Monday, May 11, 2009


Attorney Paul Winfield's victory in the Democratic primary placed him in a one-on-one matchup in the race for mayor against incumbent Mayor Laurence Leyens. The general election is slated for June 2.

Mayor LaurenceLeyens:

Attorney Paul WinfieldWinfield:


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Anonymous said...

hello people! the "majority" of the people are not those who are able to purchase all of the available property around town..they are the people who are on the outside looking in...they are tired of leyens and his associates having their financial fill of the town..they will make their feelings know this tuesday

Anonymous said...

what's wrong with the audience being stacked? that means that one candidate obviously has more supporters than the other candidate..thats local if the mayor is so distant towards his constituency that he has to hide behind a radio station then i doubt he feels as if he has a fair chance

LOL@ Winfield said...

I see the Winfield supporters are back.
Your boy is the one not willing to debate.
What's he afraid of? Reality? Issues? Being shown for what he is?
LOL@Leyens hiding. Leyens said "anytime, anywhere." Paul said....what has Paul said? ... oh yeah "...cough....cough...I'm too busy to answer questions.....cough....cough"
Go back to port gibson or the county, they accept do nothings.

Anonymous said...

who are you? you talk to leyens? hope you can vote for him he's needing as many as he can get dude..

Anonymous said...

When Mr. Winfield had time and wanted a debate, it was leyens who refused. Now that it is getting late in the day and leyens knows that Mr. Winfield has the momentum, he wants to interfere for a debate. That is "silly." Mr. Winfield needs to keep doing what he is doing because it is working for him and his campaign. He does not need a debate now. We want his focus totally on his supporters.

Anonymous said...

totally agree

Anonymous said...

Why did your candidate not answer earlier to a debate? There was ample time to plan for both sides. What was his problem? It is too late now, neither party has time. I agree with the poster who says that voters have made up their minds and are ready to vote on Tuesday. The candidates will wrap up their campaigns this weekend and on Tuesday one of them will be mayor of this city, like it or not, we all will still have one mayor.

Anonymous said...

It shows just how dumb some people are. The only issue they can see in this election ia a typo.

Get real and show just what you have done with the revenues for eight long years.

Kelly Circle is still looking at us.

All I can see are the trees.

Was hortculture the mayor's major?

Anonymous said...

Repubicans! Repubicans!

Tell your candidate that he can sit down now, and wait on the votes.

Also, the stake holders can take a break.

Money can't buy votes anymore.

Anonymous said...

Mayor respond to the question about high utility bills in the poor areas.

Anonymous said...

Where did the mayor dig up po Mr. Lumpkins on the TV ad?

His boys have torn up the Kings community.

Anonymous said...


The mayor will announce his Republicanaffiliation soon after he gets your votes.

Chris Whittington said...

I want to go on record here about the issue of a debate. Laurence Leyens has repeatedly told people the following statement: "All Mr. Winfield has to do is call my office and get word to me about where he wants to debate and when. All I need is 10 or 15 minutes notice so I can get there."

I, personally, asked Mr. Winfield - at his fundraiser/rally on Tuesday evening at the pavillion - if he would like to engage in a debate on this evening (Thursday). He responded that he would have the time this evening but after then (Friday - Monday) would be committed elsewhere. He did refer me to his campaign manager, Dorwin Shields. At that point I shook Mr. Winfield's hand and wished him the best of luck.

I spoke with Mr. Shields immediately after speaking with Mr. Winfield and Mr. Shields did seem less than pleased that I was there asking about a debate. He did make the statements that an earlier poster mentioned: There would need to be coordination between both camps and the venue, sponsor, moderator, rules and topics would have to be agreed upon.

He did not seem thrilled with the idea of an impromptu debate. However, what campaign manager could be.

I firmly hold the belief that Mayor Leyens would shine much more brightly than the Honorable Mr. Winfield in a debate. The Mayor has a clear vision - which he has shown us time and again over the last four years.

The Mayor has stated that it was not his intention to run for the office again but when he was able to look at the big picture and where we - The City of Vicksburg - were in the course of progress and change, he decided that there was still more to do.

He wants to make this a better place for ALL the residents of Vicksburg. He want to help us ALL secure a brighter future for our children. He wants to be able to know that his children will have a wonderful and safe community to grow up in.

Not all people are going to be big fans of any mayor. Surely, Laurence has made his fair share of enemies. That being said, he's made his fair share of friends as well.

Mr. Winfield is an honorable man with honorable intentions. Do I believe he has what it takes to lead us through the next four years? No. Does that mean that I wouldn't support his candidacy in the 2013 race? No. There is a distinct possiblility that I would.

I want to let all of you know that the negative comments that you are throwing out about either candidate are just plain wrong.

We are ONE community with a choice between TWO qualified candidates for the office of mayor.

Let's all strive to leave the personal attacks on each other and on the candidates aside and speak about the issues which plague our community.

Now is not the time for divisiveness, name-calling, bigotry and hatred. Now is the time for us all to come together for the betterment of our city and the betterment of our lives.

I ask that you watch the video on with an open mind and then decide who would be best to lead us in the next four years.

As for me - I believe in Mayor Leyens. Mr. Winfield - I wish you well in all your future endeavours. I hope that you will not stop fighting for what you believe in. I do hope to see you succeed in your business ventures and wish you well on any negative issues that you may face. That said - I'm sorry to say that I hope that Mayor Leyens wins this election.

Anonymous said...

and people on death row are hoping for a pardon

Anonymous said...

if leyens wasnt worried about this race he wouldnt be sending mr. whittington on here with all of these long drawn out posts

Chris Whittington said...

I speak for myself, Mr or Ms Anonymous. Laurence has not and will not ask me to post here. He sees this thread as a waste of time and I'm starting to believe he's right.

Anonymous said...

A debate woukld be great , inpromptu would be the best way to see whaat each candidate has to offer. I know Mayor Leyens and he would never shy away from debating Winfield nor do I believe he would have to have this planned ahead with rules. David Day would be a gret person to moderate this debate. Come on Winfield do it..
Any candidate who strongly believes in himself and what he stands for would jump at the opportunity to voice to the people, the voters, his goals and agenda for this city..

Anonymous said...

Chris , I believe Leyens will win. I think the people are behind him. Like him or not he has done great things for this city. The many people I have talked too are voting for his re election.. I am one of them.

Anonymous said...

you dont have to lie...leyens has been posting on he doesnt send you on here but he sent you to the rally..hmmm okay

Anonymous said...

the few people in your circle dont count for many votes

Chris Whittington said...

I challenge all of you who post on this board to post your name as well. I'm proud of my candidate. Are you?

Anonymous said...

you're doing alot of typing to say you think this thread isnt worth much

Debbie said...

Debbie Lowery pround of my candidate Mayor Leyens.!!!

Anonymous said...

you two could do mr. leyens a greater service byh going out and canvassing some of these neighborhoods for him...

Anonymous said...

Mr. Whittington, you stated that it is not time for divisiness and I totally agree; however, you need to tell this to your candidate. He has not campaigned in any of the predominately Black neighborhoods. Apparently, he thinks of us as second class citizens and does not want our votes. It is also apparent that most of the leyens bloggers is right in cahoots with him.

Anonymous said...

I have a question? Why come people are destroying Leyens signs and not one Winfield sign has been destroyed? Who's respecting whom?

Anonymous said...

