time to put his programs in place. Now, what is the problem?
People do not sell your votes for a few dollars, fish fry or bar-b-que. The economy is too important. A vote for Leyens, are votes for Malcolm and'fast jimmy' (now that's a name, wonder who has he been running from?.
Just stop the insults and vote. Vicksburg is not new to this type of politics. The person is office knows that he is going to be scruitzed, so why is he living so crazy? When there is poor mental health, you can not rationalize. He should know to call off his dogs.
I remember Paul flip flopping on the chief. Whats it called when they change their mind, change it back and then change it again? flip flop flipped?
Winfield is a joke.
Vicksburg has made a ton of progress in the last eight years.
Remember how downtown used to look?
Remember how corrupt and ineffective the police department was?
Remember how our fire department was understaffed and the equipment didn't work half the time?
Remember how run down our neighborhoods looked?
Remember anything?
Fast Jimmy is a friend of Winfields too (see above post)so why do you keep bringing that up? Fast Jimmy is a successful business man (see above post) why wouldn't you want success near the Mayor's office?
Every human has faults, even your boy Paul. Problem is Paul can't get anything done because he spends all his time in bars womanizing. If our choice is between a womanizing drunk or a coke head I'll take the coke head. They keep real busy and tend not to pass out.
are you worried laurence?
I'm glad to see light being shined on the VHA. I sure hope they get it fixed. I have to agree that getting rid of Moffet would kill any chance of cleaning up the VHA.
Someone said the people living in VHA can't afford cocaine. Yeah, right. You were joking weren't you.
you must be a coke head yourself...has mr. winfield been escorted to rehab or leyen's..i think it was leyens..and you say you want a coke head in must be that lady that stays in jackson that endorsed leyens...laurence, it must be a sad day for your campaign when you have to find someone staying in JACKSON to endorse you for the mayor here....
These rumors about the Mayor are from years ago. These days he spends his days working and his nights taking care of the kids and cleaning the house. The boy needs to send his young wife away for a couple of weeks so he can get some sleep.
Take your vitamins son!
Paul won't go to rehab because they won't allow him access to liquor or easy women.
Don't worry Leyens, the coke can't get you votes, neither can another wife.
HEY!! Stop talking about Paul being a manhole!! It's going to cut into his action.
Apparently leyens still gets his coke while in rehab. Had not thought of that one! no wonder he goes to rehab so often.
Coke can't get Leyens votes? The hell?
Of course it can, all the drug dealers will vote for him so they can stay in business!!!~
Now if they could only convince him to get rid of Moffet.
...but it looks like all the drug dealers are going to vote for Winfield, he want's to get rid of Moffet.
You know we could help Paul with his drinking problem by electing him to office. That way he will have to go to rehab. If they can get coke there maybe they can sneak a couple of whores in there for Paul too.
everyone keeps talking about how nice downtown looks. It took eight years to plant flowers and trees and install new lanterns. Now tell me about all the other neighborhoods that leyens has improved.
When I was a child, I was taught that when salty words were used, one had a limited vocabulary.
Now, when attacks are made on a person not involved in the situation, the targeted person is ahead of the person making the attacks.
Now, why would you use the 'ole south' approach and say that Mr. Winfield wife's boss is supporting you Mr. Leyens? Is your new wife educated? Who is her boss? Oh, you could not deal with the educated first wife.
Come clean and throw in the towel. It is over.
I am voting for a better day for Vicksburg, Mr. Winfield.
You came short of saying you were going to take Mr. Winfield to the lake and let your hit man whip him. You had no business calling his wife into this. You went out of your way to solicit her boss. Didn't you, Laurence? Your are sorry, sorry, sorry.
It is a fact that the mayor has a drug problem, he goes to rehab just as often as he goes to the bathroom. You know, he OD'd a few times, and had to stay in is no secret, ask anybody. It is all of this town, jackson, greenville, monroe. Everyone knows we have a drug addict for mayor.
