Monday, May 11, 2009


Attorney Paul Winfield's victory in the Democratic primary placed him in a one-on-one matchup in the race for mayor against incumbent Mayor Laurence Leyens. The general election is slated for June 2.

Mayor LaurenceLeyens:

Attorney Paul WinfieldWinfield:


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Anonymous said...

I watched Ms. Morrow at the meetings I found her to be rude and a blockade for no advancement. I found this to be the case on many occasions at the is one thing to be constructive but she was destructive.

Anonymous said...

Hooorah! to the 2:00 AM poster, we will help with the 'ode to the trees' let's not be so harsh on them they are trying to make what one would call a "a last ditch effort", thing is they still in the ditch.

What happened to Ms. Morrow is what happens to anyone who does not agree with leyens. His napolenic character cannot stand anyone who disagrees with him.

Anonymous said...

The mayor was not present at these meetings. Not even in the room!! I saw this with my own eyes and she was rude . She needed to go period. Like I sad before being constructive is one thing but she was very distructive. Sorry but that is the facts. It is attitude. professional it was not..

Anonymous said...

Flash Backs...

The mean blond at the meetings did the same as Ms Morrow, what's the problem? The meetings should have been about the gathering for ideas, opinions, plus diversity, right?

She should not have been subjected to the attacks she took. A white man would not have treated her like you did. She had to pled for the inclusion of all citizens in Vicksburg to be reflected in the tourism brochure. Obviously,mayor, you expected her to just sit like Mr. Glasper, or Mr. Nelson; two bumps on a pickle at the meetings? The meetings were so explosive I taped them. The grand slam was when you rude, ill mannerly, in an ole south approach man to man attempted to walk her down. Next, you were rude when she and members of the largest African American sorority came before the board for help for the youth of Vicksburg.
I should submit this tape to YouTube.

I am glad you addressed the meetings.

Anonymous said...

Mayor, you have violated the citizens and now you are mad because they are mad about mistreatment.

Anonymous said...

Mayor debate yourself.
Topic: "How using the old master approach to govern does not work, when citizens have 'rights'"

Anonymous said...

I see now why the youth are so out of control. It is better to let 'fast jimmy' pull himself up on the backs of our youth.

Anonymous said...

there are many things being offered for the youth of Vicksburg. tennis, camp and other activities some being sponsored by the City. So now parents it is up to you . Quit complaing about the youth having nothing to do. Call the action line and get more information. Programs will run all summer long. Get your children involved, the activities are there for the taking.

Anonymous said...

Mayor you want to debate? Okay, address your plans on this site for:
1. jobs
2. affordable housing
3. youth
4. street improvements (not the downtown area, you have done enough so your property value will increase, I need help for the street where my rental property is).
5. Health Care (the hospital is about to close)
6. Recreation
7. Retirement (the senior Center is just a birthday club.) we need safe secure policing, seniors get scared when there is high crime.
8. Police Dept.
9. Education
10. Revenue
11. Civil Defense

Anonymous said...

Tell me Mayor, why was the federal free summer feeding program for the youth moved from within the city to all the way to the Kings Center? Why did you elevate Dexter Jones and his church to own that center?

I can see clearly now said...

I see the comments above about "Ode to the Trees". I like the way the poster left out how rude and offensive those individuals were to the mayor. John Shorter with his snickering and Bobbie Morrow is one of the rudest most self centric people on the planet. I loved to watch those VCVB meetings when she was there. It was great entertainment. Of course absolutely nothing got done and there was division, strife and all kinds of racial tension. But that didn't matter to anyone did it? Getting anything done is secondary to looking good on TV. I see now why so many people are upset with the Mayor, they dont' care about geting things done, you care about looking good on TV!

No wonder you support Paul Winfield - all hat, no horse.

Anonymous said...

Speak to me Mayor, do you as the the mayor of the city feel that the youth is part of your responsible?

Edcators know that parental involvement is most important, but what if?

Do you think that all the children who are educated today have involved parents?

What are your plans for the youth (other than reform schools)if parents are not actively involved.

We need an involved mayor.

Anonymous said...

Racism was placed on
the table
when you appointed the owner of the civil war museum by the Battle Field Inn, he brought racism to town and you knew this.

Anonymous said...

The only racism expressed on this site is coming from the Winfield blogger(s).

Anonymous said...

To the poster who missed my message, the mayor is our mayor, we do not pay him to be rude, do we?
Let's remember that the mayor is a public official, did you take Civics and governmentin school?

I have lived here for seventy plus years and never, never heard of or witness a white man displaying such a demeanor with a black lady or any lady.
Have you heard of southern gentlmen.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing to read comments about the city not offering to help "people" with housing when in Vicksburg you can purchase a house for less that you can rent. For all of those winers: "Did you know the city has been begging for people to take (DID YOU SEE THE WORD take?) grant money?" The city is still trying to use up money that was allocated from 2007. YES. And the year 2009 in 1/2 over. We are not talking about money from your tax dollars paid into Vicksburg. This is grant money. Don't believe me? Call the city and ask. Also ask how you can get a chunk of that money and purchase a house. What do you think the mayor has been trying to do for the last 8 years? I will tell you. HELP CITIZENS OF VICKSBURG. Unfortunately, many won't listen. Many are too busy criticizing. Go get your damn check!

Anonymous said...

Because of this mayor, the city is in need of prayers.

Regardless of religious convictions, we should pray that hate mongers move on.

Vicksburg was never :Mayberry, but diversity was not a problem until eight years ago.

Anonymous said...

need a job.

Anonymous said...

To the person that listed 11 debate topics above. Exactly!

What is Pauls position on those areas? All of Vicksburg wants to know. Please enlighten us to his plan(by the way, you do know two of the areas are not under the Mayor or aldermans control right).

Take Personal Responsibility said...

What ever happened to personal responsibility? Almost all of the hate filled comments from the winfield whiners want to place blame on the Mayor when they should be looking at themselves. No Mayor can improve a populace that thinks everything should be given to them or taken care of for them.
If you want to improve Vicksburg start with yourself.

Anonymous said...

You want to know why the poor people are afraid to take the grants, they don't trust you, you lie.

Some seniors died after their houses were aired on Ch. 23, to be torn down.

Did you know that or do you care.

What ever happened to Ms Doss, the old lady you and
Gertrude laughed at.

Gertrude lost re-election because she laughed alone with you.