Chris, What makes you think that the city would not be the same or better if Mr. Winfield is elected? He's bright, intelligent, personable, can promote the city and bring in new businesses, has the ability to organize, manage and be selected the best mayor in Mississippi and of course the United States. No, he does not have mayoral experience, neither did leyens eight years ago. You voted for him and did not scream "experience." Now you have a problem with this young, highly intelligent, educated man who wants to bring positive change to city hall, make our city safe (YES Safe) from serial rapists, thieves, murderous and drugs. Our police department is courteous and doing the best they can under the current leadership; however, they can be better. Why would you think Mr. Winfield would take the city back to where it was before Leyens? This young man was born and raised in this city just as leyens was, he is just as energetic or more, and has the desire to serve as mayor. The majority of this city wants a change at city hall and Mr. Winfield is the man to make it happen. We the Smiths, Johnsons, Williams, Allen, Black, Mitchells, Thompsons, Gilmers, Powell, etc. are proud of our mayor elect, Paul Winfield.

Anonymous said...

For the record: Mr. Winfield can win now, why should he wait until 2013 to run for mayor. That is a "racist" comment.

Anonymous said...

You know it is so sad that you would make poor Mr. Lumpkin a victim. He does not deserve to be treated like that, we like him, but he has no influence AT ALL!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Whittington, what people did leyens tell that he wanted to debate winfield? Certainly not Mr. Winfield nor his campaign manager.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Winfield has a vision for this city; growth, industry, jobs, and tourism. He is a visionary and would make this city proud. We will make sure that he has the opportunity to realize his vision and ideas on June 2. Every call I have personally made (over 800) has been positive for Mr. Winfield. Hooray!

Anonymous said...

By the way, you will have the opportunity to vote for Mr. Winfield in 2013 when he runs for re-election. I hope we can count on your vote.

Anonymous said...

Mayor, how do you plan to get all that property you bought in Carson's name? Is he going to sell it to you for $1 ? You know, "there is no honor among thieves"? Will you have him arrested? It does not take a rocket scientist to know that a man totally broke eight years ago is now worth millions in property. (i.e., Surplus City, Burger King on Clay, barber shop on drummond, house on cherry, etc. just to name a few) I guess when you lose the election, you will want all your property back. I heard that you will not get one iota of it, cause you ain't got no proof. Oh well, I doubt if the best mayor in MS would be involved in any shady deals like that.

Disappointed said...

It seems to me Mr. Winfield just lost a lot of the swing vote because he won't debate Mayor Leyens.

That's a shame, I was hoping Paul would pull this off.

Clean it up said...

Why do the winfield whiners keep posting that nonsense about carson. Looks like they're afraid a black man might have figured out a way to make it in the old south. The reverse racism from the winfield whiners is disgusting. We should be happy when someone makes it. Calling them 'Tom' only hurts all of us. To make it worse its only rumors.

Here we have stirgus protecting that boy caught red handed. Now that stirgus is out of the way looks like all the shady deals from his cartel are coming out. Shame to see someone I used to respect come to such an ugly end. Why would the winfield whiners talk about the mayors friends when winfield himself has put stirgus on his website. Yall need to clean up your own house for ya go tearing down anothers.

I'm worried. said...

I think Paul just blew it. I mean he lost votes having Mr. Sturgis on his site. He lost a lot of votes bringing in the out of town union organizers. Now he's lost any chance with the reamining undecideds for not debating Leyens.

Paul, destroy the little monster in a debate. Ask him about his business association with Malcolm Carson and Jamal Khuri. Ask him why we don't have anything for our youth to do. Ask him if his intent is to run the 'less fortunate' out of Vicksburg. Ask him about his cocaine addiction. Ask him about his relations with his employees. Ask him why he's avoided certain neighborhoods during this campaign. Put it all on the table. You're the only one that can call him out on all these things. We can post all we want on the internet, it don't mean a thing.

Puttintame said...

LOL @ winfield whiners.

LOL @ no one from the winfield side being willing to put thier names on their post. Probably all the same person anyway.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard a single specific plan out of Mr. Winfield?

Other than firing the Police Chief (and what's the plan then bro?)

Anonymous said...

Winfield does not have a plan . Corrupt politicians behind him. Leyens is the man. He would debate Winfield anytime anywhere. I know this as a FACT. Winfield will not debate. That alone speaks volumes.
Vote wisely...

Anonymous said...

Leyens Results..

On Channel 23, you told members of Cool Spring and local land owners that the owner of the car crashing business had the right to do what he wanted to do on his property.(but Mr. Mayor, at the expense of other citizens who also have rights)

Ran Jimmy Heidel to Jackson, to make improvements there.

Attcked Mr. Stirgus.

Allows Jackson Slumlords to set up shop here.

You and the fine police Dept. put the dogs on the upstandinggentleman on Oak Street and caused him to leave town.

Used Bud Carson and had him sent up the road.

Used Robert Hubbard up and dumped him for Malcolm.

Used crooks to advance yourself.

Using Chris or is Chris using the City for some of our land?

Used money from the big money people listed in the paper to maintain the 'status quo'
(it takes big money to buy the mansions)

Laid out the "red capet" for 'fast jimmy' and his people to cross the bridge and set up shop.

Maintaining a "cast system" the have and the will never have.

Ran Rocket Cab business out of business so your 'ghost' businss could take over.

There are some good meaning supporters of your who are not aware that they are supportingcorruption big time.

On the other hand, some of your are benefactors of your shady operations.

Wake up Vicksburg, we need "Walking Tall" to clean this mess up.

Slander all you want, it's over said...

The only thing that needs cleaning up is that mess on Cherry at Belmont. Looks like that is going to happen rather nicely thanks to Mr. Stirgus, Coastal Union Workers and backing down from the debate.

Anonymous said...

Correction: It is your candidate who did not want to debate until a few days ago when he learned the momentum and volumes of voters who are supporting Mr. Winfield. The weeks immediately following the primary would have been perfect; however, your candidate refused to debate. So, it is definitely not going to happen at this late date. Suck it up!

Anonymous said...

I agree, winfield supporters are now focusing on June 2. They could care less about a debate at this time. Only the leyens camp is worried and trying to gain some support on this issue. Winfield has this election sown up.

Anonymous said...

Mayor, I know you don't need a debate to win this election; afterall, your record speaks for you. You know when you contracted a company out of Texas to do millions of dollars in roofing for the city when Vicksburg had many professional roofers capable of doing the job. That is what I call the best mayor in MS.

Also, your six acres on Oak Street that is for sale but does not have a relators sign. Do you not trust Vicksburg Relators? Just do what you want with your property.
And it seems that you do what you want with taxpayers property too. That's what I'm talking about!

Meow said...

Turn tail and run from the debate. Change the facts around any way you want. It just don't matter. When it came down to it Paul backed down from the debate.

All those lies about the Mayor, all that bravado, but when it comes to putting out, you got out.

What's another name for a cat?

Not a Reverse Racist said...

Love the flat out lies above about roofers and the land on Oak street.

Let me see if I understand the Winfield mentality. If someone has done well, owns land or wins a contract bid they are corrupt, bad and racist - if they support Leyens.

That same person is a community icon if they support Winfield.

This type of divisive idiocy and reverse racism wants city hall too?




Anonymous said...

I wonder if Vance came back alive because he saw was hell was like?

Anonymous said...

One good thing about this blog. I bet 1/2 the people on it haven't read this much their entire lives.

Anonymous said...

Now, you are right where you should be "Scared"
You are running on thin air and you know it. We are all fired up and will keep it that way through June 2. What swing vote? Ha! we got all the votes baby.

Anonymous said...

Repeat: The roofing company was from Texas not Vicksburg or Mississippi. Whatever happened to support your city, and support your state. All that money could have been spent here. Told ya! He the best mayor in MS.