All the drug dealers are going to vote for Winfield because they know he wants to get rid of Moffett.
Paul Winfields wife's boss is supporting Leyens? That's great. That is the funniest thing I have heard all day.
Damn, even Paul's wife knows what is up. Wonder if she knows about his other women too.
Mayor Leyens and his drug problem are greatly exaggerated. That rumor started during his first campaign for Mayor and pops up every election.
If that's all the Winfield team has they need to quit now. It didn't work the last two times, why do they think it will work now?
Downtown hasn't changed in 5 years. It only took the Mayor part of his first term to get downtown in shape.
it is more than trees and plants, it is the roads, the lighting, catfish park, city front, the murals, the valley, the warehouse, the new restaurants, the new night life, the cleaned up buildings the atmosphere but most importantly it is changed for the better
have you forgotten marcus bottom too
or nroute
or oak street
or the recreational facilities
or our improved bond rating
or the police force
or the water treatment plant
or the millions spent on gas and water lines
or city front park
or the new casinos
or the senior center
or the massive investment
or how many other things
seems like all you care about is getting us back to the days of corruption and nothing getting done
everyone should take a look at
Malcolm Carson, your time riding around in the city truck under the air condition is coming to a end! Fast Jimmy, you gonna have to find another small town to boom dope out of! It's time for a change!
Whoever push those raggly houses down in the alley over on short Grammar and clean up that damn bayou is who I'm voting for!!!
Fast Jimmy is safe, he and Paul are tight.
Malcolm is smart, he will befriend Paul too, or take some pictures of one of Paul's drunken women feast to blackmail Paul.
Folks, some of your comments no doubt have become offensive to the candidates and their associates. Please stick to the facts and avoid unfounded allegations of improprieties or insulting remarks. The site is set up so you may say what you want, but if in the future the comments aren't made in a civil manner, I will have to begin moderating them. Thanks
Mayor stop taking credit for all the things you inherited from Mayor Walker and Mrs. Young.
Judge Moran and others worked to get the votes for the boats and the last one just followed suit.
You did bring something to town "corruption" now we need someone to rid the town of it.
The chief is hard on drugs, but he only tracks drugs to the foot soldiers(the Michael Tylers) not the top brass, their bosses.
Thanks Mr Allred, as old people would say, they have "ran out." All I needed to know is how could the candidate make Vicksburg better? How would he bring industry to town?
If a little dump town like Canton could revitalize and become the town it is today. Why not Vicksburg? We need vision not insults.
We need Mr. Winfield.
Mayor Leyens has done more to restore Vicksburg than any other Mayor in recent history.
Leyens will get my vote based on him being able to get results.
Someone mentioned Mayor Walker. That administration was a joke, we could of had a major college settle here but he didn't want it. How idiotic it that? Under Walker we had a horrible police force that was top heavy, corrupt and ineffective. Now we have taken back the streets and have a strong and professional police force. All thanks to Mayor Leyens and Chief Moffet.
Vicksburg don't return us to the days of corruption and ineffective leadership.
Reality is Vicksburg will never thrive until we get rid of the self serving gang of three on the Board of Supervisors.
There was an attempt by a group to place a large water park here in Warren County. It would mean over 500 jobs. They also wanted to put in a 10,000 seat amphitheater with top shelf, nationally known performers on a regular basis. The county and the Port Commission said no.
With that kind of idiocy in the County and the Port Commission Vicksburg doesn't have a prayer until those (insert unpleasant adjective here) are removed.
Mr. Winfield's close association with the County Board scares me. Does he think like they do? Does he think like Mayor Walker did?
Malcolm Allred
Glad to see you clean this up. Seems like you didn't have a problem with it until the attacks on Paul Winfield started, but better late than never.
I would like to thank you too Mr. Alred. This site has become filled with hatred and inuendo's that we do not need. This election is about who is best to run this town for all of its citizens. It's time for a change to someone with dignity and character that is so meaningful to a public figure. Mr. Winfield should be our next mayor.