Anonymous said...

The VCVB is the best it's ever been. That is a direct result of the board coming together to achieve goals. Mrs. Morrow was divisive, rude and impeded board progress. If you have ever interacted with her you know how angry she is with the world. Pray for Mrs. Morrow that she find happiness and learn to love her fellow man. Thank your local leadership for not renewing her appointment to the board.

Anonymous said...

Look, right on schedule. Another Vicksburg Police squad car on patrol.

Wonderful to have such a dedicated law enforcement here.

Please "ALL" let's keep the momentum of the last 8 years in place. It is only getting better.

I'm sure those Union folks have felt safe. They probably have even been out late drinking and leaving their car doors unlocked.

Anonymous said...

If people are so ignorant as to not take grants for home ownership then the issue is not with the City. The person above who talked about personal repsonsibility is dead on. It's not the cities fault is you want a home and don't take FREE MONEY to get that home.

Anonymous said...

To the person above that said they need a're in one of the best places in the Nation to find a job. We have job growth in Vicksburg while the county, state and nation are suffering job loss. I HOPE you don't join the winfield whiners in trying to CHANGE that.

Anonymous said...

Now you know that isn't true. The truth is, many have credit issues that need to be addressed and are not willing to address them.

You are dead wrong on that one.

You must have been one of the ones that booed and hissed at Mrs Young.

Anonymous said...


LOL@winfield whiners said...


Hope we got some change left if losefield gets in.

LOL@winfield whiners said...

Those union folks in town have been great for the bars downtown. Lucky for them there are now bars did that happen? Oh yeah, Mayor Leyens improved downtown. LOL@winfieldwhiners - that is classic. Paul has to pay all these out of towners to come here and they are spending their money in the areas improved by the Mayor. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Actually, It was an infomertial to let the winers know that on that site they will find about 500 jobs "in Vicksburg alone" on every level. Yes, on every level. So there is no reason for anyone to say Vicksburg doesn't have any jobs or that there aren't any jobs in Vicksburg.

Anonymous said...

Paul is too afraid to take on the Mayor in a debate because he knows actual facts, issues and real situations will have to be discussed. When you look under the hood the winfield machine has no power.

Anonymous said...

Hey, maybe the winfield whiners from the coast and Louisiana can find a job in Vicksburg other than trying to unionize the city. 500 jobs in Vicksburg while the county, state and nation are suffering job losses. Man, why would anyone with a brain want to change Vicksburg's situation on jobs? Of course the lack of a brain is directly tied to wanting others to solve all your problems.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of jobs, I need to work, then spend time with my family. I will check in later to see what the winers have added.

Winers, don't forget about happy hour on Washington Street today. You're still in the Wi-Fi zone thanks to Mayor Leyens.

Union workers, please visit our National Park. It's a beautiful day for tourism.

Please visit our many food establishments too.

Check today's paper. I believe there are open houses this afternoon too.

Much to do and see in Vicksburg.

To recap: said...

Here let me save some time for anyone just coming here:

winfield whiners say - the Mayor kills old folks and eats babies.

Leyens supporters say - we are happy with the progress the city has made. Mr. Winfield what is your stance on the issues?

Anonymous said...

Re: Personal Responsibilty..

Mayor if you were a scholar I would address 'Reparation' look it up.

But, because you are the mayor, look this up too,
the Bible says "the poor will always be with us"....

"You are your brother's keeper";

Civics says it is the duties of the elected officials to make affordable housing available, not the cesspool that you allowed the Jackson slumlord to operate on Speed Street for years, Kelly Circle or Rosedown just to name a few.

Common sense says that you and 'fast jimmy' should not be exploiting the poor misguded, for personal and financial gains.

Anonymous said...

To the person who said 'the mean blonde lady at the meetings'...if you will notice she was also moved out of the way. Mean spirited devisive behavior is not tolerable regardless of race.

Personal Responsibility said...

YES!!!! the main winfield whiner said FAST JIMMY again!!!!!!! Way to go, I knew you could do it.

We do have an obligation to be our brothers keeper. I heard someone say "I believe firmly that we have an obligation to be our brothers keeper, our brother has an obligation too."

That is the issue isn't it sir? We have the VHA, food stamps, medicare and medicaide and assistance on every level and you want more? How about this, use those benefits if you need them but don't make it a way of life. Again the issue is personal responsibility. We all have moments of need, we all need help from time to time. Purposefully producing a child to gain financial assistance from the government is wrong. If you, good sir or madam, would realize the issue is not the good intenders, it is the abusers of that assistance. As stated in a post above "No Mayor can improve a populace that thinks everything should be given to them or taken care of for them."

Anonymous said...

When did quoting "facts" become "whining"?

Vicksburg has been good for you, why would you say the poor people are 'so ignorant'?

You are caught up with the motion of the new citizens who as just moved here.

Mr. Mayor these poor ignorant people do know how to vote.

Why not use the energy and respond to the issue about the Speed Street cesspool?

Anonymous said...

The good visitors, frequenting the bars are of age, right?

This is called tourism.

You should be happy.

Anonymous said...

Isn't the speed street cesspool being torn down? That has happened under this mayor. You know you winfield winers keep coming up with all the good things the mayor has done in this city. shouldn't you be trying to come up with issues? a debate would answer a lot of questions. why did your man back down from a debate? if your man is not man enough to stand up to the mayor why should anyone vote for the weaker candidate? you are going to lose this election because your man backed down from a debate.

hey, say fast jimmy again LOL

Anonymous said...

I, for one, am thrilled that the union folks from surrounding states are spending their money in the downtown bars. Thanks Paul! And thanks Mayor Leyens for making downtown such an attractive area for Pauls money!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Leyens.

It is acutely apparent that you wish the poor people would just go away.

Have another round said...

Paul has spent a lot of money at the downtown bars. I wish he would take his wife with him sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the cesspool being torn down after sewage start backing up in the bath tubs.

Also, because of crime and the lot would be good for a souvenir shop for Malcolm.

Anonymous said...

A gentlmen visiting the bar, is nothing new.

But, gentlemen do not carry wives to bars, do you?

LOL@winfield whiners said...

To the main winfieldwhiner:

Did you ever look up the owners of Kelly Circle or Rosedown? You might be surprised to see who they support in the election. They HATE Leyens because of all the money he has cost them via code enforcement. The owners of that land have donated to Winfields campaign. They want Winfield in so they can keep on. Keep on exploiting the poor for your gain and their vote. It has worked for Jessie Jackson, why not you and your man too, right?