Wow, you're stupid said...

Re: the Texas roofer....

Why didn't Paul have his website done locally?

Hey, people in glass houses....

Anonymous said...

LOL @ 1/2 the people on this site haven't read this much their entire lives.

Anonymous said...

TO Both Camps: When I was a child, I act as a child, when I became an adult, I put away childish things. Do you think taking signs from citizens yards will change the votes? If so then leyens has won, his signs out number winfield three to one. GROW UP!

Anonymous said...

So now you want to play the "race card," typical reaction from your kind. One thing I can honestly say about the mayor, "he is not a racist." he does not give a damn what color you are, red, brown, yellow, or green,if you don't agree with him or dance when he says dance, you are on his hit list.

Self Made Man said...

You have to have permission to place a sign on people's property. That is why I have personally removed at least a dozen Winfield signs from my properties.

If Winfield doesn't have the common decency to ask permission he sure doesn't deserve my vote.

Anonymous said...

Finally, you have shown that it is not the issues of this campaign that interest you. It is the fact that a well educated, respected, personable and qualified "Black" man is running against a bullheaded, dictatorial, and arrogant "White" man. I wonder how this would have played out if both candidates were the same color. You see, I did not say race because we all are of the human race.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, because I removed leyens signs from my properties too. Also, my collegues and family did the same. His signs will bring down my property value. It is a shame that leyens folk will stick signs anywhere. By the way, who was the "WHITE" man dressed in black removing Winfield signs from properties this morning that were put there by permission? We will put up more and wait for him to come back although we know signs don't vote, we just wanna make him run like the coward he is.

Anonymous said...

Back to stupid: the website was paid for with funds from friends of winfield. Our tax dollars paid the roofers from Texas and they took the money back to Texas. Our city businesses did not get one cent. What kind of mentality are you..apparently, you missed your government and math classes, that is, if you got that far in school.

Anonymous said...

I got far enough along to recognize a snake when I saw one.

which side of your mouth you gonna talk outta now?

Anonymous said...

LOL @ winfield whiners

No matter what is said Paul or whomever is replying for Paul comes back and says the opposite. if no one noticed.

Anonymous said...

Whew! we got time to go back and forth until June 2. We can tell you and your candidate must be super scared the way yall walking these neighborhoods now. Gosh! leyens never had to campaign so hard before, we must be getting his attention afterall. You know,if he wins and I did say if, he worked his behind off for this one. Yah hoo!

Debate Him said...

WE could guarantee a win for WINfield if he took that little monster on in a debate.

Anonymous said...

That guarantee is already on the table, what else can you offer.

Anonymous said...

Enough said, the cards have been dealt and the winning hand belongs to Attorney Paul Winfield.

Anonymous said...

the amen corner said: Amen to that!

Anonymous said...

tell me bloggers why is it Mr Winfield has to get union workers from other parts of mississippi to come here to hold up his signs? I think this says a lot. leyens all the way!!!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

lol..someone give leyens' sign some help out in the's in more pieces than the ten commandments..i dont blame laurence for not campaigning in black neighborhoods..he is seeing what is happening to his far as puttin signs up...carson is puttin signs in people's yards because they rent from him...i wonder what the legality of that is..hmm

Anonymous said...

it's too late for a debate..laurence can go back to selling insurance (rip off)

Anonymous said...

paul did not ask those people to come here...they volunteered to come...only a fool would turn down help..while leyens is soliciting for help..paul is being do the math..leyens will get 2000 votes and paul will get 3500+

Anonymous said...

these folks that are on here on leyens' behalf are probably the only ones that will vote for him

Anonymous said...

dont talk about people from out of town...the people who endorsed leyens say they live in jackson (vicksburg post ad and editorial)oh i forgot...leyens has an old man on his commercial whom has no pull...good luck leyens

Anonymous said...

i never remember leyens running a commercial in any of his other races..he must really be scared

Anonymous said...

Now you all know, what is needed here right now is love. I mean, sweet love. Because, it IS the ONLY thing that there is just too little of. SHALL I REPEAT IT?

Anonymous said...

One good thing about Pauls Union soldiers being here in Vicksburg, it's really helped our economy. Our hotel rate is up. Restaurants, Bars, Gas Stations, Outlet Mall, Stores on Washington Street... I haven't known of so many Union here since the Civil War when they fooled the blacks into believing the war was "ONLY" for their freedom.

Has anyone heard of the Crawfish Mentality?

Is an Uncle Tom the Crawfish that trys to get out of the pot?

Who's foolin' who?

Is there anything wrong with Mayor Laurence giving a hand to "Uncle Tom" Carson and every other person that accepts help?

Who on this site or their family member has accepted help from River City Rescue Mission?

Vicksburg Food Pantry?


Do you want me to name more?

Anonymous said...

True. Leyens has done a lot to help many people in this city.

Anonymous said...

the majority of those on WIC and other public assistance stay in those trailer parks so who are you making assumptions toward?

Anonymous said...

No assumptions. What are you making assumptions towards? What is your point? Mine is what I stated and that is that my point is, and I continue to repeat, I have noticed many people on all levels of all colors of both genders have benefited from the generosity of Mayor Leyens.

Don't be a Crawfish and hold ANYONE (even yourself) back. Don't be hatin' either.

Anonymous said...

River Rats? Is that a term coined from "Winfield for Mayor?"

I challenge you to go through all 493 postings and you will see there is not even one posting from a Leyens supporter using any name calling.

Anonymous said...

why has it been so hard to get on to a computer at the public liberry laterly.

Anonymous said...

We all know what your assumptions are; you are pissed off because Winfield is winning this election and you can't cough up enough votes to ensure leyens wins. Funny thing about an animal, his true self ( I mean you) comes out when he is threatened. You my friend are pissed and threatened. If you were not, you would not be so vile. Skip the bull, you know exactly what you are trying to insinuate.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, you need to purchase your personal computer, if you find it hard to use one at the public library. That's what I would do. Then maybe you cannot because if you could, you would not need to use one at the public library.

Anonymous said...

you'd think that with all these 'results' then a town the size of vicksburg should have working computers in the 'public library'

Anonymous said...


the winfield whiners will take any opening

if he gets in office expect to open your wallet

Anonymous said...

The poster is referring to abundant use of the computers at the public library. Apparently, they are all taken and he cannot use one. Maybe, students were doing homework. Now that school is out, he may find one available. However, I do not see how it relates to the election.

Anonymous said...

i expect you will be whining on june 3rd

Anonymous said...

Yes, the union members are contributing to the economy of Vicksburg. We are proud of the fact that they are from Mississippi, contributing to Mississippi. A far cry from the Texans the mayor hired to do the roofing of city owned buildings when there are professional roofers in this town and in this state. The Texans took our tax dollars back to Texas. So much for leyens definition of building the city's economy. Fact! This is what you want for the next 4 years.

Anonymous said...

He's made some bad decisions but he has also made the city look better. Who cares about a few million of our tax dollars going to texas, we need to share with other states, who knows, we may get the landscaping job in Texas, it is the largest state you know.

Anonymous said...

Hey, did yall see Mayor Elect Winfield on channel 16 at 6 pm? He was so direct, professional, and informative, he will do this city PROUD! His tone, personna and overall presentation was much, much, better than the opponent. Gosh!

Anonymous said...

arent you the same people that said winfield's page was made from someone out of town? now you come back and say "who cares about a few million of our tax dollars going to texas"...thats two-faced

Anonymous said...

he must be the shah of iran if he is not worried about a few million dollars...they're not worried about a few million dollars going to another state's coffers..but they are concerned about winfield's web petty..and silly!