Yes reading about Jimmy and his Leyens signs is getting old and about the clients that frequent his establishment. now lets talk about MAC'S GAS STATION at the corner of Drummond and Belmont and the people that congregate there and that that location has a Paul Winfield sign in front of it. Makes ya wanna say humm?
Man I must have left Pauls party too early tonight. I seem to miss out wit you on getting drunk and taking turns playing on the computer. Are you still over there.
Good Sir or Madam, if you want someone with dignity and character read a book, or put Mr. Loviza back in. If you want results in the real world you will stick with Leyens.
Mr. Winfield and his real world results are less than exemplary. He carries himself well and stikes a nice pose. The results of his time at the county were numerous lawsuits over his poor legal ability and his resignation prior to being removed. The only reason the county has not told the whole story is they want to get rid of Leyens more than they want to hold Mr. Winfield accountable. Politics as usual at the county.
Shady characters frequent both locations. At least he lets both candidates put signs on his property and I have heard no negative remarks about his place. So, hmmmmm?
I know now that I am communicating with stupidy. No one in his/her right mind would vote for laurence leyens. I am taking my campaign to the people, they will decide. And no, I am not working for Paul; I don't think he even knows me. I heard him speak and I believe what he he has my vote and everyone I know and don't really know too. Mr. leyens has never asked for my vote or visited my neighborhood or church. Mr. Winfield shook my hand and asked for my vote and he can have it.
It's going to come down to whomever gets the most votes. In America you get votes with money.
Therefore I project a 60% win for Mayor Leyens. I also project Paul Winfield will face numerous lawsuits after the election.
Remember this post.
You may be right. Poor folk can't win and Mr. Leyens is rich. We can scare the hell out of ya. "Boo"
Anonymous said....Winfield shook my hand and asked for my vote and he can have it.
Wow, an informed voter for Winfield, why am I not surprised.
Very informed on all of the issues and I am still voting for Winfield because he is the best candidate, everyone except you knows it.
I am done with this blog. Too much stupidy and ignorance is blotting the well intentioned and informed.
How about the issue of the police force and crime? On that issue Vicksburg is performing well above the curve.
How about the issue of financial responsibility and job performance? Vicksburg hasn't raised taxes in 15? 17 years? The county, which Paul advised, just raised their taxes.
How about the issue of personal responsibility? Mr. Winfield is lacking by a long mark in that category.
How about job performance? You don't even want to think about comparing the soaring success of Vicksburg the past eight year to Mr. Winfield's professional failures and personal financial failures.
If you're informed on the issues you may want to check if you are looking at Vicksburg, you can't call the last eight years anything but a success story for Vicksburg.
If you're serious about voting for Winfield you may want really look at the issues in the county, his personal life and his professional life. He has failed in all three areas so far, why give him our tax dollars so he can fail with them too.
It's political season, the idiots jump in with all four feet.
i would not call being a county judge...partner in the longest standing black operated law office...married to a sucessful personality...presidential delegate, and secretary of the mississippi democratic party a person who is a failure...what does winfield have to do for you people? walk on water and heal the blind? i'd say winfield has far better credentials now than leyens had when he all of a sudden moved back to town simply to run for mayor...paul delved off into the private sector and invested in business to help flourish vicksburg and not simply fatten his pockets....winfield is the only choice here
what is encroachment? Mr Jones ordered his drugs, he did not buy from the protected local kingpin. That is encroaching on another's area.
Drugs are bad. But, when you have a leader who is permitting it to happen it is deadly. Mayor address the drug problem.
Thanks to the poster who reminded us of Mr. Winfield's qualifications. I am so proud of him and his accomplishments. We have a very large family who all live in the city limits and our votes will be for Mr. Winfield. He will be the next mayor of this city. My entire family will be taking neighbors, church members and friends to the polls. We are in the process of organizing and making a list for pick-up now. Thanks again Poster.