Have another round said...

LOL at the person who said it's okay for Paul to frequent the bars without his wife.

And yes, on the few occasions I have gone to a bar I take my wife with me. You see that way no rumors get started about me frequenting bars to pick up women.

Anonymous said...

RE: speed street cesspool

So, the tenants complained to the city about sewage backing up. The city came out and addressed the issue. The landlord got ran off. Seems to me you would be happy with Mayor Leyens and that result. Tell me again what the problem is?

and for heavens sake please say fast jimmy or malcolm carson in your repsonse - LOL

Anonymous said...

Mayor you told the church members and local land owers in the Kings Community that the crash businessman's rights superseded their rights.

Do you remember that bit of nonsense.
Some of your comments are really asinine.

Anonymous said...

It is good to know code enforcement was used somewhere, because it was not used at Speed Street Cesspool.

The problems there were more than sewage.

Anonymous said...


Everyone has rights in America. A landowner has rights and responsibilities. If the people don't want a landowner in their area they can buy his property, they can't use mob mentality to run him off.

It wasn't nonsense, it is the way America works. Seems to me Paul, as county attorney, should have been the one to run them off. It was brave of the mayor to tell you the truth. Maybe Paul will placate you on the issue, won't change anything but you will still get to hate.

Anonymous said...

Is the bar a public place?

Is it open to everyone?

Speaking "Diversity"

What you want some people denied access to the bars.

Anonymous said...

LOL@winfield whiners

Hey, there were a ton of problems at the speed street cesspool, including that landowners strong association with Mr. Winfield and his law firm. The Mayor ran that dog out of town and tore down his building. Sorry winfield whiner, you are barking up the wrong tree, but keep barking the praises of the Mayor and his results.

The more you know....

Anonymous said...

Thanks, my church members votes will run the mayor off. "LOL"

Anonymous said...

Yes the bars are open to anyone. Even married men who carouse them to pick up women.

Anonymous said...

Oh good heavens, are the preachers talking politics from the pulpit? That makes Jesus sad. You should read what the Bible has to say about that some time.

Anonymous said...

The Jackson owners, maybe vexed now, because the mayor left them free to victimize the tenants for eight years.

The mayor ran him out after the news paper coverage.

Anonymous said...

Yes finally the Post got on board with the Mayor to do something good for Vicksburg. It took the Mayor eight years to overcome the legal blockage put up by law firms like Paul Winfields.

Anonymous said...

The sewage issue was 'life threatening'. The city finally had enough code violations and fines on the owner of the Speed street apartments to get rid of them. Hate that it took that long but the legal protections allowed slum lords like the ones that support Mr. Winfield are hard to beat. Taking someones property is a tough legal fight. The real question is why would we elect a man like Winfield who took donation money and legally protected the slum lords.

Anonymous said...

We know you do not share the same religion,as we do, but you should be mindful, and not speak ill of others religion.

Injustice is talked about everywhere.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame law firms like Mr. Winfields protect people who take advantage of the poor. Paul should give that money back to the poor people.

Anonymous said...

If you are a christian you have an obligation to follow the teachings of Jesus and the Bible. That includes not preaching from the pulpit. It was wrong when the religious right did it and it's wrong if it happens in your church too.

If you are not christian what does your religion say about supporting your leaders?

Anonymous said...

It a shame you ignored the code and completely erased houses on Grammar Street that were owned by poor people.

Anonymous said...

Just checking to see if any of Winfield's blog team have had ANYTHING positive to say about ANYTHING.

Nope. Didn't think so.

Hope, Change... blah, blah, blah. Winfield and his team have taken the Obama rhetoric and re-worded it for a local race. "It worked for our President, why wouldn't it work for us?"

It won't work for you because, unlike President Obama, Mr. Winfield, you are apparently afraid to even speak about the ISSUES that are plaguing this community. All you talk is rhetoric.

I HOPE that you will CHANGE your tone and decide to talk about the ISSUES!

Anonymous said...

Stick with the message.

That's the same way you handle daily business, take off misleded.

My Bible teaches me about christian love, and that all people are God's people.

I do believe Lincolm freed the slaves, church people can talk anyplace they want to. This is called 'rights.'

The Post has been most kind to you, kinder than another paper would have been.

You can believe that.

Tired of the lies from Winfield said...

The houses on Grammer street were almost all rentals that the landlords did not bring up to code. The few that were owner occupied were given opportunity after opportunity to correct the code violations. When it became clear they would not, or could not bring their homes up to code Mr. Doug Upchurch, with the Mayors blessing, stepped in and organized chruch groups to do the work for free. Where were the other churches?

Please find something good to say about Vicksburg, there are many good people who do good deeds. This administration has not taken down anyone's personal residence. They have taken down a ton of slum lords. Get your facts straight.

Hugging your neck said...

To the person who said "Stick with the Message".

I am sorry, I was unable to understand what you were saying with most of your post. Would you mind stating it another way?

I do understand the part about Christian love, freedome and rights. I am not sure if you are saying it's alright to preach from the pulpit. Please clarify that part for me.

Anonymous said...

Preaching from the pulpit is not allowed in a Christian church. Some churches do it regardless of what the Bible has warned them. The leaders and members of those churches need our prayers.

Anonymous said...

I was going to post LOL@the winfield whiners but that is just sad. so much hate.

Anonymous said...


Come on Winfield. There is no need for that kind of language. We can disagree without resorting to racist remarks.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Mr. Winfield would want that kind of discussion. Would the Winfield side of the aisle please clean it up.

Oh good lord, please forgive them. said...

Wow, just wow.

If that's the kind of person that supports Winfield count me out. Hatred is wrong in any form.

Wow. Is this 1965?

Anonymous said...

winfield has not posted anything on here..but leyens (good sir or madame..hint) has

Webmaster said...

Rather than eliminate the comment as requested, I believe it should stand - it has a message of which we all should be aware. Sad, but true.

Anonymous said...

Shame the leyens folk don't get it,,,,take it from an old literature teacher I know (quote) He who knows and knows that he knows is wise follow him; he who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool, shun him.
Winfield is the wise one and all of his supporters will follow him all the way to city hall. NOW! who is the fool.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Leyens is up to his old tricks again, in the post today he claims that he is too busy to debate on Monday because he is going to see the governor to get $15 million for Vicksburg; however, if he is not re-elected Vicksburg won't get it. Liar, Liar, pants on fire.