Anonymous said...

Lady M says: not two faced. In this fight, guess who is always right. You said it, I didn't. Yeah, they are afraid of raising taxes but does not care about sending our tax dollars to texas. Some mental state of confusion if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

whoever said "who cares about a few million dollars" must be one of these people they are talking about on WIC since he doesnt value money...has to be broke himself or using other people's possesions

Anonymous said...

Whiner says; you have it all wrong. You don't know joy, contentment, happiness, and just cool calm and collectiveness when you see it. We are not nervous at all; that's the way it is when you know you got a winner and we got a "WINNER." We got nothing to complain about, just eager for June 2.

Anonymous said...

That post came from the leyens camp about not caring about the millions. You know all republicans are rich so it does not matter.

Anonymous said...

Your asinine behavior is destroying race relations in Vicksburg.

I take exception with my sitting mayor telling me to go to hell.
You are "raw"

For the cluck who compares a website private spending to the mayor's public spending money for
Texas companies you must be stewed.

The debate ball is in the incumbent's court. You should be able to highlight your accoplishments, etc. which you have none.

Now, you say: "but I have planted trees". This makes you the tree mayor who pals around with shady character.

While you were planting trees, jobs were moving out of town.

Anonymous said...

Malcolm's instant wealth reminds me of Buie's instant wealth.

Anything gotten by evil means will burn your hands.

Anonymous said...

In Vicksburg, the minorities lived in the same neighborhood.

The real poor whites in in boat houses on the river.

The mayor has always been considered a minority, too. They pretend with him but they still hold the same position.

Mayor stay in your place and stop trying to play the race card.

Anonymous said...

Why did the jews have to build the newest country club?

Anonymous said...

If you had character, you would have openly welcome the young man in the race.

No, you and your cohorts sat out to destroy him.

Little did you know, you
were dealing with a man, not the Rawlings brothers.

If you had so much going in California, you would not be here. California beat drums when you left.

You have been on the job eight year, but you have not gained experience.

You do not have people skills.

You should be thanking us for being silly enough to let you wreck this city.

Anonymous said...

The buzz words that I am hearing are: unions and debate.

However, what should be buzzing are how the mayor is attracting new jobs, not planting trees.

Imagine this fantasy:
- Breaking News.... mayor is too business to debate, he is wrapping up a new plant deal for the city.

mayor is tied up in court with Jackson slumlord case.

We wish!

The mayor is too self serving.

Anonymous said...

Ask the mayor how many African American females has be hired during his eight years? Don't count the domestics.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

*** A T T E N T I O N ***

The person who blogs in at #600 will receive a free makeover at a local Drug Store's perfume counter.

Good luck ladies.

Chris Whittington said...

This comment is not to defend the Leyens administration, though I'm sure that some of you will see it that way.

I want to talk about the company from Texas who was hired to do roofing jobs here in Vicksburg. This may also serve as an educational tool for some people out there who may not know much about how government is operated.

The City of Vicksburg saw the need for repairing the rooftops of several city-owned businesses. The issue was discussed at a meeting of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen. The Board agreed that the work needed to be done and put out a call for bids on the project.

The project was well defined, meaning that all work that needed to be done was listed in the body of the "Letter of Notice."

Companies from all over the world are welcome to bid on Federal, State, County and/or Municipal projects.

The SEALED bids were opened during a meeting of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen. The company who bids the lowest automatically wins the contract, unless another business that is "minority-owned" (meaning owned by ANYONE other than a caucasian male) is within a certain percentage of that bid. That is the way it works. I don't know what the pre-determined percentage is here in Vicksburg.

I didn't know anything about the company from Texas being awarded that contract before I read it here. When I read the comment, I knew that the person who made it didn't pay close enough attention in their civics class.

Sorry if you think this is lengthy. I thought that since there was so much argument about it, I would try to educate some people - people from BOTH camps - about how our government is run.

Anonymous said...

Let's get real, June 2nd is just a few days away. By 7:20 p.m. we should know who will lead the city for the next four years. The candidate who wins will need the support of all of Vicksburg if we are going to fast forward toward economic development, jobs, education and providing better facilities and services for our youth. Regardless of how some of you feel & think, they will be the ones in charge of the city in the future. Mr. Leyens has dreams which are good and will work in the interim. However, Mr. Winfield has vision which encompasses the realm of ordinary to extrodinary for this city. A vote for Winfield will ensure economic development, jobs, tourism dollars, safety with additional officers, and an atmosphere pleasing to the citizens and visitors. "Winfield is the man with a plan so give him a hand." (applaud).

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr. Whittington, it still puts a bad taste in the mouths of our local professional roofers who spend their tax dollars in our city when our city administrators go elsewhere to hire others for work they can do. They are licensed and bonded. Sure, in civics you learn how governments operate; however, local professionals should be given a fair chance. We constantly hear support your local & state businesses but the top administrators should set the example. Don't you agree?

Anonymous said...

Roofer's Cont'd: It is amazing that a company out of Texas can bid lower than a local company. They had to come here, set up an office, rent or purchase living quarters and still bid lower than a company that is already here and would not have the added expense. That is so "UNREAL." Chris, we know you mean well but don't you think there is something shady about that deal? Apples and oranges in this crate don't add up, somebody upset the apple cart. Can't buy this one!

Common Sense said...

The reason an out of town roofer got the job is because the local bonded roofers had been over charging the citizens for too long.

Same with gas, professional services and the whole nine yards.

Mayor Leyens broke up most of those 'good ole boy' strongholds on those industries...which explains why some rich folks don't like him.

Mayor Leyens has done more to improve Vicksburg - on many levels - than any other Mayor in recent history. Other Mayors had some good ideas, they just couldn't get anything done.

Paul Winfield has some good ideas, if you vote for a him you will take a chance that he will get them done. Why take a chance when you have a sure thing?

Common Sense said...

One more thing.

Paul not debating the Mayor says everything you need to know about Paul - all talk.

Anonymous said...

I was undecided until the debate issue came up. Mayor Leyens said anytime, anywhere. Paul backed down and then said it was a set up. Shame on Paul. The above comment is dead on, Paul is all talk. Reading the comments from his blogging team (lol@winfield whiners) it's the same, all talk, nothing substantial. Paul is a typical politician.

Anonymous said...

You are right about Winfield and his decison not to debate. it says everything anyone needs to know.Vote leyens

Anonymous said...

But, Mr. Mayor what about affordable houses for the poor people?

When was the last time your inspectors checked East View Apartments, the log huts.

Are the huts safe for children, and the elderly? What do the fire department say?

That slum is a case of malfeasance.

What the poor citizens were trying to articulate to you on Ch. 23, were living in the shacks they owned were better than living in a concentration camp (slum projects). You just laughed and ordered their houses to be torn down. The best solution
would have been to actively secure funding for refurbishment.

Are you aware of the number of senior citizens who died after you took their homes?

You allowed Willie Dixon's childhood home to be torn down just before his wife arrived for the street sign ceremony. She was just shown a vacant lot. She said she wish had known in time.

Please visit Corinth in north Mississipi, similar civil war history city, but an aggressivecity. The mayor is too busy with city work to be paling around with bad company. By the way, they have the Coke Museum and an African American Museum. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Leyens was aggressive in driving local plumbers, carpenters,electricians out of business.

Anonymous said...

Is Mr. Rogers the only one in the state of Missisippicapable of handling Vicksburg financial business?

You need to send Jay Kilroy to check on him.

Anonymous said...

