Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Winfield, Mayfield & Beauman: Vicksburg's new leaders

Our new mayor and aldermen have been sworn in, and have held their first official meeting. What's your impression so far? Any predictions?


Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard the outcome of Friday's board meeting?

Anonymous said...

Moffett is out do nto know of the other voted in or out

Anonymous said...

I emailed Mr Mayfield twice in the past week to voice my concern about changes the new mayor was wanting to make. I had no response from him at all. None. I decided to email Mr Beauman even though I am not in his ward, he did respond the smae day. I appreciated his time very much. Many people who emailed Mr Mayfield went unacknowledge!! Perhaps he was only listening to people who agrees with the new mayor and ignoring those of us who had something different to say..That did not agree and wanting more consideration before ousting good people who had worked hard for our city.
I kept hearing the word CHANGE which now after our new presidient scares the hell out of me..
I think Mayor Winfield and Alderman Mayfield have a political agenda set and will do whatever to keep it moving thier way. It is like the good ole boy way. or the democratic way.
We only find out after the election that mayor is keeping his job in Port Gibson. How can this be. I think it is a serious conflict of interest and mayoring is suppose to be a full time job. By the way Winfield and Mayfield are cousins, yep, many did not know this during the election. Seems ethics could be questioned..
I doubt Sid Beauman will get very far trying to do the right thing. he will be out voted every time. Family ties, blood is thicker than water.
I feel that Winfield had political promises to fill at other peoples expense. This is just a stepping stone for him. Don't get me wrong Winfield is a nice guy , but we have all seen what political game playing will do to one..
I am upset that people did not get out and vote. Shame on you.
Now sice cold cases and teen crime were two topics that some people were upset about under the old administration, I am waiting to see what the new chief is going to do. Stop teen crime solve cold cases??? i am not even sure that a highway patrolman is qualified to be police chief. Of course you know he is from Port Gibson!!!
Did the mayor keep Nancy Thomas on. . I hope he did. Smart attorney and did a damn good job.

Anonymous said...

So what if Mayor Winfield and Alderman Mayfield are cousins? What the heck does that have to do wih the price of tea in china? i dont think YOU or the likes of YOU had much to say when Leyens was running around town stealing property...he might as well been a realtor on the side, since you have a problem with the Mayor keeping his very part time job in PG. and as far Moffett AND Langford goes...they are both full of crap and just as corrupt as the day is long... I think our new Mayor will do a beautiful job and get this City moving a positive direction that will benefit both sides of the fence. GOD BLESS YOU MAYOR WINFIELD AND ALDERMAN MAYFIELD. I KNOW YOU WILL DO THE RIGHT THING.

Anonymous said...

So wuz the big deal about Mayor Winfield keeping his PART time job as the attorney for Port Gibson? Leyons was the one who came in 8 years ago and proclaimed his position to be a part time job! At least the current mayor has the ability to inform his constiuients that he is working another job. He has not failed to disclose that. While, the previous mayor not only hid other work he made money from, but his drug habits as well. He wasn't accessible nor approachable. Let's give Mayor Winfield a chance. That's all any of us ever seek is a chance to prove that we can do the job. Stop being ignorant and face the facts. Every political office has an agenda. DUH!! If not, the office wouldn't know what direction to go in. Consider yourself punk'd. Get a life.

Anonymous said...

Do we really need an economical developer and the other two new positions in the works?

Anonymous said...

Winfield must be taking his cue from your President Osama. Osama has appointed about 40 Czars; Winfield three and counting.