Anonymous said...

The webmaster said neither Mr. Leyens nor Mr. Winfield has posted on here. He should know eh?

I agree, let that post stand from the Winfield racist. It is sad beyond compare to think there are still people of that mentality here in Vicksburg.

Anonymous said...

Who do you think you're talking to? You keep posting the same old crap about a debate that ain't gonna happen then you come back repeating the same thing. You must be ate up with the dumb you know what to think we don't know. You know yall always did think you were smart, Surprise! you's not.

Webmaster said...

Please note that I indicated that neither Leyens nor Winfield is affiliated with this site. I do not know if either of them is making comments hereon. Sorry for the confusion.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Winfield will not be able to get 15 million from the state for the hydro towers because he has alientated himself from the Governor. So Mr. Leyens speaks the truth on that.

However if Winfield is smart he will now agree to a debate on Monday. LOL, wonder how long it will take for Winfield to flip flop on that.

Anonymous said...

Mr Ware is supporting Winfield in hopes Moffett will be fired and his problems will go away. Highly unlikely. Money and politics!!!
Not one racist comment has come from any Leyens supporter. that says everything..only the Winfiled supporters are so hate filled. What a waste of life. Birds of a feather...

Say What? said...

Quoted from Anonymous above:

"You must be ate up with the dumb you know what to think we don't know. You know yall always did think you were smart, Surprise! you's not"

Man, I am not smart enough to understand that. If that sentence (fragmented and poorly formed)means I'm dumb and you're smart then baby, you're a genius!!

Anonymous said...

Someone who knows says: Leyens has been communicating on this site over and over. We know his rhetoric when we read it because he speaks the same crap all the time. He's on the defensive and struggling to correct what he knows is true. Mayor, you can't hide from the is all over town, in the pool halls, the clubs, bars, and even in the churches about your personal and political flaws. I just left my church and the elders said we need to get you out, because you have brought corruption to this city. Now, we follow the advice of our elders and "Boy" you get a packin.

Anonymous said...

A lot of people are supporting Mr. Winfield in hopes he fires Tommy Moffet so their problems will go away. Says a lot about Winfield in my opinion.

Winfield has Travis Vance, Jim Sturgis and now Robert Ware all publically supporting him. Kind of the trifecta of corruption, graft and hate there.

Anonymous said...

Shame! Shame!

Using poor Ms Lucia Hawkins. When she returned to town, why did you not offer her a job? A lady of her talent had to go to work as a privite duty nurse.

You were trying alienate her by taking a piclure with her in the paper.

We still love her.

Anonymous said...

I always thought that the new policemen were on the side of moffett and leyens. I was mistaken, they want to get rid of those two as much as all of Vicksburg does. The names Leyens and Moffett are dirt in this town, and don't forget to add that judge, what's her name. Got to be bad when no one is on your side but a few know nothings.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me that someone 'trying to hide from the truth' wouldn't say "anywhere, anytime" to a debate.

Someone hiding from the truth would say "ummm, we have scheduling issues that preclude our campaign from participating in a debate. Furthermore and herewith cease and desist with all discussion on said debate with the exception and force majure of exclaiming how the opposing group would not debate when no one was talking about said debate."

yeah, Leyens said he would debate, Paul said some political double speak to avoid going to a debate.

but i understand the real issues here, fast jimmy and malcolm carson - LOL

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Tommy Moffet again. Jim Sturgis wants him gone. wonder why

Travis Vance wants him gone. wonder why

Robert Ware wants him gone. wonder why

Charles Jones wants him gone. wonder why

Paul Winfield wants him gone. wonder why

Anonymous said...

it is impossible for any black person to be racist towards a white people never in history enslaved...killed..hindered the overall progress..raped the women..placed jim crow laws/black codes...the list goes on...and oh yeah..there is no such thing as 'reverse racism'...either you are racist or you are not...if anyone has a reason to feel spite or hate it is the black people...white people's civil rights have never been treaded on..and you insult my intelligence by tryin to play a 'reverse role play' with dr. king...all major racial atrocities were caused by the 'white man'..and the 'white man' paid for all of those discrepencies (reparations for jews 'granted a country and given business grants', native americans 'huge land grants and tax-free casinos', and japanese americans 'world war II interment')the black man was given nothing..not even a thank you or i am sorry (i think pres. clinton finally issued an apology for slavery a few years ago)so the point i am making here is..if you see any African American doing anything positive (all of winfield's 'titles') no one has given him nothing! the white man sure is not going to give the black man nothing unless he is using him for his own gain..if you see a black man who is progressing, you better believe he worked 3 times harder than any other group of people because blacks dont have a long built-in 'good ole boy' system like yall been talking about...the' good ole boys' refers to whites not blacks..get it right people..everything paul's done in his life...he worked hard for...paul's father worked hard before him coming up as a child from the "bottom" so get your lies and slander right people

Anonymous said...

Chris, I could't agree with you more. Dr. King was a man I had and still have high regards and respect for. I know we disagree about who should be the next mayor, but there is no hatred for you or any of the other leyens folk. Frankly, I see hate remarks from both sides and to bring religion into the mass is going too far for me. My Religion and My God is most sacred and I do not and will not use it to belittle anyone.

Anonymous said...

If you want to live in a safe community, you too, should vote for Mr. Winfield.

We know that there is a reason that there are so many cold cases.

Anonymous said...

I know Mr. Winfield and he has not ever done anything but help not only Blacks but other races as well. His is professional in every way, he is approachable, you can talk to him and he does not make you feel like you came from the dump. All of his rallies, fund raisers, speeches, etc. have been diverse in attendance he and his supporters were very warm and friendly. Can't say the same for leyens supporters when I went to the park behind the old River Region, the few supporters there were cold and non responsive. I know now why so many people are not supporting leyens. I was undecided, now I am voting for Winfield.

Anonymous said...

Yes al those people want Moffett gone!!!!. I am proud of our police dept and they have done a good job,.. As far as traffic violations. if you are committing one then you should get a ticket. DUH! I wish more tickets would be handed out for LOUD music!! it is a wonder those people driving those vibrating BOOM BOOM cars are not deaf or have a headache from hell

Anonymous said...

I serve as a representive in Dr. King organization during Freedom Summer 1964.