From what I have seen and heard about Mr. Winfield, he is, not doubt the better candidate.
He has never sat on this blog site and blast Mr. Leyens.

Mr. Leyens on the other hand has wedged his whole campaign on lies and miscomceptions, not facts.

You would think after eight years in office,he would be talking about the progress he made.

Mayor, hungry people can not eat trees.

Anonymous said...

Kudo to Mr. Alred.

The comments that I have seen on this site could and should have been articulated a long time ago at board meetings.

But, with the mayor explosive behavior, malcolm standing over their backs, and the chief waiting to put cuff on them; the citizens just remained silent.

This site serves notice Mr. Mayor, that business will not be as usual.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Mayor you have been up since 3:37 AM framing lies.

If you had followed the democratic process, instead of the monarchy approach; the aldermen could have helped you avoid making so many mistakes.

If God had wanted you to be the only one with sense, he would have made only one head,(yours) and given us necks with eyes.

Anonymous said...

For the poster who said Mr. Winfield needed experience.

The Rush Limbaughs, Sarah Palins, and Joe the plumber said the same about President Obama.

The world has changed, get with it.

In every family there is diversity.

The Asians are the largest minimum diverse group.

I try not to use 'every' too often, but just look around you, better still look when you go to WalMart.

Vicksburg is open to everyone.

This is our city.

This God's city for all the people, not your city, Mayor.

Stop trying to divide us.

There has never been just a 'white side' and a 'black side' in Vicksburg.

I grew up here in the '50.

Better still, read Willie Dixon's book.

Anonymous said...

M says: don't try to make excuses for the mayor's behavior. It is a fact that he has not and will not support local roofers, electricians, builders, etc. It is a total lie to state that their cost was too high; speak of rocket scientist, it does not take one to understand that local professionals will not cost as much as bringing in those from other states. You are insulting the intelligence of our local professionals when trying to establish an excuse. We all know that leyens is not and has never been supportive of our local professionals.

Anonymous said...

Mayor, We know as much as we need to know about the bidding process, but why would you solicit bidders from Texas?

Anonymous said...

That is not true, the mayor does support local businesses. The city has a contract with fast jimmy for gas. All city vehicles are filled with gas from fast jimmy. You need to do your homework better.

Anonymous said...

The attitude of our mayor has been to deprive local professionals/businesses of city contracts. If we are not viligent, the city street workers will be replaced with a contract group from California. You can look for bids on that one anyday now, especially if he is re-elected.

Anonymous said...

You never answered the comment about you buying property in carson's name to keep taxpayers from knowing you are taking advantage of the city deals for yourself. As was said before "there is no honor among theives."

Get Real said...

To anyone who said the mayor solicited bids from Texas or purposefully tried to run any business out of this town you are sadly misinformed, or biased. The governmental bidding process is pretty much set in stone. This Mayor and the next Mayor have to follow the same procedure. The lowest qualified bidder gets the job. That's how it works.

If you want to complain about out of town people working in town start a conversation about all those out of town union workers getting paid by Paul Winfield to hoist signs. Or talk about him using someone outside of Vicksburg to make his website. There are plenty of out of work union folks here qualified to hoist signs. There are more than enough qualified web designers here.

So instead of making up stuff trying to make the Mayor look bad take a look at Paul and the FACTS of him not using locals. You Winfield Whiners (LOL) will stoop any level won't you?

Whomever said the Mayor should pay for fixing up the homes of poor people need to ask Mr. Winfield how many homes he has repaired for poor people. Mr. Winfield was paid by the county for three years, he could have given up that money to the poor couldn't he?

You winfield whiners (LOL) are pathetic. You will say anything and because you will say anything end up actually hurting your candidate. I can't believe Paul wants you to be divisive.

No one wants this kind of divisiveness and reverse racism please be credible and stop trying to make this election about bias. We've come to far for this kind of discussion.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, something is amuk in this city when there are so many comments about the way it is administered. This site has opened the eyes of many who were unaware of the problems. I for one, thought we were in good hands and am surprised to learn of all the corruptness. I guess as with everything, you make it look good on the outside because no one will see what is on the inside. It is heartbreaking to know that Vicksburg is like a small Vegas, full of shady deals at the top. I am a taxpayer who lives in this city and will do what is necessary to bring it to an end. Vote for Paul Winfield.

LOL @ winfield whiners said...

Unfortunately most of the negative comments about the Mayor have been from the winfield whiners (LOL) so they are not credible. They only make Paul look bad that such stupid people support him.

Anonymous said...

African American Museum? VIcksburg has one. One filled will beautiful treasures that EVERYONE should see. The problem? Have you ever tried to get in? It's next to impossible. Don't believe me? Try. IF you can get in, you will find the museum a wealth of history. DON'T BLAME THE MAYOR or the city. Before you accuse, find out who is keeping people out and who is getting let in.

Chris Whittington said...

Here's a quote from the Mayor.

"During the political season and you hear so many rumors and statements out on the street, but I challenge you look around see the results that are making a difference in the quality of life in this community.

We're enjoying a positive sales tax revenue of seven percent over last year. We've had a net increase of over three hundred jobs. During a national recession - that didn't just happen by accident.

We've worked real hard to bring positive change for our community. We've cleaned up this community with millions of dollars of landscaping, picking up litter and code enforcing over thirty thousand properties.

What does this mean to our taxpayers? Higher property values, lower crime and a better quality of life for all of us.

This election will be a very important turning point in our community's future. It's important that everyone exercise their right to vote.

Support Laurence Leyens and the progress and results that are all around us."

Visit to learn more.

Chris Whittington said...

I would like to point out one more thing.

I challenge anyone... and I mean ANYONE... to find any point in EITHER of the Mayor's campaigns where he has placed his opponent in a negative light.

For someone who is as overbearing and mean-spirited as many of you claim that Mayor Leyens is, doesn't it hold up that he would definitely resort to mud-slinging like all other campaigns do?

As for his supporters, there are some bad apples in the bunch, but read through the 500+ comments in this thread and find how many say negative things about Mr. Winfield.

Some of you are going to claim that I was being negative in one of my earlier posts. Read it again with and UNBIASED mind and you will see that you are wrong. I was merely pointing out troublesome issues, not being negative.

Please. Let's have some order around here. Stop with the slander... it's not constructive!

Anonymous said...

Did you say whining? Shame, no whiners here, we have what it takes to make a change in this city. If you did not know it, you would not be so eager to keep leyens name in the game. You guessed it, and you are right, Paul Winfield will be the Mayor of Vicksburg, Mississippi on June 2. Leyens does not stand a chance, he knows it. Why do you think he is campaigning so hard and got yall keeping this site going? It is because he knows that it ain't enough votes among his supporters to put him over the top. First of all, he is the most upopular person in the city, majority of the population wants him out, even his city workers do not support him. What's left? the crumbs huh!

Anonymous said...

Earlier you stated that the mayor would not stoop so low as using this site. What happened? he decided that he needed to stoop cause yall ain't doing a good enough job. Who is he talking to? YOU! we have decided, our minds are made up, apparently he is trying to keep you on the leash.

Chris Whittington said...

There's something else.

The city of Corinth does not operate their Coca-Cola Museum or their African-American Museum. Those businesses are privately owned businesses.

The museums here in town, with the exception of the Cairo Museum are all privately owned. That includes The Jacqueline House African-American Museum located at 1325 Main Street, which is only open on Saturdays from 10 am to 5 pm. On Sundays - Fridays you can call for an appointment to see the museum.

Webmaster said...

Just for the record, neither Mayor Leyens nor Mr. Winfield has any affiliation with this site.

Anonymous said...

