Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Newt Gingrich is calling on Tea Party activists to make July 4, 2009, "American Freedom Day." To quote Speaker Gingrich:

"...we should make July 4, 2009 "American Freedom Day." Tea Party activists across America should plan to go out and recruit supporters from every Fourth of July celebration in their community.

"If one million freedom-loving Americans work from now to July 4, the size of the Tea Party movement will grow dramatically.

"As Tea Party leaders around the country email, chat, and call each other, they should learn the lessons from this past week and begin laying plans to make July 4, 2009 a day that goes down as a decisive turning point in the history of defending freedom."

If you would like to read Mr. Gingrich's entire column, "Will the Tea Parties Matter?" go here:

The Vicksburg Tea Party was disappointing because the word did not get out. Can we make July 4 much more successful?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is the tea party about? Who is having a tea party and where?