Monday, May 11, 2009


Attorney Paul Winfield's victory in the Democratic primary placed him in a one-on-one matchup in the race for mayor against incumbent Mayor Laurence Leyens. The general election is slated for June 2.

Mayor LaurenceLeyens:

Attorney Paul WinfieldWinfield:


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Anonymous said...

Pull up the recorded meetings with the old retirees and the mayor and board of aldermen....It is clearly Mrs. Parker who went to bat and spoke for the retirees for every single dime they have gotten. You won't fine a finer women in this town. She does for anyone, black or white, that needs help. True she had troubles more than 20 years ago, but who here would not attempt to keep their child out of trouble? Shame on anyone that judges her for that... Best be careful or you will someday walk in those very shoes!

Anonymous said...

It really is sad that you don't want the atrocities that were done talked about, that's why it is not in the history books. You are proud of your ancestors for their crimes against Blacks, the very reason that you continue with all the hate. As I said before, you invented it and you of all people know how to use it. Just be careful, next time you hate on the cook at your house....never know what you are eating do you?

Anonymous said...

Not hate>>>>I call it resentment. See you hate because that is what you have been taught at home, in the church, in your community and at your schools. The white preacheers taught hate from the pulpit. They would lynch on Sat nite and preach to yall on Sun. Leave church and go lynch again. You have heard the saying, the apple does not fall too far from the tree. Really true huh!

Anonymous said...

Hate! Hate! Hate! We know you hate because there is a 55% chance you will lose this election. You, know yall can't stand losing and especially to a person of color. Highly pisses you off. So you sing hate, hate, hate,..your people did the same thing in the 60's, everytime they thought someone of color may advance they cried trouble maker bringing hate in our community, same thing they said when the civil rights workers came to MS...this is the year 2009 and yall still singing the same old song. Is that the best you can do? Is that all you got?

You're a Joke said...

wow, that one person (the main winfield whiner) really makes Vicksburg, African Americans and Paul Winfield look bad. Does he/she represent you?

Anonymous said...

Apparently, it is all you got since you don't have a new song to dance to. Hate began with your kind and hate will end with you..we know you can't help it, you were born with it, it is your life, you live it daily.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know one thing... Does Paul Winfield feel the same way about the white race as you do?

Anonymous said...

I do not have any ill feelings towards you or any of your people. I am just tired of you saying that we are spewing hate. Just wanted you to realize where the hate began. We are good hearted people with open minds. We have put the past aside and looking towards the future; however, when you (meaning whites in general)make false accusations such as you have been, we take offense because it seems that you are trying to repeat the past. As you know, that is if you are honest, Mr. Winfield is a kind, gentle, and caring person. He does not see color, he sees and accepts all people for who they are. Frankly, I do too.

Anonymous said...

Winfield Supporter says: The past cannot be changed, we live to make tommorrow better and in order to do that we all must come together hand in hand, in unity, to verify that our future and the future of all of our children will be better. Bitterness towards one another will not make our community safer, our schools better, and our children's dreams materialize. Focus on the election should not be about race or hate for your candidate or mine. Who ever wins this election should expect and receive the cooperation and respect from all of Vicksburg. The example we set today will give our children hope for tommorrow. I never intended to offend you or your race and I hope you did not intentionally mean to offend mine

Anonymous said...

Eight years of pure hell is about to come to an end!

Anonymous said...

The best MAN lost and the thug won.

Vicksburg is screwed. In 2 years, this once wondrous city will look much like Port Gibson does now.

AT said...

Well, out with the lumpy little guy and in with someone who really cares about trying to make the WHOLE city worth while. Congratulations Paul Winfield.

Anonymous said...

I was never a fan of Leyens, but I do appreciate some of the good things he did. Hopefully Winfield can build on the good and drop the bad. I expect Leyens supporters to get behind the new mayor. Hopefully they will.

Anonymous said...