Chris, where have you been, in the closet. The mayor's reputation did not begin with this blog and certainly did not begin with Winfield. His reputation preceded all of the talk on this site; it is merely repeated over and over so lest we forget. Yes, I am voting for Winfield because I believe he is the best man for the job. By the way, I am Robert "Bob" Wms.

Anonymous said...

I will make the same challenge to you. Find a point in the Winfield campaign where he has made negative remarks about his opponent.

Anonymous said...

To Get Real: First of all, the Winfield Campaign is not or has not paid anyone from out of town to support him. I find it amazing that a group would think so highly of him and want to use their time to support his campaign. I haven't noticed any of you hoisting signs for leyens. Seems to me that it upsets you that Winfield is so popular. By the way, that young man that you had wearing a leyens t-shirt, exchanged it for a winfield t-shirt. Of course the leyens shirt went to file 9.

Oh I totally believe you! said...

So let me understand clearly. These union guys from the coast and Louisiana have traveled to Vicksburg on their own dime, paid for gas, food, lodging and all that on their own just because Paul is such a great guy.

That is awesome. If anyone is interested in buying the Washington street bridge from me let me know. I could throw in the railroad bridge as an incentive. Cheap!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Yes, Yes, and Yes. It is awesome isn't it. Not a penny from the campaign. We love it and I know you do too because it is frustrating the hell out of you! Oh yes, some of them brought family members along too. Great to have such good support.

Anonymous said...

What's the uproar about, leyens got support from out of town. The ads and letters to the editor in the Vicksburg Post were from out of towner's. So why critize Winfield for his out of town support. There is another group in town this week-end supporting the Winfield campaign too, I guess he is just an all around, inspiring, and popular young man. People know a leader when they see one and volunteer their support. Leyens has volunteers too, I guess.

Reference : said...

To the person who was looking for negative comments from Paul about the Mayor:

From yesterdays Vicksburg Post: "I think this is a desperate attempt by his campaign."

From the Vicksburg Post, Thursday, May 14: "Laurence Leyens will stop at nothing to destroy the character of anyone who opposes him."

Those are direct quotes from the paper, there are others from his primary campaign. There are dozens from his speaking engagements and campaign stops.

So, your turn, now find some from Leyens that are negative about Paul.

When you find you can't you might want to ask yourself who is slinging the dirt and who is sticking to issues. Also ask yourself who is avoiding a debate.

Anonymous said...

To Common Sense: I am in the roofing business and personally went to the Mayor to ask for consideration. I made a bid that was far below the standard prices because living in town I would not have any over head expense. Don't tell me the professionals in this town overcharge, I am one and knows more professionals here in Vicksburg too. It was rigged, set up, and it is a total insult to the professionals here in Vicksburg, I for one am doing all I can to see to it that he (leyens) does not get re-elected. Other professionals are doing the same thing. Bidding for jobs in our city is a mere joke.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this debate stuff is wearing you out. When someone gets real antsy pantsy about something so trival, it makes one wonder what they are up to. Apparently, you wanted Mr. Winfield to fall into a trap like Obama did at are too cute! and dummer than dumb to think the he would fall for the OKEE DOKEE. You do know what it means, don't you?

Anonymous said...

Chris you are so out of it. I have visited the city of Corinth and your facts are not accurate.

The Jacqueline House is struggling because the mayor chose to block funds and picked Mrs. Rush the black republican to sphereheadstate/federal
funding for such, nothing happen, that was eight years ago.

Chris wake him up and ask him.

Chris, how many dogs do you have in this race, what's your motivation? It can't be that pitiful excuse for a mayor that we have?

Posters please be cognizant of the facts when you post.

Please note the words mayor and leader are used synonymously. The mayor is suppose to secure funds for housing in his city for the poor. Maybe he does not know that is one of his duties. I know he is not giving anything away, he is taking.

Questions asked of the mayor about the use of my taxes, and how they are used to help those less fortunate is my
democratic rights.

No one has asked the mayor to use his money, so do be stupid, why would Mr. Winfield an ordinary citizen buy house, nor would I expect any one other than Oporah.

I will address the same questions to Mr. Winfield next year.

Anonymous said...

"Get Real"

you slept in your Civics and government classes.

We want government funds used properly.
What's your spill about the concentration camps, or are you the ghost slum lords.

Anonymous said...

To Reference: Those were not negative comments, those were facts. You do know the difference don't you. Mr. Winfield has spoken nothing but facts about leyens.

Common Sense said...

To the gentleman in the roofing business. Good Sir if you were qualified (bonded, licensed and in good legal standing) and you submitted the lowest bid in the proper manner you would have gotten the contract.

What piece of information are you leaving out?

In your rush to slander the Mayor on Mr. Winfield's behalf please consider those who have the ability to think for themselves. You will find your life will become much more fulfilling and extraordinarily less petty.

Anonymous said...

Kind Sir, Ma'm, I have been in this business for over 12 years, I own my business, have no legal flaws, bonded and licensed. The good mayor knows me and also knows that my bid was the lowest. If he did not, why did he approach me later to say he was sorry but they voted for the company out of Texas. I am not stupid and I know a squirmer when I see one. This, I hope will be his last month in office. I don't have to slander him, he's doing a good job of it himself. Good! think for yourself, I am surely thinking for myself.

Anonymous said...

"Profiles Mississippi"

This pubicationshould be ashame. How can they with good conscience name this man the best mayor in Mississippi.

He is too stewed to dress for any occasions.

This is a slap in the face for the good mayors in Madison, Clinton, Greenville,Hattiesburg,etc. just to name a few.

I first heard that you were running from 'fast jimmy' so that was when you were wearing a bullet-proof vest?

Mayor you are an actor, a real movie star/rock star.

Anonymous said...

Do you reckon they got kickbacks from the texas folk? I hope not because it is already too much of that kind of thing in the news. We don't want our city to be a statistic in that sense. Makes one think, I say.

Anonymous said...

Mayor has not slandered or said anything negative about Winfield. Nothing. The union workers here supposrting Winfield can not vote and they are getting paid I am sure. Just think about it. they probably do not even know Winfield but are being paid by other top officials in Ms. Just a thought but I think I am on the money with this one. Politics hard at play.
What bothers me most about Winfield is that we do not have disclosure to what he is wanting to do. I find his unwillingness to debate Mayor Leyens makes a huge bold statement in itself.
Anyone running for a such important office that will lead this city should have the gumption to speak up about his future plans. I do not understand what would be set up as some have mentioned. No one should be afraid to SPEAK UP if they want to lead this cityand feel strongly about his convictions. I think Winfield knows he is up against a very smart business man and one who knows the ins and outs of all going on. Lots going on. and all not good.
I think Winfield is geting nods and backing from other dems and not in this area. Too bad the people really do not understand what is happening.
If Winfield would have the debate, it may even sway some of those voting for Leyens. But we will never know, will we?
David Day said he would have the debate anytime. So Winfield step up and lets hear what you have to say. I want to know. I will not vote for a candidate who has been asked to debate and has many excuses why he can not. Too Busy. change your schedule to fit in one hour of your time for us Vicksburgers..Surely you can make the time. Our mayor is ready!!! Anytime!!
David Day is smart and he is fair as they come. really nice guy. Would be a great moderator..

Anonymous said...

