With the addition of Tommy Wright, there are now five candidates for mayor of the City of Vicksburg:
Incumbent Mayor Laurence Leyens http://web.vicksburg.org/Vicksburg/Default.aspx?tabid=107

Attorney Paul Winfield http://winfieldforvicksburg.com/ 

Contractor and President of the local chapter of the NAACP John Shorter, and Tommy Wright, a small business owner. No photos or websites are available for Shorter or Wright at this time.
The primary election is May 5, runoff elections May 19, and the general election June 2.
Paul Winfield has started his campaign. had someone knock on my door wanting me to vote for him.. I have seen John Shorter signs up around town. What is the mayor waiting on??
everyone is asking where is Mayor Leyens?
My guess is he's waiting until after the primary. All the candidates so far are Democrats running against each other, except Leyens who is an Independent.
Could be!! Who will you vote for and why???
Flyer out today. John Shorter!! he will strive to attain, financial effiency ( stop wasteful spending) Lower city's utilities, community recreation, roll back code enforcement and prioritize city projects based on needs and repsonsibilities to the citizens of Vicksburg..
How could we get any more financially efficient? If you peruse the city numbers and operations it is as efficient a government operation as exist anywhere on the planet. It ain't broke, don't fix it.
I want to see his plan to lower city utilities.
Community Recreation is something that is needed. There is a cost factor but the payoff is reduced youths roving the streets with endless energy.
Code enforcement needs to stay in place. Rolling it back is a mistake and will serve to create more fires, create a less pleasant town visually and a less safe town structurally. Bad move John.
I need to see specifics on the 'Needs and responsibilities to the citizens'. What does that mean?
That's a good question on the 'needs to the responisbilities to the citizens' sounds like another consultant's report to me.
leyens has my vote...people may not like him BUT he was not elected to be liked.. he was elected to move the city forward and that he has done. I remember what it used to look like. Give him four more years..At lest we can rest assured he will continue forward with his projects..
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