Some of the same people citing his speech today helped finance his killing.

Let use the other King(drunk driver in California), Rodney King "Can we just all get alone?"

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with "Hope and Change." You must live in a plastic tube with no way out. This country was built on hope and change. Where have you been? Rhetoric, my foot, that is the American Way...apparently, you missed your history classes while smoking in the bathroom.

Anonymous said...

No one but a republican would trash hope, change and Obama. Being a Republican is not a nice place to be...they are a bad brand and all politicians are running away from it. Example: look at leyens, he's claiming to be an independent because he's ashamed to be a republican. The only true republicans are: Cheny, Limbaugh, Joe the Plummer, Dumb Dumb and Dummer Palin, Gingrich, and the fox news crew. If the republican brand was on dog food, the merchant would have to remove it from the shelves because nobody will buy it. Heee Haw Haw Haw.

Anonymous said...

thats probably the best post thus

Anonymous said...

Since, the BOOM! BOOM! loud music bothers you so much, you need to ask your trailer park neighbors to turn it down.

Anonymous said...

I know you didn't critize Mr. Winfield for being in a bar. I would rather my mayor socialize in a bar occasionally than in some dark drug infested hole.

Anonymous said...

Rude to the mayor! made me feel good to see him get some of his own medicine back. It really would have been good if the cameras had been at the Mexican Restaurant on Frontage to see the Roofer beat his, you know. People had to pull him off. Yall talk like he's some kind of kindred spirit, he is just a man who puts his pants on one leg at a time like any other man. He is no genius, no god, or President. He is just a rock star.

Anonymous said...

I speak for the people who want to keep the chief

a rapists

b murderers

c Bank robbers

d 'fast jimmy'

e Malcolm Carson

f Currupt businessmen

g Biloxi Police Dept.

h Leyens

Anonymous said...

Good post; however, you forgot to include the criminals who committed the murders that are now cold cases.

Anonymous said...

I do not live in a trailor park, consideration for others should be everywhre no matter where you live.
I think respect, consideration and kindess are lacking among many of you ill spirited people.

Anonymous said...

How can you fix your mouth to say only leyens can get $15 million in federal funds for this city? Did you read the 2:37 p.m. Post? It explains it all. Man, don't think you're speaking to the dumb republicans; I had given you more credit than that. My God! you must have been in the retard class. I hope your Governor does not think that way, cause he got another thought coming. If Mr. Winfield wants to get the 15 mil. for the me...he will.

Anonymous said...

HISTORY OF "Church and politics"..

The Religious Rights a conservatives group, Newt and Pat shaped the
Republican Party off the map.

Anonymous said...

If the mayor thinks it is so bad for politics to be talked about in churches, why is he leaving money with the preachers.

Anonymous said...

Strange that you would speak so highly of a police department who wants to get rid of their chief and mayor. We have no problem with the policemen, they follow orders. It is something wrong when you have a chief who orders cover-up for the mayor's drug use and yet arrest others for the same thing. If being arrested is good for John Doe, Citizen then is is also good for laurence the mayor.

Anonymous said...

Is Mr. George M. Mithell in today's news paper endorsing the mayor the same man that the old police dept. fouled up the murder hit on his girlfriend's husband, etc.?

Anonymous said...

More hate. On God's Holy day.

Be ashamed.

I hope you all repent, lest you burn in the fires of hell along with your church membership card.

Chris Whittington said...

Leyens is running as an independent in this election. He ran as an independent in 2001 and in 2005. I don't see the republican connection.

Listen to the channel 16 report on their website. "Leyens said he is running as an independent because he believes that he should represent all people and not be aligned with a single party."

Can't say the same about Mr. Winfield.

I don't espouse either party. I am an issue-based voter. I've voted for both republicans and democrats.

The reason I support our mayor is because I know where he stands on the issues.

I can't say the same for Mr. Winfield.

Anonymous said...

Yes, unfortunately he is! strange bedfellows huh.

Anonymous said...

just wondering aloud here.

when i go to the polls on tuesday will i be harassed by members of the new black panther party?

will the president step in to pardon them or to drop the charges?

will bennie thompson's political machine try to violate my rights to vote like they have in other elections?

will i be cast as a racist for trying to vote?

just questions.

wonder if i'll be safe from attack by bennie thompson's thugs?

Anonymous said...

Robert Wms ays: Leyens is a republican who needed some democratic votes to win the elections, so he put independent next to his name. He knew he could not win in the city as a republican; at least he was smart enough to figure that one out.

Anonymous said...

What country are you from? What does Bennie Thompson have to do with this election? Are there Black Panthers other than the animal in MS? Was not aware of any other political machine, the only one I know of is Leyens political machine. Members of the Black Panthers were killed by people of your kind while sleeping in Chicago. You know yall scared of a face to face confrontation.

Anonymous said...

Watch the news. The members of the new black panther party that were in Philadelphia intimidating voters were first found guilty and then - at the behest of the Obama administration - had the charges against them dropped and were set free.

There were white men in Chicago who committed those vile acts but those white men were not "my kind."

STOP THE HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

As I am sitting here reading these post, I decided to post a comment myself regarding the comment made by JS on May 12, 2009. When is the last time you have read the Vicksburg Post and seen credit given to any officer for any arrest? Perfect example: when those juveniles were arrested for the string of robberies, the only one given credit was Chief Moffett. When in all actuality Chief Moffett probably played NO part in the actual apprehension of these juveniles. Credit should have been given to the investigators who worked tirelessly day and night to solve these crimes. WE WILL CAST OUR VOTE FOR PAUL COME TUESDAY!!!!

Anonymous said...

Benny Thompson has a lot to do with this election. Who do you think got all those Union workers here to campaign for Winfield.
The truth will come out about a lot of matters Give it time and vote for Leyens.
Leyens does not have a drug problem so move on.
Winfield bloggers keep demeaning Leyens but have yet to say what his platform is. Change is just not enough..Fire the polcie shief and unionize the city employees. what else..

Anonymous said...

Off of Winfields web site

"Attorney Winfield recieved unamious support from the Board in the last three years prior to his resignation brought on by his candidacy for mayor."

The truth is more like Winfield had to beg the Board not to fire him because he had screwed up the Issaquena Land Company lawsuit so bad as to cost the county over a quarter million dollars. Ask a supervisor in private and they might admit it.