Public enemy # 1 has been released from city hall, he can now take those street trees with him. Public enemy #2 has been released from the police department and on his way back to the coast. Public enemy # 3 has been released of her duties as city court judge. She can go wherever the hell she wants. Finally, the city hall staff, city street, water, gas and sewage staff, police and fire department can breathe a breadth of fresh air. All three of the public enemies are gone.

Anonymous said...

It's a new day.

When God is in charge, things do happen.

This election was for all God's children.
Shame on you Leyens corrupting the youth having hold signs saying "for our future"

Yes, a clean city is for their furture.

Corruption in this town has destroyed all our children.

Thanks, again Mr. Allred, I have enjoyed
"debating" the former mayor on this site.

I communicated same, to all who were concerned.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Parker, being the white lady did present that day at the meeting, but she was long out of it when the push to increase the retiree raises.

Please trust me.

Anonymous said...

Politics 101 says: Signs don't vote and money don't win elections. That's why you made "F" on the final exam.

Anonymous said...

Leyens whiners still don't have any come back, matter of fact they don't have any back. See I told yall: you can not walk and chew gum at the same time; you can not think on your feet; you can not sing, you cannot dance, you can not can not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we call it multi-tasking.

Anonymous said...

The thug comment, was justified because he is:

Yes he is all that and more. Thank you for reminding us. Appreciate your concern.

Anonymous said...

Moffett is turning his resignation today or tomorrow effective June 30 because he knows he is FIRED!!!!!!!Malcolm is relieved that it's over so he can pull in the $$$$$$ for all the property that is in his name..he ain't gonna give it to you ya know. I told you there is no honor among thieves. Fast Jimmie can pack up his shit too because we goin be on him like white on rice...he is done in this town. too girlfriend..get to trottin.

Anonymous said...

I don't need to trust anything regarding the retires and Mrs. Parker. I know the facts and Mrs. Parker is the one that made sure the bill got through the Legislature and she is the person that deserves the credit for making this happen and it disgusts me that anyone else would try and take the credit. That is why all the retires honored her with a lunch to thank her for her hard work. That’s right, they honored Mrs. Parker and only Mrs. Parker, so they know she is the one that is responsible and those are the facts!

Anonymous said...

Good !!they did not give her any money to embezzle. Well, the peas were already cookin on the stove and she just turned up the heat. Good for her. Through with that. Let's get back to that landslide win last evening. Wasn't that a real blowout....Wow!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Alred thanks for the tremendous opportunity you gave when allowing usage of this website. As a Winfield supporter, I gained much knowledge about fellow Vicksburgers; you can tell who a person is just by listening (this case reading) to his conversation. As the saying goes; I don't know you until you open your mouth; then I can tell where you come from and possibly where you are going. It's been a pleasure, Thanks Again.

Anonymous said...

I would like to Congratulate Mayor-elect Paul Winfield. I followed this election closely and can say, he ran a clean, honest campaign. I was a Leyens supporter because of his experience and the good things he has done for the city. He had his ways, which attributed to his downfall, I do know, he tried to do what he thought was right; sometimes you have to put yourself in the other fellas shoes, step back and pay attention. He failed to do so. Again, Congratulations to Mr. Winfield and the Winfield Supporters, you hung in there for your candidate, I like that kind of committment.

Anonymous said...

Tell me leyens, fast jimmie, and malcolm tied one on last night. I hope no one is in rehab this morning.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Mr. Winfield on his convincing win. As the person who coined the phrase 'winfield whiners' my hats off to you.

Now may we all work together for the betterment of Vicksburg under our new Mayor, Mayor Paul Winfield.


Ditto, congratulations to our new mayor. Thanks to all of you who participated in what was one of the liveliest discussions ever on Vicksburg Speaks. Please continue to make your opinions known, both here, and in your Letters-to-the-Editor.

Anonymous said...

is this thread locked???

malcolm allred said...

No. Comment all you want.

Anonymous said...