Leyens does not stand a chance this time. You do know he is using scare tactics to keep people from going to the polls. "No one is afraid of you" majority of the people in this town want you "OUT"
is leyens afraid of losing this time around? I don't remember him campaigning so hard before, he was in my neighborhood a few days ago. Maybe the competition is too tight and makes him uncomfortable. Keep up the good work Mr. Winfield.
the rule of political science states that when there is a unpopular incumbent who's been there for 2 terms..then the challenger will win..(look what happened nationally)'ve had your run mr. leyens, this is a democracy not the kingdom of france and you are not napolean
you can call winfield what you want...but come july you'll have to call him 'mr. mayor'
Mayor use some of that energy that you used with Mr. Gates and his pool table on 'fast jimmy and run him out of town.
You have allowed him to flourish. Now he has invited all of his relatives to move to Vicksburg. Do you know why? Bow out and release this town.
to the guy that says 'remember this post' where will leyens get 60% from? vicksburg is not majority upper class (and all of them do not support leyens) how can he pull 60 in a democratic town against a strong know little about political science evidently...or maybe you are a palm reader or fortune teller...dont tell me leyens has resorted to sooth sayers and mediums for support and advice...."remember this post" lol get out of here..maybe we ship you out on the same stagecoach with leyens
Mr. Leyens your finicky demean has many of your employees taking nerve pills.
Also, people have passed up a chance to get help because they did not want to have to deal with you.
You are a public servant, yes servant. You work for us.
Money will not buy elections, just ask Crisler in Jackson.
What have you done laterly for the blight community? Do they count?
I am a senior citizen and I stopped at the Clay/Cherry Shell for gas, not knowing about the notoriety. I put $25 on my card and the ticket that came out was $58, I went inside and the little man was somewhat miffed with me and told me that was the person before me. He made a ticket inside. At the time I thought it was strange, now I know why.
When on Channel 23, you offended the ladies of Delta Sigma Theta, you offended a lot of people. DST is the largest black sorority.
Yes, we vote.
When you offended on Channel 23, the sister of Delta Sigma Theta, you offended a lot of people. DST is the largest black Sorority.
I see Paul has his folks blasting this site. Good luck with that. It is obvious and biased. Is this how you will run the city too? Just overwhelm others with a plethora of repeated idiocies?
For shame.
Those who know Paul Winfield and his actual performance will not vote for him. They may vote against Leyens, but Paul has failed at everything he has tried. If you want the county running the city too vote for Winfield.
If you want to return to a corrupt police force and urban blight, vote for Winfield.
If you want our city employees sold out to the unions, vote for Winfield.
It's a shame Vicksburg is so ignorant. They will take promises from corrupt people just to have their boy in place.
I guess those voting for Winfield think it's best to have someone they can influence over someone that actually gets things done for Vicksburg.
Anyone looking at facts would keep the current Mayor in place.
Alright, now I'll sit back and watch the Winfield union team post the same old lies repeatedly on this blog.
sounds like you think paul's going to win...hey maybe we've won you over!
Re: the posting 20 May @ 11:22am
"the rule of political science states that when there is a unpopular incumbent who's been there for 2 terms..then the challenger will win..(look what happened nationally)..."
Glad you told me that. Had I known before, I wouldn't have voted for Bush Jr. for a 3rd term as president.
"Strike a pose!"
why do you people keep posting about the corrupt police...paul never had anything to do with any administrations so how can you tie him to anything with the police department...only the uneducated will listen to your stupidity..this is a fact that we have murderers and rapists walking the streets of vicksburg free because our chief is worried about susbsidised housing units (should be a civil matter after the drug distributor was caught...what else business should moffet have in it)...and you better watch out by slandering stirgus (he educated almost every professional person in vicksburg "hint" professional people are informed voters) keep saying leyens is giving results but where are they? i dont see them...he planted a few trees around town (some in the middle of the road hoping that someone would leave the casino and hit it so moffett can charge him with d.u.i. and make the city some money) ..put a mural up on the river...and thats about it...other than sit on his high chair on channel 23 and talk down to people
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