This, and other things screwed up by Winfield, on behalf of the Board, make it so Winfield can never run for supervisor, they have shit on the man waist deep!

Worse yet, nothing the supervisors would like more than to have Winfield in as Mayor, for the same reason, they have shit on him waist deep, he will do whatever they want, he is the Boards "Boy", and thats that.

Anonymous said...

I am sure they would love Winfield as mayor. We do not need the good ole boys in the city.Can you just imagine what would happen!!

Anonymous said...


Diversity or the lack of diversity if holding the City back.

I wondered about summer programs, federal funds are available, but no one are writing the grants.

I was just told that the city did have a good grant, but the children would have to be intagrated, grant was not submited.

Is diversity the problem with the Southern Heritage?

Anonymous said...

Who in their good mind would want a man who is in and out of rehab running the city?

Vicksburg can do better.

I will do everything that I can to send you, 'fast jimmy' and Malcolm Carson to California to star in a gangster movie.

Anonymous said...

The mayor does have a drug problem. He is in and out of rehab and you know it. What are you saying, you would rather have a drug addict as mayor than to have a well educated and qualified Black man.?

Anonymous said...

Chris where are you from? Ala.

You are bringing some buried hate to town.

Education has not been your family long?

Are you a first in the family educated?

Educated people are critical thinkers.

Your only problem with Mr. Winfield is he is black. If you don't like blacks, you don't like jews either.

Anonymous said...

Breaking News

David Dukes has eased his views on jews and he will come to town to give the Leyens' team a boast.

Anonymous said...

Ms Parker, Ms Parker, is this Bettie Parker in the letter to the editor today, the same lady that the old police dept. put cuff on and sent up the road for pocketing bank money?

Both she and Mitchell want to keep Chief Moffett.

Good endorsements, Mr Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Both my husband and I supported Mayor Lyens the last two elections, but we will not be this year. We do not like the way that he gets on channel 23 and argues with Alderman Mayfield or anyone that disagrees with him... Can you say VERY VERY unprofessional? I am disgusted with all the racist comments made, this race has NOTHING to do with race. I know first hand what goes on in the police department, because I live it everyday. The public is only told half of what goes on. It has nothing to do with the “good ole boys.” We do not mind discipline, but we are adults and expect to be talked to and treated like one. I personally have grown to hate a job that I once loved because, I am not allowed to do my job like I feel it should be. It is not only the police department but the fire department also that is fed up with this current administration. Just remember that Vicksburg is more than DOWNTOWN and cast your vote Tuesday for a change... WE NEED IT

Anonymous said...

LOL@winfield whiners.

All that hatred coming from one or two people have put such an ugly face on Pauls campaign. Most people are decent, honest and want what is best for everyone. Why can't those people post for Paul instead of the racial ingorance of those couple of winfield whiners.

Anonymous said...

Selective endorsements, embezzlement, hiring a hit man, drugs, and no telling what else. I know they are happy that the old police dept is gone. Yall thought we had forgot about your crimes...we didn't.

Anonymous said...

To the police officer: I, too, am a Winfield supporter. You are correct, this election should not be about race and it is a shame that leyens supporters has made it that way.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully all of this can be put aside after the election. I am glad it's almost over so you can get back to your normal selves. I hope this behavior is not normal, is it? These anxiety attacks need to stop. Don't take your anger out on me because it does not look good for your guy. Maybe he needs the rest, 8 years is a long time. He can come back in 2017.

Anonymous said...

You are so right. There was something in the news about a new black panther party. I don't think this election would interest them. What were you trying to insinuate? or were we suppose to think it is a joke? We are not laughing.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Mr. Thompson's name would be on the ballot for mayor of Vicksburg. Why would he want this job when he is a congressman. Hello! didn't you make a mistake, Mr. Thompson has nothing to do with this election. Ok, you're saying that he is helping Mr. Winfield, now I get it, you are pissed because you THINK he is helping Mr. Winfield. Well, we are not worried about who is helping Mr. Leyens, so, why should you be so concerned about Mr. Winfield and who is helping him. I help him and so does the other 9,999 helpers. Hopefully you are as helpful to leyens.

Anonymous said...

Re: Sick Prick

Please make an appointment for Mayor Leyens, he brought the bottled up hate and ignorance
back from California. The people out there did not have him up, so he got made and trying to vent his anger here. California beat drumbs when he left.

Anonymous said...

I understand clearly what the officer is saying. If you do not bow when King Leyens enters, Chief Moffett will let you go.

Ole South.

Anonymous said...

The gulls of you mayor to make such a dumb statement in the news paper.

You really think the fine governor of the state of Mississippi thinks better of you than Winfield.

You are full of it.

Anonymous said...

Vicksburg would be in better shape today, if you had use the time in office doing mayor business, instead of snoop dog business.

Anonymous said...

When do you plan to announce in the paper "Summer Plans for the Youth" or do you plan to let 'fast jimmy'?

Do the Warings know just who 'fast jimmy' is?

Anonymous said...

I think Mayor Leyens is a great person, he reminds me of myself. I once consider becoming mayor of Vicksburg when I compared myself to our great mayor. For example: I'm a liar, he's a liar, I go to fast jimmie's, he go to fast jimmie's, I've been to marian hill, he's been to marian hill, I cheated on my wife, he's cheated on his wife, I'm a recovery drug addict, He's a recovering drug addict, I have a big head and think I know everything, he has a big head and knows nothing, I'm short and stout like a tea pot, he's short and stout like a tea pot, I go to therapy for my anger problems, he needs to go for controlling his anger, I think he is a lot like me. Actually the only difference is our last name. Same faith, but different name. hummm I'll run in the next election. How about that to the Winfield and Leyens supporters. You know it don't take much morale and qualifications to be a mayor. That is, in this great city of Vicksburg.

Anonymous said...

The level of ignorance from the Winfield whiner is, well, not surprising. They must believe no one can tell it's the same person over and over basically saying the opposite of whatever a Leyens supporter says. I have to agree, that person needs help.

Having said that a critical concern for me is Pauls affiliation with the county. The last thing we need in Vicksburg is for it to be run like the county.

Anonymous said...

I count at leat five or six winfield supporters on here and only two of leyens. Don't know how you missed that.

Anonymous said...

Nope, still haven't missed anything new since the last couple of days. Still the same old same ole. Just wondering who's turn is it now?