Back to Reference Poster: Why did you not request your candidate to debate a few weeks ago? why wait until a few days before election to need a debate? If you go back to over a week ago on this posting, you will see that the Winfield campaign was eager for a debate; however leyens refused. We did not complain about it, just decided to boost our candidate in other ways which worked out good for us. Mr. Winfield has speaking engagements, fundraisers and canvassing to do. Now, he does not have time. Besides, leyens don't dictate neither do you to him or tell him when to dance. He is his own man, stands for what is right and will not back down. That is just one more reason we want him as our mayor. Just look at the momentum we have, 98 out of every 100 people in this town is for Winfield. Frankly, he does not need a debate to win. Apparently leyens does. huh!

Anonymous said...

Why is it you want to choose a moderator for a debate if there is one? Why do you think the candidates or their managers do not have that capability. When Mr. Winfield wanted a debate your candidate did not respond.. now all of a sudden it is debate or die. Winfield does not need to debate to win this election. How many times do we need to spell it out to you. WE DO NOT NEED A DEBATE TO WIN. Frankly, we don't need that one vote you got either. As the poster said before NOBODY tells our candidate when to dance.

Anonymous said...

Desperation! Despiration in the leyens camp. Don't you know you are showing how desperate your candidate is when you keep crying debate. You should have cried 2 weeks ago, then maybe we would have handed you a cookie. We keep telling you over and over this election is in the bag for us. We are sorry you feel so badly.

Anonymous said...

Republican Leyens should have been ready to make Vicksburg a better city for all the people, not just the stakeholders he listed in the newspaper.

Mr. Winfield'sabilities alone will make him the better man.

What are you and your camp afraid of? You should be more afraid of 'fast jimmy' and his cousins across the bridge and instant millionaire carson.

Why do you think citizens are so grateful for this site. No one wants to end up a "cold case" like Buie.

Vicksburg has become in just eight years 'little Chicago'

Anonymous said...

I am sure leyens does know the ins and outs cause he been in the in and out enough to know. You have attended Winfield rallies, listened to his speeches, read his web page, and snooped around his headquarters enough to know exactly what the issues of his campaign are. At this point in the game, we don't need to explain anything, all has been said and done, the supporters are pleased and cranking up the cars, trucks, vans, and buses on our way to the voting precincts.

Anonymous said...

All of this concern about who is supporting Winfield is definitely getting under your skin. We do not know and neither are we concerned about who is supporting leyens. We do know that he is hiding behind Independent when he is really a Republican. We are sure Republicans at the top is supporting him, that is if they got a top. Anyway, it is no concern of ours, we wish him well and you too.
Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

The notorious 'fast jimmy' is enjoying celebrity status.

He never dream that he would be able to paralyze this city this fast. He feels real good about himself. He is above the law.

Stop by and get his autograph.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, the out of towners supporting your candidate can vote in this election. Where is it written that a candidate cannot have supporters who do not live in the city? I hope you are not losing any sleep or become ill about this cause it sure is keeping you upset. If it makes you feel better, there is a group of supporters for Winfield from Texas, Georgia, and Tennessee in town today. While we, local supporters, do the phone work, they are doing the leg work. It is called organization, ya know.

Anonymous said...

I wish time had not ran out Chris, you have some good debatable facts 1) spennding millions of dollars on landscaping when the citizens are jobless and homeless. 2) claiming just three hundred new jobs.

Anonymous said...

Sir, what you fail to understand is that we are grateful for the out of town support for Winfield. See, your candidate has so called "results" we do not have results, we have vision for change, for economic development, more and better paying jobs, programs for our youth, securing grants that will provide better housing for the elderly, making our city a much safer place with additional police officers, ending drug use and sales, and making the essence of the city more inviting and secure for all. Our candidate has to work hard and we have to work hard for him. We are so blessed to have people who care about him and his plans that they volunteer their time and use their own resources to come help us. No, they are not paid by us or anyone else. We are not asking who the people are helping your candidate and we do not know or care where they come from. Our concern is with our candidate only. The time you are wasting spying on our candidate could be used helping yours. Sorry, I forgot he does not need any help.

Anonymous said...

Stop worrying about the out of town helper, these people, unlike 'fast jimmy' are helping and leaving.

They will not leave our kids and mayor doped up.

Anonymous said...

I do not trust people who try to sway or push someone to do something. There is always an agenda or a dead rat as my Dad used to say. Something surely is ratty about you people trying to bind Paul into a debate. Funny thing, you did not respond when we wanted a debate. What happened, you needed time to prepare a trap? Yall always think you can pull one over, this time you can stick it where the sun does not shine.

Anonymous said...

Negative comments about the mayor, I have taken a complete look and analysis of this thread and find that nothing on here is negative that I have not heard before. I looked for new comments and did not find any. All of the stuff that's said is in the streets anyway. Yes, it has been in the streets for years, everybody knows it. I thought you were complaining about something new. You say what the Winfield supporters say is not credible, well I can tell you it is because it is all over the city, everybody knows it, so I guess that makes it credible!

LOL @ the singular winfieldwhiner said...

Did the same person just post like 10 times in a row?
LOL, like it's not obvious. For some reason the winfieldwhiner thinks people can't see the obvious.
Same ole hate, same ole rumors same ole reverse racism. Do y'all honestly think people can't see what your doing?

How about some real issues in front of the people. You know, a debate. Make time for the people Paul!!!!

I looked back to every post in this very very long - hate filled - thread. The winfield camp said nothing about wanting a debate other than just prior to that radio guy saying he would host one. Your single winfield poster is a joke, probably a well paid union joke from Texas.

I will give you points for effort, you have posted ferosiously and are not afraid to repeat yourself. Say fast jimmy again, you know you want to! LOL

Anonymous said...

Most of the comments about the mayor can be proven by viewing old files from Ch. 23.

Anonymous said...

Repeat a lie enough times and it becomes true doesn't it.

Pray for forgiveness Mr. Winfield and whoever is posting on here for him.

Stop the hate said...

I am voting for Paul Winfield because I don't like Mayor Leyens. He is a mean person. I don't like the tone of the conversation coming from my candidates supporters on this blog. You are doing our candidate a disservice, please stop with all the hatefilled comments.

Anonymous said...

Knowing we are only two days away from the election is a relief. We have been diligent in our sacrifice and committment to our candidate. We know he is the best man for the job and are looking forward to the victory celebration. Thanks bloggers, it has been interesting reading your views and I learned a few things too. People will do anything out of desperation if they think it will get what they want. Like the tall and short kid in the candy store when the best candy is on the top shelf, who do you think will get the best candy first. Well, we can use the same sceniro in this election. The tall man will win.

Anonymous said...

Stop the hate!!!! I take offense to the statement that Winfield supporters are making hateful comments. None of the comments I have made or read are hateful. If you read carefully, you will see that the hate and racism is coming from leyens supporters. You may have to read between the lines in some instances such as the one about the civil war. I am just making positive comments about our candidate. Of course, I do take up for him when necessary in a nice way as not to offend anyone.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous at 4:34

You can't be serious. this thread has been a non stop slander by winfield and crew to slander the mayor.

Please tell me you aren't that ignorant.

Thanks WinfieldWhiners! said...

Yup, winfieldswhiners, costing their man the election one hateful post at a time.

Anonymous said...

You really need to point out the lies. I have heard this stuff for so long, I can't tell the truth from a lie. See, I don't know leyens or winfield personally. Have seen both and talked to neither. I read this blog when I have time for relaxation away from my job. So enlighten me.

Anonymous said...

I can really understand the frustration teachers have when children fail to understand what you have repeated over and over.


Anonymous said...

To LOL: You are always complaining. Is it that you cannot walk and chew gum at the same time? are you miffed because others are thinking faster than you? or are you so upset that your candidate is going to need a job on June 3.? or is it ALL OF THE ABOVE?
Relax, we are having a ball, this is the most fun I have had in a long time. You are too tense, take a deep breath and count to ten. Now tell me don't you feel better. What's so hateful about thaaatttt?