This is addressing the statement about a THUG in office, Thank you so much for the compliment. You are more than right about Paul Winfield. He is T-Trustworthy, H-Humble, U-Unique, G-Genuine. I'm glad you notice the way he carries himself in such a gentleman manner. He's articulate, dresses well, down to earth smart guy. By the way, if Port Gibson looks so bad to you why don't you go and dig up "Grant" he stated that "Portgibson was too beautiful to burn". Tell Grant he can burn it now.....based on your opinion. See how far his response will get you!!!!!!lol

Anonymous said...

I hope the new Chief will ride 'fast jimmy' like Roy Roger rode Trigger.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Allred.
I can not thank you enough. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

All of these ill spoken comment, is a sign of illness for all. If you would read 1Timothy 2:1-4, "Praying for government, Romans 16:23, "City director of public works", Romans 13:1-7:Titus 3:1, Hebrews 13:17:, "Submission to authorities". If all of you would stop looking to man or woman for what you want and pray to the creator for guidance of the right person for leadership, He will give you the correct and, may or may not be the answer you want, but it will be the right one. I did pray and in my spirit, I receive the answer of Mr. Paul Winfield, was needed here for Vicksburg, MS. With all the pros and cons. I heard on Leyens and Winfield, I did not listen to. But, what say the Lord. Read also, 2 Sam. 8:15, "Fairness to all", 1 Sam. 24:1-11;26:9-10
"Respect for Disliked Leaders", Proverbs 29:2 "Good-Bad government". He can not pleased everyone, "Jesus Christ could not do it and he is not greater than Him. The people has spoken, so let's just help to make Vicksburg, MS a better city and do our share in helping it to get right. All the slander of Mayor Paul Winfield is not going to stop him from his job as he see fit. So, Pray for protection over all our elective officials and their families. Go look at the town that was call "Sugar-Ditch", they did not let the small town down, they worked together and is better than our area now. Do some research on other small towns, you will be supprise of how they pulled together, blacks, whites, blue and green on what did, once they put aside the hatred behind them. I love Vicksburg, MS and I pray that we will grow for the better.

Anonymous said...

Amen, Brother

Anonymous said...

Put God first, and all the hatemongers will retreat.
Vicksburg is one beautiful little city. We can look forward to the city flourishing once again.

Ask: "What can I do to make this happen?"

Remember to support our new mayor.

Anonymous said...

Government 101

A mayor-council city government consists of a mayor and a number of council members or aldermen. The mayor is elected at large, and the aldermen may be elected at large but generally are chosen from wards or aldermanic districts. The mayor presides at council meetings and is the chief executive officer of the city. He is properly the head of the police force and the budgetary officer of the city. The council is the legislative agent; the proposals and appointments of the mayor are or may be subject to its approval.

Mayfield, your position is not the same as the mayor. Get in your place and stay. There is room enough for you to be a good citizen.

Do you remember that Mayor Leyens had three votes?

Mayor Winfield, like Mayor Leyens, (when he selected Moffett), do not have any thing personally against the present Chief of Police, however, he and over 60% of the citizens of Vicksburg want a chief who can solve:
 The “Cold Cases.”
 Drugs
 Teen Crimes, etc.

It is so sad that the former Mayor is still usi
ng Michael and Sid to sabotage city government.
Shame on you Leyens, get a life.

It was clear when Mayfield used the Wizard of Oz parody, that he was in someone's pocket. Come clean Mayfield. Have you heard of malfeasance?

Where was your voice and wisdom when you were a supervisor, and when Mayor Leyens was mayor?

You sat silently as if you were Silent Sam.

Now, you want to play King Fish. You should be ashame of your self.

Anonymous said...

I agree.

Anonymous said...

Someone please tell Mr. Mayfield that he is not the mayor. He represents only half of the city.

The mayor represents the city.

The city is watching. Stop whispering and writing notes, this is disruptive and so un-necessary.

Anonymous said...

I agree, where was this knowledge when he was a supervisor and when he was silent with Mayor Leyens.

Mayor Leyens even made fun of his voice.

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