Anonymous said...

~~~ we go spirit ~~ yes we do ~~~ we got spirit ~~~ how bout you? ~~~

Anonymous said...

Sure you repeat joyous things; we're happy, we show it, we know it.

Anonymous said...

Winfield supporters say: If your're happy and you know it clap your hands, (clap,clap) If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp,stomp) If you're happy and you know it shout hoo-ray (hoo-ray,hoo-ray) If you're happy and you know it do all three, clap, clap, stomp, stomp, hoo-ray, hoo-ray for Winfield, Mayor of Vicksburg 2009. YEAH>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>?>

Anonymous said...

Being public enemy #1 is the loneliest place in the world. Your office employees don't want you, the city street, sewage, water & gas workers don't want you, the police department don't want you, the fire department don't want you, look around who does want You?

Anonymous said...

Voters of Vicksburg

Anonymous said...

Com'on it's not that bad. The posters for him on this blog (about two, maybe three) they want him. BOO WHO?

Anonymous said...

lol@ says: just keep it up, we will see who wants who tomorrow. Then you can join the BOO WHO?

Anonymous said...

Leyens will win!!!

Anonymous said...

Mr Winfield made huge mistakes with the handling of some of the county's legal matters This is why he is not the county attorney anymore. Hewas going to be fired or resign. So can he run ths City??. Doubtful.He did not resign to run for mayor.. he is not ready to be Mayor. maybe in another 4 years.

Anonymous said...

No, you got it all wrong poster, he is going to be mayor tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. He is ready and we are ready for him. I told you before, nobody wants him but the few of you. You Betcha!

Anonymous said...

Yes, leyens will win his way right out of city hall. We can tell yall so scared and upset about this. His time is up, it is time to go, he has kicked too many people to the curb,...while he was kicking, he forgot they vote too. Told Ya!

Anonymous said...

Now who was it that said the mayor had a drug problem. Well I can tell you that he once did but now he is a recovering addict. He is a smart businessman who has proven he can run this city. He will win.

Anonymous said...

Robert Wms says: You just said a mouthfull, Once an addict always an addict, and you are right he has proven he can "RUIN" this city. That's why my bet is on Winfield, not an addict and does not have to run the city.....He will "LEAD" this city.

Anonymous said...

You are so right, the undesireables do vote, however; will they vote for someone who looks down on them, don't want to be in their company, and definitely is offended by them? Did he campaign on the banks of the river and in the trailer parks? No, he did not...what makes you think they want him, he has treated them like other poor people in this town too. Come back with something else, you lost this one.

Anonymous said...

There's a thrill up on the hill, let's go, let's go, let's go. There's a victory party right in town, people coming from miles around,put on your Sunday best, let's go celebrate this progress, that's it, that's it, the thrill up on the hill.....Yeah >>>>>>>>>>>>for W I N F I E L D.

Anonymous said...

Poster who asked the question about Thomas and Parker, did you get an answer? Just curious..

Anonymous said...

" H E Y !!!!" Must see campaign videos:

Anonymous said...

Who is the KLANA? Media Group that produced those videos

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The you tube video's are like an advertisement for Braddock. Give me a break.

Anonymous said...

is that all you got? You can't do any better than that. I thought you had a brain, didn't know it was maimed.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about. I am referring to the comments at 2:41 pm.

Anonymous said...

Winfield & Braddock: Great comedy team!

Anonymous said...

"Hi I'm (inaudible) Braddock. I I I m gonna talkshum bot law stuff."

LOL, those are embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

Not really! it's supposed to be hilarious...I see it must be to you. Embarassing is gonna be the numbers you get tomorrow evening. You better start prayin! cause you goin need it.

Anonymous said...

What time is your victory party tomorrow night and where will it be? I have some friends coming to town and we would like to come by to congratulate you. Since practically every address in Vicksburg is your address...I guess anywhere I stop will be the right place. huh!

Anonymous said...

What's wrong, if the heat is too hot, you need to get out of the kitchen. A serious forum, uh! give me a break. Oh yeah, yall are serious about tomorrow..well what can I say,,if you got it you got it and baby "W I N F I E L D" got it. We have had our seriousness every day campaigning all over the city, we are taking a break now and just chillin? When yall goin chill?

Anonymous said...

The comment about Bennie Thompson sending people here to help Paul, if that is so, then who sent people here to help leyens?

Anonymous said...

I think a pair of florescent orange pants would look great with that pink tie and yellow jacket. It might clash with them highlights though.

Anonymous said...

To Leyens supporters: It has been nice chatting with you and teaching history 101. It is now time for the bell to ring and school is now officially over. Have a nice summer vacation, you deserve it.

Robert (Bob) Williams, PhD
BSU (Bull Shit University)

Chris Whittington said...

Today is the day.

Everyone who has a voice should raise it to the top of their lungs.

Too many men and women have paid too high a price to ensure that we have that right.

I ask that all of you who step inside the curtain put aside the pettyness of the politics and rhetoric and look at the results that are all around you before you cast your vote. If you are able to rise above all that, I am sure you will cast your vote for Leyens.

But... as long as you are casting a vote and excersizing your rights as an American... that's good by me.

May the best man win, and at the end of the day may we ALL be 100% behind our mayor. Vicksburg needs some togetherness!

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Parker, shame on you, while you were out of commission, it was fire fighter Jimmy Gibbs, the lone survival of the gas explosion, 1974; who hit the pavement for retiree raises. Along with the help of Mrs. Young, and Representive Flagg the effort moved forward. You came in at the end of the process.

The mayor was just the signing sitting mayor.

No Whines, just facts.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Chris.

I had missed your class: Mississippi Hate 101

Time to Vote said...

I see nothing has changed. Winfield whiners say the opposite of whatever the Leyens person says. Winfield whiners continue to make hate filled and factually deficient statements.

Today, right now the polls are open. How about the one or two winfield whiners go vote for your man and give your hate filled, slanderous minds a little rest.

May the best man win.

May the winfield whiners seek forgiveness.

Anonymous said...

Why when it is a fact, it is whining? Mayor, you want credit for everything, next you will say you won the civil war.

When did the word "facts" become synonymouswith "whine"?

Check the semantics of words, if you want to become an educated communicator.

Also, 'inferences' when making statements like " come and get their "checks,"

Anonymous said...

Wrong; Wrong; we do not say the opposite, get it right, WE SAY THE OBVIOUS. It is obvious that "Winfield" will be the next mayor.
Seems to me that the whiners were you guys, we stated facts, you stated trash. It is also obvious that you are racist, hateful, and mentally challenged. Just admit: We had come back and you had no back.

Anonymous said...