I get it now said...

Interesting you should refer to children. It is childish to shy away from responsibility, you know stuff like letting people know where you stand. A debate would solve all that...unless of course you have something to hide, like no substance just catch phrases and the same ole line about 'housing the poor' and rich republicans and all that stuff.

A debate would let the voters know where you stand and sway people to your side...if you have something real that is. Of course a debate will cost you votes if you're all talk.

AAAAAHHHHHHH! I understand now why you say you dont' 'need' a debate and why your candidate is 'too busy' to talk to all of Vicksburg.

Anonymous said...

Paul can always try to get his lawfirm back in business come June 3. Of course anyone with money or sense won't give him their business, but you know, it's a shot. don't hate! there are plenty of people who will pay an attorney over time, plenty of business there for the Travis Vance and Paul fields.

Anonymous said...

You keep aiming your comments at Paul. Go back to the WebMaster's post 11:08 a.m. today he states very clearly that Mr. Winfield and Mr. Leyens does not post on this site.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that you would play me silly, all of us understand where Mr. Winfield stands on the issues, we know what his views are, we don't have a problem. Seems to me you got the problem cause you just keep hating and hating. Don't hate you Bro, just prayin for ya. When you act like a child, you get treated like one.

Anonymous said...

I know you directed your comment to Paul; however, he does not read or use this thread. You said "talk to the people about the issues"
what people are you referring to? The people of Vicksburg who supports Paul already knows where he stands and are in complete agreement. On the other hand, your candidate has not told us where he stands, I guess he told you though. I see why so many dropped out of school, they cannot understand English "we do not need a debate to win this election." it is just that simple and we can't make it any simpler than that. You are so anxious, why don't you just have a debate with leyens yourself.

Anonymous said...

NEWSFLASH: The debate between leyens and Winfield will be held on Tuesday, June 2, 2009 at 7:30 p.m.

I guess now yall can stop whining about a debate. It is getting as old as grass.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Winfield's firm is rock solid. Unlike your rock star. He is a firm believer in the great business of life, to be, to do, to do with and to do without, then depart from it. He treats nature in terms of the cylinder, the sphere, the cone, all in perspective. So, you see we ain't worried at all.

Anonymous said...

What is perplexing the Leyens camp is the bad connectionwith 'fast jimmy and Malcolm.

We just want you to chill.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing that Winfield's own brother does not know his platform. Yes true. My son asked him many questions and could get no answers except CHANGE. Sound familiar.
Our taxes have not been raised under Leyens. but probably will under Winfield, but I guess that is the American thing to do. Sound Familiar? Just what we need in leadership more change rather that progress..
May the better man win. Leyens..

Anonymous said...

I am number 600 poster I want my free perfume!!

Anonymous said...

It ain't over til this fat lady sings, and I ain't singing, tonight.

Anonymous said...

Now, why would your son ask the brother. The brother is not running, that's asinine.

The brother is educated, he is not at liberty to discuss the candidate's platform.

You and your son already have your agendas.

Mr. Winfield is not on your agenda.

Anonymous said...

Typical response. I guess a person running for Mayor is not suppose to have a platform and those helping him camapaign are not suppose to know what their candidates agenda is. Well if you know something other than change then speak up. I have not one time heard what his platform is and what his intentions are to run this city. I am asking you, since your candidate is too busy . if he does not have time for a debate then he does not have time to answer me. so I am asking you. I want to know what he stands for and what he will try to accomplish if he were to win. I have asked and I want an answer. since no one on this blog has given any information on what he stands for .. Simple question.
I hope to get some real answers on a very important question.
Every voter has the right to know to make a good decision on election day..

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Stop the nonsense, debate is completely off the table, unless you want to debate each other. We just don't need it to win. You know who you are voting for and we know who we are voting for let's just do it on June 2.

Anonymous said...

It's not a matter of whether you "need" a debate or not to win - the point is that nobody knows any of Winfield's positions, and a debate would clear that up. Leyens has outlined his accomplishments and his plans. The least Winfield could do is either to agree to debate Leyens Monday morning or evening or publicly outline his own plans and accomplishments. If any of you Winfield people know where he stands on ANYTHING, kindly share the FACTS with us. If you can't, and Winfield won't, my vote is for Leyens.

Anonymous said...

Your vote is for leyens anyway. Who is nobody, "you." Everybody who is going to vote for Mr. Winfield knows his platform. It is on his website and has been stated numerous times on this blog. As said before, leyens has results, winfield has a vision. We will be canvassing after church on Sunday and all day on Monday we are busy bringing a close to this campaign which takes time. Aren't you doing the same? A debate at this time would be of no help to us, when we needed one, your candidate refused...we are refusing now.

Anonymous said...

Will a debate help leyens? Apparently you think it would or you would not be so persistent. Are you afraid now that election time is so close ? We are not scared, if it happens, it happens. Relax, stop being so tense...just calm down..we are giving it our best shot and by golly we gonna have a celebration when it's over.

Anonymous said...

Leyens ain't trippin about no debate so why is it keepin you up. We ain't mad at ya. Yall can come help us celebrare or we will come to help you celebrate bro. Either way, we gonna have us a new mayor.

Anonymous said...

I see I haven't missed anything new in the last 4 days.

Does anyone know when we're getting rain next?

Anonymous said...

Same old left wing thing. change. hope.
Hope we got some change left if winfield gets in.
unionize, tax and spend, yeah, that makes sense for morons.

Anonymous said...

It's kind of funny to see the same person furiously posting all that hate on behalf of winfield while all kinds of people are posting for Leyens. Got to give the winfield poster credit, man they have made a lot of post over the last couple of days.
I hate that Paul backed down from the debate, it really makes him looks bad. that winfield poster keeps saying they don't need a debate to win but they are dipped in Paul Winfield and blinded to reality. Personally I don't see how Paul can win now without a debate. That was a MAJOR mistake on Pauls part because it makes Paul look weak.

Anonymous said...

I have tried to ask Paul about his platform on three different occasions. I got campaign rhetoric about "change."

I heard a few different Winfield speeches at rallies and speaking engagements and I heard the same rhetoric with some slanderous comments thrown in.

I heard a man tell me that my mayor treats me like a second-class citizen because of the color of my skin.

That's not how you should go about winning an election.

Paul Winfield has most definitely been racially divisive. That comes from a proud black man who grew up in a time when racism was a way of life.

Mr. Winfield, please don't try to sell me turds covered in perfume. My vote is going to the one man who I know can get RESULTS!

Anonymous said...

i wonder will paul keep anyone from the leyens administration in his administration...that really needs to be the subject of the new blog..this one's for the birds

Anonymous said...

we all know why they're so adament about a debate...when you're down you press..hoping that you can get lucky..hit a few licks in a row and get back even...maybe leyens wants a debate as his last hoorah..i tell you what we oughta do..since we know and YOU know that leyens is in his last few weeks of office..i think it would be nice of us as a city to pay homage to our esteemed mayor: for his 8 years of service without sleep..lets call it the "ode to the trees" whereas leyens can hold court with his gavel and one by one people such as john shorter can come and read his speech to leyens, then leyens can bang his gavel...he can walk out on someone like ernest mcbride one more crazy to bobby morrow once again...point his finger at rodney dillamar just one last time...give eric rawlings one more minute to shine on channel 23 speaking last time...'an ode to the trees'..the "Results" from an all night flight...thanks a million mayor leyens...thanks for the memories!

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