Leyens is picked to win again and this time around he is going to kick butt big time. All the police will be fired, the firefighters will be fired, his office workers, with the exception of one, will be fired, he would fire Mr. Mayfield, but he can't. Oh yes! please do not have water, gas, or sewage problems soon because he will be in process of hiring a new crew; he's firing the old one. Chris, I think he will keep you cause you have been faithfull to him and committed to helping him fire all these people. You know, he knows they did not vote for him and that is get fired. Chris, I thought you said you were a christian, Why would you help him fire all these workers?

Curious said...

Same old stuff from the whiners. Continue your hate. Continue your lies. WE will know tonight the results of this election. The Leyens supporters will surely try to heal and come together for the benefit of the community. The question is will the Winfield camp go with the will of the electorate or will you continue this hatred?

Stated a little more clearly - if your man loses will you let go of this hatred?

Anonymous said...

Tell me the lines are really long at the auditorium, kings, and the american legion...Who does that look good for? Yes, they got six vans, rv's, trucks and cars coming in with loads of people. I think I'm gonna go hang out to be witness to some of this, I want to see what's happening at St. Al, and the pipefitters. It's a done deal!

Anonymous said...

Hatred is wrong in any form. It is very disappointing to see so much hatred and misinformation from the Winfield campaigners on this site. I have to agree with the observations made by many people now that the Winfield team seems to say the opposite of whatever is said by the Leyens campaigners here. The hateful comments have come from both sides but by far the Winfield team has posted the most. Divisive hate filled commentary serves no one and actually serves to hurt those who choose to use that method. It comes down to treat other people the way you wish to be treated. Deviating from the Golden Rule never works in the long run.

Anonymous said...

Early turnout is low to medium. Not good for Winfield.

Anonymous said...

Your misconceptions has gotten the best of you. It was you and people like you who introduced divisiveness, hate, and racism into this community in the first place. Black and White water fountains, did you think your water would be a different color? black and white sides of a restaurant when black people was cooking all the food anyway. You were too fed up with hatred to know exactly what you were eating,(roaches,rat turds,spit, and whatever else) especially when you were rude to the cooks.
black and white schools, the white got the new books and the coloreds got the old ones. Did't keep up back though; We are accustomed to doing the best with what we have and making it to the top..we are accustomed to your kind of hatred and racism. We know that when you think you are being nice, you are really stabbing us in the back. So don't tell me about invented it.

Anonymous said...

Man, you have a sick mind! I hope your hatred isn't spread among others of either race.

It Wasn't Me said...

Wrong is wrong my friend. What was wrong then is wrong now. The things you mention are horrific, for someone of my age it is inconceivable we had that kind of treatment of anyone in America.

I do not treat people that way, I am not the enemy. The enemy then, as now, is hatred because of skin color or appearance. We have come so far, look to Washington DC and the White House, a man with an African father, named Barrack Hussein Obama sits there.

I beg of you to let go of your hatred. It serves no one but those who have evil intent. Never let go of those memories, make sure our children know this happened in American. Make sure our children never let it happen again.

What was wrong then is wrong now, let go of the hatred.

Anonymous said...

And vote for Leyens!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why are you blaming me? I am as at fault as you are.

Hate is wrong in any form, let it go and move forward.

Anonymous said...

We know that you did not do any of these things and in some instances things have changed, we still have a long way to go. I was a part of the civil rights movement here in has changed somewhat; however, there is still that mentality among some of you. We, as a race, have never hated..our hearts are to big for that. We have never been racist could not be because the atrocitites were placed upon us. No, we will never forget, I have bought books, cited experiences, and taught my children all about the struggle to be treated as humans and not mistreated because of the color of my skin. My Great, Great Uncle was lynched because he did not hold his head down when approaching a white woman on the street. How cruel is that? Yes, my children and grandchildren know all about it. No, I cannot and will not forget. I have forgiven but not forgotten.

Anonymous said...

Good. Always remember, it is the only way to ensure it never happens again.

Anonymous said...

The only thing holding anyone back in America is them. Take personal responsibility for your life, do the right and moral thing in all situations, excel at what you do and be pleasant to work with.

It's that easy.

Anonymous said...

I will look that up, I had no idea so much happened in Warren County. I have lived here all my life and I know that some of my ancestors may have participated. I ask your forgiveness for them. I was born in the 70's, went to school with Blacks and never considered them to be any different than me. Just thought I would make a comment. Thanks for the incite.

Anonymous said...

I just toured four different precincts. No one but the workers at 2 of them, 1 voter at one and two voters at the last.

Not good for Paul winfield.

Anonymous said...

Double jeopardy, if it is that low...hey it ain't good for leyens too. I am going to cast my vote right now along with a group from my church. That should pick up the pace.

How very sad said...

On the lynchings in sad we had even one lynching in America, let alone any in Vicksburg. It is important to note the above poster is not accurate in their numbers. Vicksburg endured 10 lynchings from 1865-1965. 5 of those were prior to 1900 and the remaining five were from 1901 - 1931, with none occurring during the 1920's.

Here is my site reference:

Please review this very sad part of our American history. In my opinion one lynching is enough for eternal outrage but I felt compelled to offer accurate information on this horrible part of our American history.

Anonymous said...

Just got a call, at 9:00 a.m. more people than voted in the primary had already voted at the auditorium. At kings the turnout is heavier than in the primary. The american legion and St. Al are experiencing the same kind of turnout. Just think what it is going to be like when people get off from work. Gotta go take the poll workers some food.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but the historic facts do not agree with your statements.

Anonymous said...

It would behoove the hate filled person posting those accurate numbers to site reference sources so they can be verified.

It has been the same on this thread since the beginning. The winfield whiners post outrageous claims that are not verifiable.

May you be forgiven. may the best man win.

Anonymous said...

the best man will win Leyens.. Winfield should be ashamed of his supporters. I am sure all are not so hate filled, which is a good thing.
I did not see lines in front of the auditorium or other precincts.

Anonymous said...

The paper has also reported turnout is much lower that expected. Not a good indicator for Winfield.

Kings= 10 votes the first hour.

Winfield whiners. all talk....all hate filled talk.

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